Top 100 Catholic RSS Feeds
Catholic RSS Feeds
Here are 100 Best Catholic RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Catholic News Agency RSS Feed
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Founded in continued response to Pope John Paul II's call for a 'New Evangelization,' the Catholic News Agency (CNA) is a daily news source with global coverage of the Catholic Church. Reports from the Vatican, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Central and Latin America. CNA strives to provide free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father.MORE Facebook Followers 2.4MTwitter Followers 445.3KInstagram Followers 537.9K Since Mar 2013 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. National Catholic Register RSS Feed
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Breaking News, Analysis, and Blogs from the National Catholic Register. Our mission is to provide a perspective on the news of the day as seen through the eyes of the Magisterium. We assist Catholics in engaging the culture with confidence in the saving and sanctifying Gospel of Jesus Christ.MORE Facebook Followers 606KTwitter Followers 174.6KInstagram Followers 94.9K
3. EWTN News RSS Feed
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Eternal Word Television Network is dedicated to teaching the truth as defined by the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. In keeping with the Holy Father's call for a New Evangelization, EWTN's mission is to communicate the teachings of the Catholic Church and to help people grow in their love and understanding of God and His infinite mercy.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5MTwitter Followers 283.4K
4. National Catholic Reporter RSS Feed
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National Catholic Reporter: Bringing you independent reporting on the Catholic church and justice issues. NCR connects Catholics to church, faith and the common good with independent news, analysis and spiritual reflection.MORE Facebook Followers 280KTwitter Followers 54.6KInstagram Followers 10.5K
5. Integrated Catholic Life RSS Feed
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A Catholic e-Magazine about Integrating Faith, Family & Work. Helping you to live your faith at home, work and in the public square.
Facebook Followers 687.7KTwitter Followers 7.7K Since Mar 2010
6. Catholic Exchange RSS Feed
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Catholic Exchange is a comprehensive blog that serves as a rich resource for those seeking to deepen their Catholic faith and integrate it into their daily lives. The blog offers a diverse range of articles, including reflections on scripture, teachings of the Church, and insights on living a life grounded in Catholic values. It addresses both spiritual and practical aspects of faith, providing guidance on prayer, sacraments, and the challenges of modern life...MORE Facebook Followers 366.2KTwitter Followers 26.7K
7. Crux RSS Feed
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Crux is a leading source for Catholic news, offering in-depth analysis and coverage of Church-related topics from around the world. The platform delves into papal activities, theological debates, and global socio-political issues affecting the Catholic Church, while also addressing themes of faith, ethics, and human rights...MORE Facebook Followers 164.5KTwitter Followers 41.4K
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Zenit offers global news coverage from a distinctly Catholic perspective, focusing on key religious events, papal announcements, and the Church's role in addressing contemporary issues. With a strong emphasis on Vatican activities and global Catholic initiatives, Zenit highlights spiritual reflections, social justice efforts, and the importance of faith in public life...MORE Facebook Followers 215.3KTwitter Followers 12.5KInstagram Followers 55.9K
9. Catholic Herald RSS Feed
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The Catholic Herald stands as a prestigious publication offering insightful commentary on faith, culture, and global Church affairs. Known for defending traditional Catholic values, it delivers in-depth analyses on theological matters, the papacy, and socio-political challenges impacting the Church and society. With a rich history dating back to 1888, it combines rigorous journalism with spiritual reflections, addressing contemporary issues from a Catholic worldview...MORE Facebook Followers 66.5KTwitter Followers 94.7K Since Feb 2003
10. The Scot Smith Blog RSS Feed
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Hey, my name is Scott Smith. I'm a Catholic attorney, author, and theologian. First and foremost, this is about you. How can I help you? I am an author and speaker that helps faithful Catholics understand the richness of the Faith, so they can light the world on fire, starting with their own friends and families.MORE Facebook Followers 598Twitter Followers 10KInstagram Followers 2.1K
11. The Shield of Faith RSS Feed
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The Shield of Faith blog covers a wide range of topics related to Christian theology, including the Trinity, the nature of God, and the relationship between God and humanity. The blog is a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about Christian theology.MORE
12. Church Life Journal RSS Feed
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Church Life Journal is published by the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. The McGrath Institute for Church Life partners with Catholic dioceses, parishes and schools to address pastoral challenges with theological depth and rigor.MORE Facebook Followers 17.8KTwitter Followers 7.1KInstagram Followers 1.8K
13. Always Catholic RSS Feed
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Once a Catholic is always a Catholic...and always a Catholic is forever a Catholic.
Facebook Followers 5.6KTwitter Followers 765 Since Mar 2010
14. America Magazine RSS Feed
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America Magazine is a leading Jesuit publication that explores the intersection of faith, politics, and culture from a Catholic perspective. It offers thought-provoking commentary on theological issues, the role of the Church in modern society, and pressing global concerns. With its commitment to social justice, the magazine covers topics such as immigration, racial justice, and economic inequality, while also reflecting on spirituality, ethics, and religious practices...MORE Facebook Followers 113.8KTwitter Followers 77.5K
15. Fr. Z's Blog RSS Feed
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Fr. Z's Blog brings you clear, straight commentary on Catholic issues, liturgy and life. Fr. John Zuhlsdorfo tries to point his discussions back to what it is to be Catholic in this increasingly difficult age, to love God, and how to get to heaven.MORE Facebook Followers 6.3KTwitter Followers 52.1K Since Dec 2005
16. Catholic Culture RSS Feed
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Catholic Culture serves as a rich resource for Catholics seeking to deepen their understanding of faith and its practical applications in daily life. The platform offers news, commentary, and educational materials on a wide range of topics, including Church teachings, liturgical practices, and moral theology. With an emphasis on fidelity to Catholic doctrine, it provides insights into both historical and contemporary issues facing the Church...MORE Facebook Followers 18.3KTwitter Followers 3.9K
17. CRS RSS Feed
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Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Catholic Relief Services is a humanitarian aid organization that helps the poor and vulnerable overseas by responding to major emergencies, fighting disease and poverty, and nurturing peaceful and just societies.MORE Facebook Followers 442.1KTwitter Followers 86KInstagram Followers 34.6K
18. Crisis Magazine RSS Feed
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Crisis Magazine explores and articulates the subjects of politics, business, culture, faith, and family life from a Catholic perspective. Our mission is three-fold: To equip Catholics with the life- and culture-renewing wisdom of our ancient faith. To engage and evangelize non-Catholics of goodwill. To defend the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.MORE Facebook Followers 32.4KTwitter Followers 21.4K
19. OnePeterFive - Rebuilding Catholic Culture. Restoring Catholic Tradition. RSS Feed
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OnePeterFive exists as a place to begin rebuilding the Catholic ethos. We're not just here to zero in on the problems, but to offer concrete solutions. We want to restore Catholic culture, rebuild the Church as a patron of the arts, reinvigorate the family and the traditions that keep it strong, reform the liturgy, support vocations, dust off the old devotions and make them relevant again.MORE Facebook Followers 24.1KTwitter Followers 29.9K Since Aug 2014
20. Catholic World Report RSS Feed
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Catholic World Report offers in-depth coverage of global Church news, theology, and cultural issues from a Catholic perspective. The platform features analysis on religious developments, Vatican pronouncements, and key global events, while also examining the intersection of faith, politics, and contemporary social challenges. Through thoughtful commentary, interviews, and special reports, Catholic World Report engages readers with a focus on both spiritual matters and the practical implications of Catholic teachings in modern society...MORE Facebook Followers 29.1KTwitter Followers 10.5K
21. The Catholic Thing RSS Feed
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The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary.
Facebook Followers 22.5KTwitter Followers 21.3K Since Jun 2008
22. CatholicVote RSS Feed
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The mission of CatholicVote is to educate and inspire Americans of all faiths to prioritize the issues of life, faith, and family.
Facebook Followers 277.6KTwitter Followers 47.6KInstagram Followers 139.7K Since Jan 2013
23. US Catholic Magazine RSS Feed
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U.S. Catholic is a vibrant and thoughtful magazine that has been a voice for the Catholic community since 1935. Published by the Claretian Missionaries, it offers a forum for discussion on a broad range of topics within the context of faith and everyday life, emphasizing social justice and the application of Catholic wisdom to modern challenges. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council, the magazine seeks to engage both practicing and disillusioned Catholics, fostering a deeper understanding and reflection on their faith.MORE Facebook Followers 15.4KTwitter Followers 47.9KInstagram Followers 2.5K
24. St. Paul Center Blog RSS Feed
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The St. Paul Center is a non-profit research and educational institute that promotes life-transforming Scripture study in the Catholic tradition.
Facebook Followers 1.5MTwitter Followers 6.4KInstagram Followers 69.7K Since Oct 2008
25. Archdiocese of Washington RSS Feed
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Welcome to the Community in Mission blog of the Archdiocese of Washington. We invite you to use this blog as a means to reinvigorate your faith and invite others to reconnect and rediscover Christ. We encourage you to share your favorite posts on your social media platforms and continue the discussion with your friends and family.MORE Facebook Followers 60.4KTwitter Followers 24.3K Since Feb 2009
26. Catholic Education Resource Center RSS Feed
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Catholic Education Resource Center is educating a broad range of Catholics and enquiring non-Catholics about the positive role the Catholic Church has played and continues to play in the world. In addition, CERC has become a clearinghouse for the best well-reasoned responses to the secular culture's widespread assaults on and misunderstandings of the Catholic faith.MORE Twitter Followers 12.3K
27. EpicPew RSS Feed
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The #1 source for Catholic humor, news, quizzes, videos and more fun.
Facebook Followers 20.8KTwitter Followers 2.4K
28. Ave Maria Press RSS Feed
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Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators. We offer Catholic high school religion textbooks, ministry resources, and books on prayer and spirituality.
Facebook Followers 15.8KTwitter Followers 22.6KInstagram Followers 28.2K Since Nov 2006
29. The Catholic Weekly RSS Feed
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The Catholic Weekly, established in 1850 and currently led by Editor Adam Wesselinoff, is a prominent publication committed to delivering Catholic news and perspectives. Serving the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, it covers a wide range of topics from local parish news to global Church events. With a mission to inform, engage, and inspire, the magazine highlights the impactful ways Catholic communities make Jesus Christ known. It offers both print and digital content to cater to a broad audience of faithful readers.MORE Facebook Followers 22.2KTwitter Followers 3.5K
30. New Liturgical Movement RSS Feed
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The mission of the NLM apostolate is the non-polemical study and discussion of the Sacred Liturgy; the study and promotion of the reform of the reform as well as a wider celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite.MORE Facebook Followers 20.6K Since Aug 2005
31. Archdiocese of New York RSS Feed
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Our mission is to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spreading the love of God made visible in Jesus Christ to today's men, women and children.
Facebook Followers 18.9KTwitter Followers 22KInstagram Followers 41.4K
32. The Catholic Register RSS Feed
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The Catholic Register is a respected Canadian publication offering extensive coverage of Catholic news, both domestic and international. It provides insightful commentary on key religious and social issues, ranging from Church teachings and papal addresses to discussions on ethics, social justice, and the moral challenges of the modern world. With a blend of faith-based articles, spiritual reflections, and cultural critiques, the publication caters to Catholics seeking to integrate their beliefs into everyday life while staying informed about developments within the Church and broader society.MORE Facebook Followers 8.6KTwitter Followers 12.2KInstagram Followers 2.2K
33. Novena Prayer Blog RSS Feed
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We started Novena Prayer in 2016 with the sole intention of healing people through the power of Novena Prayers. You will find Marian Novena's, Saint Novena's, Sacred Heart of Jesus Novenas, as well as other individually crafted Novena's that are popular and powerful with other Catholics all over the world.MORE Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 11.7KInstagram Followers 9.2K
34. Novus Ordo Watch » Unmasking the Modernist Vatican II Church RSS Feed
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Most of the content on the Novus Ordo Watch web site focuses on demonstrating how the teachings and practices of the Vatican II Sect differ essentially that is, not merely in accidentals but in substance from those of the Roman Catholic Church and contradict them.MORE Facebook Followers 13.3KTwitter Followers 22.7K Since Feb 2013
35. Virgo Sacrata RSS Feed
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Virgo Sacrata is a Traditional Catholic Resource and Rosary Maker of Handmade Rosaries, Chaplets, and Sacred Art Christian Jewelry Gift Shop.
36. Catholic Digest RSS Feed
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Catholic Digest is America's most popular Catholic magazine. For over 75 years, Catholic Digest connects with readers through personal stories of triumphs and struggles, joys and challenges, and also the lighter side of Catholic living.MORE Facebook Followers 14.6KTwitter Followers 28.3K
37. The Catholic League RSS Feed
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The Catholic League is the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization; works to safeguard the religious freedom rights and free speech of Catholics. When Catholics are the victims of a bigoted portrayal by the media, the Catholic League issues news releases bringing the matter to the attention of the public.MORE Facebook Followers 35.7KTwitter Followers 8.4K Since Jan 1995
38. Catholic Apostolate Center Blog RSS Feed
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The Catholic Apostolate Center, a ministry of the Society of the Catholic Apostolate, was founded in 2011 to respond to the needs of the Church. Developing, in collaboration with dioceses and other institutions and organizations, formation programs for the New Evangelization. Assisting pastoral ministers in deepening collaboration with one another and more.MORE Facebook Followers 8Twitter Followers 4.8KInstagram Followers 7.9K Since Nov 2011
39. Diocese of Bridgeport RSS Feed
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This blog gives information about the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport CT, led by Bishop Frank Joseph Caggiano.
Facebook Followers 12.1KTwitter Followers 5.5K
40. The American Catholic - Politics & Culture from a Catholic Perspective RSS Feed
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The American Catholic is an online community of Christians, motivated by a rich heritage of Catholic spiritual and intellectual tradition, seeking to engage American society and culture in pursuit of the common good.MORE Twitter Followers 3.2K Since Oct 2008
41. Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter RSS Feed
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The Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) is a clerical Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, canonically erected by Pope St. John Paul II in 1988. Their priests serve in apostolates across the world, with the faithful celebration of the traditional Mass and Sacraments (Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) at the center of their charism.MORE Facebook Followers 17.4K
42. Catholic Arena RSS Feed
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Catholic Arena humbly devote ourselves to serving the Church. We strive to tell the truth about current events and debates, offering a place where people can see important events from an authentically Catholic viewpoint.MORE Facebook Followers 51.2KTwitter Followers 18KInstagram Followers 9.6K Since Dec 2020
43. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website (Light of Catholics in Asia) is a platform dedicated to reporting on the Catholic Church's actions across Asia, particularly focusing on issues of social justice, human rights, and the environment. It offers insightful coverage of religious events, papal messages, and grassroots Church initiatives aimed at helping marginalized communities. The site emphasizes the Church's role in addressing critical challenges such as climate change, poverty, and inequality, while also fostering a dialogue about faith, spirituality, and social responsibility within the Asian context.MORE Facebook Followers 11KTwitter Followers 7.7KInstagram Followers 302
44. AKA Catholic RSS Feed
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AKA Catholic thrives on the belief that everyone privileged with a voice in Catholic media has a sacred obligation to identify and denounce every attack against the true Faith, regardless of the source. We are determined to scrutinize all things through the lens of tradition in pursuit of Catholic truth, and to propagate it to the best of our abilities once it is found.MORE Facebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 2.4K Since Jun 2012
45. Indian Catholic Matters RSS Feed
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Indian Catholic Matters serves as a vital news source for the Indian Catholic community, providing faith-based insights, news, and reflections. The platform covers Church events, spiritual guidance, and socio-political issues relevant to Indian Catholics, offering commentary that blends tradition with contemporary relevance. Through its articles and reflections, it aims to inspire Catholics to live their faith actively while engaging with the challenges facing both the Church and society in India.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3K
46. The Wanderer RSS Feed
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The Wanderer is a long-established Catholic publication offering news and commentary from a traditional, orthodox perspective. It covers a wide range of topics including Catholic teachings, Church events, pro-life advocacy, and critiques of modern societal trends. The newspaper often emphasizes a conservative outlook, focusing on the preservation of traditional Catholic values and the importance of doctrinal integrity. Through a combination of articles, editorials, and cultural analysis, The Wanderer seeks to inform and inspire readers to live out their faith amidst contemporary challenges.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 4.7K
47. Orange County Catholic RSS Feed
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OC Catholic is the official news source of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Orange, California, providing a mix of local, national, and global Catholic news. The site covers diocesan events, liturgical updates, and offers reflections on faith and culture. Through interviews, features, and editorials, OC Catholic fosters a sense of community among Catholics, emphasizing both spiritual growth and engagement with contemporary social issues from a Catholic perspective.MORE Facebook Followers 3.8KTwitter Followers 2.2K
48. Catholic Charities Blog RSS Feed
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he Catholic Charities New York is a federation of 90 agencies throughout the 10 counties of the Archdiocese of New York, which delivers, coordinates and advocates for quality human services and programs touching almost every human need. Catholic Charities helps solve the problems of New Yorkers in need - non-Catholics and Catholics alike.MORE Facebook Followers 33.4KTwitter Followers 6.6KInstagram Followers 3.3K Since Jan 2015
49. Catholics striving for holiness RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles on Spiritual resources, posts, and advice
Twitter Followers 176 Since Jun 2015
50. Doctrinal Homily Outlines RSS Feed
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A Lectionary-based resource for homilists and the lay faithful. Kevin Aldrich is a veteran Catholic educator who teaches high school theology and English, writes curricula, creates character education programs, and pens screenplays, TV pilots, and novels. He and his wife have been married for twenty-eight years and have seven children.MORE
51. CathNews RSS Feed
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CathNews New Zealand is a vital resource for the Catholic community in New Zealand and the Pacific, offering news that bridges faith and contemporary issues. The platform covers a wide range of topics, including Church events, social justice, environmental concerns, and Vatican updates. With a focus on both local and global Catholic perspectives, CathNews provides insightful commentary, fostering thoughtful discussions on how faith intersects with current societal challenges...MORE Facebook Followers 684Twitter Followers 350
52. The Okie Traditionalist RSS Feed
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Life, Church, and Society from the Perspective of a Heartland, Traditional Catholic.
Since Jun 2016
53. Catholic Stand RSS Feed
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Catholic Stand is an e-publication presenting essays and creative non-fiction, offering substantive resources with thoughtful insights into how to live the Truth that the Church teaches, owned by Little Vatican Media. Key topics covered are Apologetics, Books and Art, Business & Career, Catechetics, Church History, Dating & Singles, Education, Faith & Science, Spirituality, Femininity, Health, Holy Days, Marriage & Family Miscellaneous, Money & Economics, Politics & Legislation, Same-Sex Attractions, and Sanctity of Life.MORE Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 721
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An International Traditional Catholic Weblog.
Twitter Followers 35.6K Since Dec 2005
55. The Remnant RSS Feed
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The Remnant Newspaper provides traditional Catholic commentary on current events, theology, and the Church's role in a modern world. Known for its strong defense of traditional liturgy and doctrine, it often critiques modernist trends within the Church while championing orthodox Catholic values. The Remnant addresses issues such as the preservation of the Latin Mass, moral teachings, and the impact of secularism on faith. Through editorials, articles, and historical reflections, it encourages readers to engage deeply with Catholic tradition and resist contemporary societal pressures.MORE Facebook Followers 31.4KTwitter Followers 40.7K Since Dec 2016
56. A Catholic Life RSS Feed
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A Catholic Life seeks a preservation of authentic traditional Catholicism, as practiced before the Second Vatican Council. On this blog you will find Traditional Roman Catholicism, Catholic Devotions and Spirituality, Catholic Catechism, Catholic Theology and Philosophy, and spiritual reflections.MORE Facebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 3.5KInstagram Followers 1.4K Since Jun 2005
57. Catholic Insight RSS Feed
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Catholic Insight is dedicated to enlightening hearts and minds by promoting the truth and sanctity of life through the lens of Catholic doctrine and the classical liberal arts. Founded with a mission to foster a culture of life, it reports truthfully and critically on a wide range of topics. The editorial team is led by John Paul Meenan, Editor. The magazine offers a thoughtful perspective on moral and cultural issues, providing hope and clarity in a world often marked by relativism.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 288
58. The Catholic Gentleman Blog RSS Feed
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The Catholic Gentleman exists to inspire men to holiness to love God, to serve others, and to deny self. And to do it all with class and classic manly flair.
Facebook Followers 150KTwitter Followers 12.9KInstagram Followers 93K Since Jul 2013
59. The Best Catholic Blog RSS Feed
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The Best Catholic website is under the patronage of the Mother of Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Thérèse of Lisieux and St. Gemma Galgani. Inspired by the beauty of the Divine Office and the extraordinary holy life of St. Gemma Galgani, it started as a personal blog, known as 'Psalms and the Pilgrim Daughter' and has grown into a resource website that promotes the Roman Catholic Church throughoutMORE Facebook Followers 178.8K
60. 95 Questions RSS Feed
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95 QUESTIONS is all about assisting others in finding Truth. Blog entries are designed to help readers find out about the deeper truths of the Catholic faith. Although the Salstroms are not Theologians, they research and lean on the shoulders of those who are. In doing so, the 95 QUESTIONS site should prove helpful to anyone desiring to know Catholicism.MORE
61. Sacerdotus RSS Feed
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The Sacerdotus blog, created by a former atheist turned Catholic apologist, focuses on topics related to religion, science, philosophy, and current events. The blog's mission is to bridge the gap between faith and reason, providing well-researched content to support Catholic teachings and engage in apologetics. Sacerdotus is known for addressing controversial topics and promoting rational discourse on matters of faith.MORE Facebook Followers 417Twitter Followers 3.7KInstagram Followers 484 Since Aug 2011
62. Reason 2B Catholic RSS Feed
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My Daily Bread: A Reason2bCatholic blog is a lay Catholic apostolate that aims to share the goodness, truth and beauty of the Catholic faith.
Facebook Followers 2.3KTwitter Followers 94Instagram Followers 115
63. Catholic Mass Search RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website allows you to search exclusively for Catholic Churches to find Mass times near you! This wonderfully unique feature assists you while traveling. Now along with Mass times, schedules and Catholic news you can also watch daily Mass online with your friends.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 672
64. Unam Sanctam Catholicam RSS Feed
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Defending the Goodness, Truth and Beauty of Catholicism.
Facebook Followers 13.1K Since Jun 2007
65. RSS Feed
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The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are a Congregation of religious brothers and sisters dedicated to a two-fold Crusade: the propagation and defense of Catholic dogma and the conversion of America to the one, true Church.MORE Facebook Followers 4.1KTwitter Followers 2.3K
66. Catholic Rural Life Blog RSS Feed
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Catholic Rural Life (CRL) is a national, Catholic nonprofit organization dedicated to the vitality of the American countryside. Since 1923, we have been applying the teachings of Jesus Christ for the social, economic, and spiritual development of rural America, strengthening and sustaining the Church in the countryside by educating and inspiring leaders and advocating on their behalf.MORE Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 1.5K Since Feb 2013
67. Association Of Catholic Bloggers RSS Feed
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Association Of Catholic Bloggers is a site dedicated to sharing a variety of views from Catholic Women Bloggers who are faithful to the teachings of the church.
Facebook Followers 258
68. Catholic News & Inspiration RSS Feed
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Patti Maguire Armstrong is an award-winning author and blogger of Catholic News & Inspiration. This site is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and entrusted to the care of the Blessed Mother. It is a collection of inspiration, news, and favorites from the best selling 'Amazing Grace' book series.MORE Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 1.8K Since Dec 2011
69. Creative Minority Report RSS Feed
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We are Creative Minority Report. The Catholic Church at the Beginning of an Age. Religion, Politics, Current Events, and Humor.
Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 7.2K Since Mar 2007
70. Cream City Catholic » Milwaukee Catholic Resource RSS Feed
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Cream City Catholic is a resource for Milwaukee Catholics to learn more about their faith and the Church. Thoughtful articles, rich videos and beautiful photo galleries for the aspiring Milwaukee Catholic. Cream City Catholic's principal mission is to disseminate honest, intelligent commentary and information for those seeking an enriched faith.MORE Facebook Followers 655Twitter Followers 6.2K Since Apr 2013
71. WITNESS » For Church and Pope RSS Feed
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A blog about the Catholic Church loyal to the Pope and Magisterium. We discuss Catholic social teaching; pro-life and more.
Twitter Followers 917 Since Aug 2011
72. Catholic Stewardship Consultants Blog RSS Feed
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Catholic Stewardship Consultants is a Christ-centered consulting firm that provides customized stewardship services to Catholic parishes. We believe that the ultimate mission of the Church is to bring people into a living relationship with God and each other, through Jesus Christ. And we believe that the message of stewardship is essential in furthering that mission.MORE Facebook Followers 658Twitter Followers 32Instagram Followers 193 Since Mar 2010
73. The Catholic Association Blog RSS Feed
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The Catholic Association (TCA) is dedicated to being a faithful Catholic voice in the public square. TCA is responding to the call of the Catholic Church for members of the lay faithful to apply Catholic teaching, wisdom, and principles to the issues of the day.MORE Facebook Followers 239.4KTwitter Followers 3K Since Jan 2014
74. One Little Light of Mine RSS Feed
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Hi! I'm Matt Tompkins. I grew up as a cradle Catholic in Alexandria, LA and attended Catholic school up until college. Here, I post weekly spiritual reflections on the gospel for each Sunday and faith and morals.MORE Facebook Followers 217
75. Catholic Canada RSS Feed
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In this time of darkness, Catholic Canada's approach is to highlight Catholic activity in Canada, carrying articles that help Canadians discern the truth, and encourage and inspire them to hope.MORE Facebook Followers 7.7KTwitter Followers 834
76. The Five Beasts RSS Feed
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This blog is primarily intended as a companion to the book, and to share observations on the present era as it relates to St. Hildegard's visions, posts on a variety of subjects will be included as well. Other subjects of interest include saints, prophecy, scripture study, apologetics, as well as economics and current events.MORE Facebook Followers 24Twitter Followers 31 Since Dec 2014
77. Catholic Faith Corner RSS Feed
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I'm Mary, a Roman Catholic. I'm a Sister of Notre Dame, of Chardon, Ohio.The Sisters of Notre Dame are apostolic women religious whose mission is to proclaim God's goodness and provident care through lives of service. We are dedicated to education in all its forms. We minister in a variety of areas including religious education, social justice, pastoral ministries, health care, and social service.MORE Facebook Followers 33 Since Jan 2012
78. The Simple Catholic Blog RSS Feed
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I began The Simple Catholic blog in 2015 with the hope of drawing others closer to understanding the splendor of truth as taught by Jesus Christ and safeguarded by the Catholic Church. I hope to use my writing as a means of growing in holiness and bringing others to Christ as well.MORE Twitter Followers 594Instagram Followers 68K
79. Cardinal Seán's Blog RSS Feed
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Cardinal Seán Patrick Cardinal O'Malley, OFM Cap is the ninth bishop and sixth archbishop in the more than 200-year history of the Archdiocese of Boston. On this blog, Cardinal Seán O'Malley shares his reflections & experiences.MORE Twitter Followers 55.2K Since Sep 2006
80. God-Haunted Lunatic RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from God-Haunted Lunatic.
Facebook Followers 329 Since Jul 2013
81. David Torkington Blog RSS Feed
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David Torkington is a Spiritual Theologian, Author and Speaker, who specializes in Prayer, Christian Spirituality and Mystical Theology.
Facebook Followers 127Twitter Followers 903
82. DarwinCatholic RSS Feed
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Where Religion, Philosophy and Demographics Meet.
Facebook Followers 341Twitter Followers 1.9K Since Jan 2005
83. Roman Catholic Diocese Of East Anglia RSS Feed
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A warm welcome to the Diocese of East Anglia. Our Diocesan mission is to respond to Christ's call to proclaim the gospel. I pray that your contact with us, through this website and, if you are in East Anglia, through meeting us, will encourage you to enter more deeply into the encounter with God in Jesus Christ who is the source of our life and joy.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 2.4K Since Mar 2015
84. Cradling Catholic RSS Feed
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Larry Peterson Sr was born and raised in NYC and is a former iron-worker. In 1979, after coming down with MS, he and his wife and three children moved to Florida. He began doing weekly commentary for a local newspaper and today he is a Catholic/Christian author and writer having written four books (all listed in the sidebar)and hundreds of columns on various topics, particularly on little-known saints.MORE
85. Quantum Theology RSS Feed
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I am a mother of two, spouse of one, professor of chemistry, sometime scholar at the Vatican Observatory and faithful Roman Catholic. This blog satisfies my itch to write.
Twitter Followers 3.3K Since Jul 2004
86. put out into the deep RSS Feed
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Follow this blog to get articles related to painted reflections, typography, DIY crafts, photography, freebies and more!
Twitter Followers 290 Since Jan 2009
87. St. Peter's Catholic Church Blog RSS Feed
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We are a bilingual community but with one heart to serve each other as children of God.
Facebook Followers 904
88. The Inspiration Cafe Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to The Inspiration Cafe! This WordPress website is designed to be a breathe of fresh air, a place of respite in the middle of your hectic day. So kick back, enjoy The Inspiration Cafe Blog and embrace this opportunity to lay down your burdens and become inspired!MORE Twitter Followers 460
89. Your Brain: The Final Frontier RSS Feed
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Welcome to Your Brain: The Final Frontier by Bob Sullivan. He is just another sinner trying to reconcile the truth with the culture in which I live.
Twitter Followers 273
90. Battle Beads RSS Feed
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Catholic blog focusing on current events, saints, prayers, & all things Catholic Our mission is to help spread prayers, smiles and TRUTH in a world that sorely needs them and so much MORE.
Facebook Followers 942 Since Oct 2009
91. Catholic Men at Work RSS Feed
RSS Feed catholicmenatwork.blogspot.c.. Follow RSS Website
Suggestions and meditations about how to more effectively work for the greater glory of God, the welfare of your family, the benefit of others, and the common good.
92. Bangor to Bobbio RSS Feed
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Since we are travellers and pilgrims in the world, let us ever ponder on the end of the road, that is of our life, for the end of our roadway is our home (St Columban, 8th sermon). This is a personal blog by Fr Seán Coyle, a Catholic priest, member of the Missionary Society of St Columban, from Dublin, Ireland.MORE Facebook Followers 206 Since Feb 2008
93. The Michigan Catholic RSS Feed
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The Michigan Catholic shares in the mission of the Archdiocese of Detroit, to share Christ in and through the Church. It publishes local, national and international news and information that will foster deeper conversion and faith formation in the members of the Archdiocese, building up their communion with each other and with the rest of the Church worldwide.MORE Facebook Followers 12.7KInstagram Followers 3.3K
94. The Domestic Church of Bosco Blog RSS Feed
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I am a wife, a mom of three (2 boys and 1 girl) and a strong believer of the Catholic Faith. Follow to get updates.
95. Mystery of God, mystery of man RSS Feed
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It is important to understand the Catholic Faith correctly and personally. To change others has been proven impossible. But the good news is: we can change ourselves! That is why Conversion: Change, is fundamental. Because if we just continue repeating ourselves, we will always get the same result!MORE Since Dec 2018
96. William Hemsworth RSS Feed
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Personal website of Catholic Author, Speaker, Apologist, and Evangelist William Hemsworth
97. Carmelite Quotes Blog RSS Feed
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Your source for Carmelite wisdom: we share quotes and media from Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Therese of Lisieux, and more.
Facebook Followers 5.7KTwitter Followers 15.4KInstagram Followers 4.3K Since Feb 2014
98. Fishers of Men RSS Feed
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A blog about Catholic reflections and homilies from the Mass' readings and gospels from Deacon Kevin.
Since Apr 2011
99. A Journey of Faith RSS Feed
RSS Feed thepeacefulplace.wordpress.c.. Follow RSS Website
A journey of Faith is a blog by Mary Jordon, where people can just relax, find resources to answer their questions on spirituality, find peace and grow in their faith.
100. Catholic Educator RSS Feed
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I began this blog in 2005 to share my thoughts about Catholic education, issues in the Church, and the people I've met. Get the latest news and resources for Catholic Education.
Twitter Followers 180 Since Jun 2005
101. Sacred Windows RSS Feed
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An online mini-retreat from the anxieties of daily life that ushers viewers into the world of the transcendent values of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness through stories, spiritual insight, inspiration, values, humor, and refreshment that takes them out of the chaos of our world - for a while - to be restored and returned to the rigor of daily life.Peter Darcy has been dubbed 'the patron saint of everyday Catholic storytelling.' He is the creator of this site and an avid writer and editor who spent thirty years as a missionary and teacher.MORE Facebook Followers 193Instagram Followers 49
102. The Face of Grace Project RSS Feed
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The Face of Grace Project is a place to read, reflect, consider that which brings peace and that which distressfully convicts, and to take both to a silent conversation with God. All content is in strict accord with the doctrine and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the lived Christian experience to the full.MORE
103. LifeTeen Blog RSS Feed
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Life Teen inspires Catholic teenagers through a faith-based approach, blending spiritual growth with contemporary issues relevant to today's youth. The blog delves into topics such as prayer, community service, and personal faith journeys, offering support and guidance for teens to deepen their religious understanding while navigating modern life challenges.MORE Facebook Followers 96.1KTwitter Followers 39.4KInstagram Followers 87.1K Since Nov 2009
104. The Catholic Spirit RSS Feed
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The Catholic Spirit's mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. It seeks to inform, educate, evangelize and foster a spirit of community within the Catholic Church by disseminating news in a professional manner and serving as a forum for discussion of contemporary issuesMORE Facebook Followers 15.1KTwitter Followers 36.1KInstagram Followers 1.9K
105. Spiritual Direction » Catholic Spiritual Direction RSS Feed
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Spiritual Direction provides Catholic spiritual direction training and answers to questions on the Catholic faith based on the wisdoms of the Bible, Church and the saints and angels.
Facebook Followers 11.3KTwitter Followers 2.8K Since Mar 2009
106. Catholic Singles Blog RSS Feed
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Founded in 1997 by a Catholic single like yourself, Catholic Singles is committed to your needs as a Catholic and matching you with authentic Catholic principles. Bringing together Catholic singles from all over the world in love and fellowship.MORE Facebook Followers 21.6KTwitter Followers 1.2K Since Jul 2009
107. Roman Catholic Man RSS Feed
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Roman Catholic Man is a website with everything needed to inspire and train men who seek the Lord with all their hearts, mind, soul, and strength. This is a site for Roman Catholic Men by Roman Catholic Men.MORE Facebook Followers 32.3KTwitter Followers 102
108. The Catholic Traveler Blog RSS Feed
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Helping Catholic Pilgrimages explore faith through travel, and day tours of Europe and the Holy Land.
Facebook Followers 234.1KTwitter Followers 26.9KInstagram Followers 129.2K
109. Clarifying Catholicism RSS Feed
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Clarifying Catholicism is an apostolate consisting of college and high school students who write blogs and produce videos on Catholic Theology. We are dedicated to preserving the rich intellectual tradition of the Catholic Church by defending faith and reason. Our primary aim is to explain and demystify Church teaching that may be misunderstood or difficult for teens and young adults to digest.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3K
110. Tom Prerna RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from Tom Prerna.
Facebook Followers 871
111. NZ Catholic RSS Feed
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NZ Catholic serves as the primary news source for Catholics in New Zealand, offering a blend of national and international news, religious insights, and commentary. It covers key issues within the Church, such as leadership appointments, diocesan events, and challenges facing the Catholic community, while also addressing broader topics like social justice, humanitarian efforts, and environmental concerns. The publication aims to keep the faithful informed and engaged, fostering a deeper understanding of faith and its role in addressing contemporary societal issues.MORE Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 2K Since Jan 2008
112. Whispers in the Loggia RSS Feed
RSS Feed whispersintheloggia.blogspot.. Follow RSS Website whispersintheloggia.blogspot..
One of global Catholicism's most prominent chroniclers, Rocco Palmo has held court as the 'Church Whisperer' since 2004, he's been a church analyst and among other mainstream print and broadcast outlets worldwide. Sharing Whispers in the Loggia.MORE Twitter Followers 25.6K Since Dec 2004
113. My Catholic Kitchen Blog RSS Feed
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Veronica (Vonnie) is a widowed Catholic mom and a Coastal Virginia based food writer, a not so perfect Weight Watcher follower and animal wrangler, with a constant yearning for freshly baked bread, Krispy Kreme donuts, fried chicken and setting off the fire alarm in the pursuit of the perfect recipe.MORE Facebook Followers 24.8KTwitter Followers 2.1KInstagram Followers 874 Since Jul 2010
114. Seeking Truth RSS Feed
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This blog was launched in order to provide 'seekers of truth' and skeptics with a good source to learn about Christianity deeply and easily. By 'deeply', I mean that I will aim to deliver in-depth content to satisfy inquiring minds. Since I am Catholic, my blog posts will be written from a Catholic perspective. However, I plan on putting out a lot of content that would benefit all Christians, so feel free to follow this blog even if you are a non-Catholic Christian.MORE
115. Catholic Cuisine RSS Feed
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Catholic Cuisine was founded by Jessica Gordon in 2008, after noticing the need for an online source for finding and sharing 'Recipes for Celebrating the Feasts and Seasons of the Liturgical Year.'MORE Facebook Followers 7.5KInstagram Followers 537 Since Jan 2008
116. Prayer to Pen RSS Feed
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A Catholic blog featuring cultural, political and theological commentary by Ryan Bilodeau, MTS.
Twitter Followers 1.9K
117. It Makes Sense to Me RSS Feed
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Larry Peterson was born and raised in the Bronx, New York. On this blog Larry shares his views and facts on Catholicism.
Since Jan 2011
118. Souls and Hearts Blog RSS Feed
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Gain wisdom from Catholic psychologists, mental health professionals, therapists, and counselors on a wide variety of topics that affect faith, family, development, vocation.
Facebook Followers 736Twitter Followers 1.2K Since Nov 2019
119. In the Light of the Law RSS Feed
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Information on Roman Catholic Canon Law, created and administered by Dr. Edward N. Peters.
Twitter Followers 15.1K Since Feb 2005
120. Regina Magazine RSS Feed
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REGINA draws together extraordinary Catholic writers, photographers and videographers with a vibrant faith and wide-ranging interests. We publish their amazing work, FREE in our six e-magazines per year.MORE Facebook Followers 66.3KTwitter Followers 191
121. Catholic Sistas Blog RSS Feed
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Catholic Sistas is a multi contributor blog whose simple mission is rooted in John Paul II's call for the faithful to engage in the New Evangelization, which was encouraged by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and is being realized through Pope Francis' leadership. Our goal is to bring a new passion to Catholics, no matter where they are in their walk with Christ.MORE Facebook Followers 28.1KTwitter Followers 1.8K
122. Our Warpath Blog | Catholic - Soul. Mind. Body. RSS Feed
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Here you can choose to read articles spanning from spirituality to pop culture and leadership or discover our daily meditations on Christian living or check out the song and movie of the day.MORE Facebook Followers 14.1KTwitter Followers 955Instagram Followers 7.1K
123. Now That I'm Catholic RSS Feed
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Exploring the Truth, Beauty, and Goodness of the Church Christ founded.
Facebook Followers 19.2KTwitter Followers 531
124. Little Catholic Bubble RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website littlecatholicbubble.blogspo..
Leila is a Catholic author and speaker. Little Catholic Bubble is a sphere of clarity, color and light with an infinite amount of room inside!
Facebook Followers 2.4K Since Apr 2010
125. Sacramental Life RSS Feed
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This site is dedicated to exploring the theological and spiritual ideas of Catholicism, and their cultural implications. We are all called to live the sacramental life of the Church on our path to becoming saints; that is, to strive for holiness and sanctification in the midst of the hubbub of everyday life. In short, finding Jesus.MORE Since Aug 2015
126. Catholic News RSS Feed
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News source for the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference.
Facebook Followers 3.5K Since Jan 2016
127. Dappled Things RSS Feed
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Dappled Things is a literary magazine dedicated to providing a space for writers and artists to engage the literary world from a Catholic perspective. The magazine is committed to quality writing that takes advantage of the religious, theological, philosophical, artistic, cultural, and literary heritage of Christianity in order to inform and enrich contemporary literary culture.MORE Facebook Followers 6.7KTwitter Followers 3.1K
128. FemCatholic » For women for the Church RSS Feed
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Catholic women need a forum where they can learn, grow, and struggle with their Catholic faith, alongside a community of other Catholic women. Educate modern women on what the Catholic Church actually teaches about what it means to be female. Encourage and Empower women to explore and acknowledge the challenges of being a woman in the Church today, and seek answers in the truth of our faith.MORE Facebook Followers 6.3KTwitter Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 17.7K Since Mar 2017
129. Tony Agnesi Blog RSS Feed
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Tony Agnesi is an inspirational storyteller, author and blogger. Tony is a member of the Catholic Writers Guild and is a frequent contributor to Shalom Tidings magazine. He is a frequent guest on Catholic Radio.MORE Facebook Followers 744Twitter Followers 4.7KInstagram Followers 1K Since Mar 2014
130. Convert Journal RSS Feed
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This is my journey in the Catholic Church -- and some observations along the way. I was a life-long, single denomination Protestant who was as surprised as anybody to find himself ever becoming Catholic! The blog focuses on evangelization and helping people to grow in their Catholic faith. The blog provides resources, reflections, and news related to Catholic faith and culture.MORE Facebook Followers 120Twitter Followers 49 Since Jan 2010
131. Traditional Catholicism RSS Feed
RSS Feed traditionalcatholicism83.blo.. Follow RSS Website traditionalcatholicism83.blo..
So our Mass goes back, without essential change, to the age when it first developed out of the oldest liturgy of all. The final result of our enquiry is that, in spite of unsolved problems, in spite of later changes, there is not in Christendom another rite so venerable as ours.MORE Since Mar 2007
132. secondhandsaintsblog RSS Feed
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Striving to live the life that God intended for me, by praying, and seeking to use the inspiration handed down, by those who struggled and made their way to Heaven and the Lord....those declared saints of our Holy Mother Church.MORE Since Jan 2017
133. Deacon Lawrence RSS Feed
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Deacon Lawrence is an internationally acclaimed artist, illustrator, writer and popular speaker on the topic of the intersection of art and faith. His clients have included leaders in Catholic media and publishing such as EWTN, The Catholic Register, Paulist Press and Liturgical Training Publications. He encourages people to find their purpose through stories and visual imagery.MORE Facebook Followers 138
134. Catholicism FELT - Faith, Evangelization, Life and Theology Blog RSS Feed
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Catholicism FELT is entrusted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Catholic blog offers posts on what it means to be Catholic; on living the Faith; the work of evangelization; Catholic life, and theology made simple.MORE Facebook Followers 514Twitter Followers 2.7K Since Dec 2015
135. Adult Faith Meets Santa-God RSS Feed
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Searching for and meeting a better God. Santa rewards those who are good; God loves everyone unconditionally.
136. All creatures of our God and King RSS Feed
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The All Creatures of our God and King blog is dedicated to finding the best ways for us to have a fulfilled and happy existence here on earth and hereafter. It is dedicated to bringing to our consciousness that we(all creatures) are children of the same Father in heaven.MORE Twitter Followers 23
137. Bells and Beads RSS Feed
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Born, Raised, Stay & Die Catholic. Learn more about Catholic Faith by following Bells and Beads.
138. Suicide How Not To. God and I are Winning the Battle! Blog RSS Feed
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Are you feeling depressed, hopeless, trapped, and in despair with no way out. That there's only one answer - suicide? I know how you feel! This blog is my story of how God brought me out of the pit of suicidal thoughts and the tools He has given me to stay out of the darkness and in the Light. Everyday He shows me His love and gives me hope.MORE Since Dec 2018
139. Society of the Holy Rosary RSS Feed
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The Society of the Holy Rosary is a digital magazine focusing on Catholic prayer, information, and news.
Twitter Followers 14
140. Thestnicholasproject RSS Feed
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My name is Fr. Lance W. Harlow and I founded The St. Nicholas Project in 2015 as a means of promoting Catholic philanthropy for a nondenominational children's home in southern Vermont.
141. Catholics for Biden RSS Feed
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Faithful Catholics supporting our fellow Catholic, Joe Biden, for President.
Twitter Followers 689
142. Saint of the Week RSS Feed
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Saint of the Week is my personal ministry to increase devotion to the Holy Saints by highlighting their lives and example through the medium of comics
143. Virtue Connection RSS Feed
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I'm Rose Folsom, a Virtue Coach who helps Catholics grow closer to Christ by learning to practice virtues like patience, forgiveness, and courage. My weekly blog informs and inspires Catholics to become the holy and happy person they were born to be.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 13 Since Aug 2014
144. CatholicMatch Institute RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is the best place for Catholic singles to meet online. Find single Catholic men and single Catholic women in our community for Catholic dating, Catholic friendship and Catholic marriage.MORE Facebook Followers 44.5KTwitter Followers 4.8K Since Jan 2002
145. Catholic Lector Blog RSS Feed
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Catholic Lector provides training, enrichment and inspiration for Catholic lectors and public scripture readers of all Christian faiths. Get lay Catholic reflections on the Sunday Gospels, lector training, homiletic resources, preparation for Mass, purpose-driven living for boomers and seniors, and more.MORE Twitter Followers 304
146. Aggie Catholic Blog RSS Feed
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St. Mary Catholic Center is the Catholic Campus Ministry serving Texas A&M University and Blinn College. We strive to live and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, education, service, fellowship, and stewardship, as a parish community of students, faculty, staff and others who choose to share in this mission.MORE Facebook Followers 22.2KTwitter Followers 2.4KInstagram Followers 22.9K
147. The Latin Right RSS Feed
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Dennis shares his reflections on any and all theological, historical, political, and cultural issue from a conservative Catholic point of view.
148. The Hallowed Way RSS Feed
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We are John and Laura, 2 Catholic newlyweds. We are deepening our faith through pilgrimages. We are also collecting prayer requests, so we can pray for our readers on our pilgrimage. Read about our travels and let us pray for you.MORE Twitter Followers 4Instagram Followers 66
149. Catholic Mom » Celebrating Catholic Motherhood RSS Feed
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Catholic Mom was started by Lisa Hendey to create a community for Catholic parents to share insights on living their faith with their family. The blog all about Faith, Family, and Fun from a Catholic perspective. It is now part of the ministry founded by sainthood candidate Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., well-known for his famous slogan, 'The family that prays together stays together.'MORE Facebook Followers 33.3KInstagram Followers 12.3K Since Oct 2008
150. Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry RSS Feed
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News, events, resources and much more for young Catholics in London and Hertfordshire. We are the youth service of the Diocese of Westminster. Helping young people pursue the true, the good and the beautiful, because each of us is made for greatness.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 2.5KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Oct 2013
151. Magis Center - Catholic Answers to Science, Faith and Reason Blog RSS Feed
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The Magis Center provides comprehensive and systematic responses to restore, reconstruct, and revitalize belief in God, the transcendent dignity of every person, the significance of virtue, the higher levels of happiness, love, and freedom, and the real presence of Jesus Christ.MORE Facebook Followers 622.1KTwitter Followers 1.8K
152. Brandon Vogt Blog RSS Feed
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My name is Brandon Vogt, and I'm a bestselling author, blogger, and speaker. I work as the Content Director for Bishop Robert Barron's Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, and I'm the founder of ClaritasU, a online community for Catholics to get clear about their faith.MORE Facebook Followers 24.9KTwitter Followers 7 Since Mar 2009
153. Seek First the Kingdom RSS Feed
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Archdiocese of Washington, DC Cardinal Donald Wuerl's blog on Catholic faith and its teachings.
Facebook Followers 60.4KTwitter Followers 22.8K Since Feb 2012