Top 40 Christian Writers RSS Feeds
Christian Writers RSS Feeds
Here are 40 Best Christian Writers RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. American Christian Fiction Writers Blog RSS Feed
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The ACFW Blog is a vibrant platform that fosters the growth and development of Christian fiction writers by offering insightful articles, expert advice, and inspirational reflections. This blog serves as a nexus for authors at all stages of their journey, providing resources that address both the creative and spiritual dimensions of writing. With contributions from seasoned writers and industry professionals, the ACFW Blog delves into the intricacies of crafting faith-based narratives that resonate with readers...MORE Facebook Followers 8.7KTwitter Followers 4.8K Frequency 1 post/day Since Jul 2007 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Rachelle Gardner Blog RSS Feed
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I'm a literary agent, book editor, and publishing coach. I love books, writers, and publishers - and talking incessantly about them.
Facebook Followers 15.9KTwitter Followers 49.2K Frequency 2 posts/month Since Feb 2008
3. Lena Nelson Dooley RSS Feed
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Lena Nelson Dooley is an award-winning, multi-published Christian novelist and screenwriter. Lena Nelson Dooley, has more than 850,000 books in print. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and co-founder of the local chapter, DFW Ready Writers.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 6.9K Frequency 2 posts/week Since Dec
4. Steve Laube Blog RSS Feed
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The Steve Laube Agency blog serves as a comprehensive hub for authors, aspiring writers, and publishing professionals, offering expert perspectives on the art and business of writing. Each post provides valuable insight into key industry topics, from mastering the craft of storytelling to understanding the complexities of book contracts and market trends. With thoughtful commentary on the challenges and opportunities in today's literary landscape, the blog equips writers with practical knowledge and strategies to enhance their careers...MORE Facebook Followers 5KTwitter Followers 8.9K Frequency 4 posts/week Since Jun 2009
5. Inspire Christian Writers RSS Feed
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Inspire Christian Writers exists to help Christian writers develop their writing craft, and to produce and publish redemptive and transformative works of fiction and nonfiction, with a goal to minister biblical truths and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to readers with excellence, clarity and love.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 2.3K Frequency 11 posts/year Since Dec
6. More than Writers RSS Feed
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The Association of Christian Writers is a charity run by Christian writers for Christian writers. ACW aims to encourage, equip and inspire its members to use their talents with integrity, to produce excellent material which comes from a Christian world view.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 967 Frequency 1 post/day Since Dec
7. Oluwafemi RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from Oluwafemi.
Twitter Followers 47 Frequency 2 posts/day
8. Christian Writers Downunder RSS Feed
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Christian Writers Dowunder is aimed at Christians writers (and those associated with writing field, e.g. editors, illustrators, reviewers and publishers) who live in Australasia. We have a dedicated team of regular and guest bloggers.MORE Instagram Followers 327 Frequency 2 posts/month Since Dec
9. Christian Authors Network Blog RSS Feed
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Christian Authors Network is a membership-based author organization of authors sharing great books, both fiction and non-fiction. We strive to share our work to readers, retailers, and librarians.MORE Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 2KInstagram Followers 1.3K Frequency 3 posts/month Since Aug 2009
10. Judith Nembhard Books Blog RSS Feed
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Judith Nembhard was born in Jamaica and grew up amid the island's lush scenery, which influenced her writing. Her early fascination with language led her to complete three degrees in English, including a doctorate from the University of Maryland College Park. Her articles have appeared in professional journals, religious and secular magazines, devotional anthologies, and newspapers.MORE Frequency 1 post/week
11. Agape RSS Feed
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Delson K Daniel is the author of this blog. He is interested in reading, traveling and listening to music. Follow his blog to get updates.
Frequency 5 posts/week Since Dec 2011
12. TitusTwo RSS Feed
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Leading The Way. It is my heart's desire to be a bridge-builder, the connector of people, change agent so that other women can live more fully and confidently equipped as they walk closer to The Lord, and embrace the women in their path that is there to teach and mentor them along the Journey.MORE Frequency 4 posts/week
13. Chip Tudor Communications Blog RSS Feed
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Chip Tudor is a freelance copywriter, author and pastor. Some of the articles on my blog are related to my life as a freelance copywriter. But a majority of them focus on presenting the Gospel in an engaging manner to those who are exploring the Christian faith.MORE Facebook Followers 185Twitter Followers 99 Frequency 3 posts/month Since Jul 2007
14. The Ballen Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to this site, it contains the personal blogs of Bob Allen, an amateur writer looking to bring light to many of today's issues of life, both for the Church and the world. In trying to enlighten others to the works of our enemy, he has for over 39 years studying the scriptures to seek out the simple aspects of how God reveals both good and evil while transforming His offspring to be as Jesus on this earth. Bob reveals everything from scriptural truths found in the teaching of the word, to some of the darkest histories of the Church.MORE Twitter Followers 1.9K Frequency 11 posts/year Since Jul 2014 Popular Post NOTHING HAPPENS WITHOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT Get Contact
15. Peace and unity in our lives' RSS Feed
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As a Christian author, I interact with readers interested in a personal relationship with Jesus. The aim of this site is to provide inspiration and encouragement for life, and hope that this small contribution of mine will provide an opportunity for people around the globe to find courage in their life, by trusting God to be more present in their life.MORE Frequency 1 post/week
16. Oregon Christian Writers Blog RSS Feed
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An organization of writers, both amateur and professional, who are Christians. Our members write for both ministry and markets, fiction and non-fiction.
Facebook Followers 2.3K Frequency 2 posts/month Since Feb 2009
17. Sara, Living Free Blog RSS Feed
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Sharing Stories of Everyday Freedom.
Twitter Followers 3.9K Frequency 2 posts/month
18. Soul Renewed RSS Feed
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My name is Maurice Malcolm. I am a child of God who loves to read the Bible, pray and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the salvation I have received through Jesus Christ.
Frequency 8 posts/year
19. Colleen Scheid RSS Feed
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Colleen Scheid blog posts includes resources for churches, families and your relationship with God. I try to be helpful and get to the point - there is, after all, already so much blah, blah, blogging about how to live! Click the tabs at the top for pages that lead you to my books and other published work, as well as information about the theater company I perform with.MORE Frequency 11 posts/year
20. One-Page Ponderings of Something Good Blog RSS Feed
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Nancy Pelander Johnson is a devout Christian freelance author. In her blog, she writes a series of mini-stories as a helpful supplement for readers, a 'spiritual vitamin' to refresh, re-energize, and renew their spirit. Teaching others to hope, encourage, and develop an optimistic outlook through God's goodness and Word!MORE
21. The Only Bible RSS Feed
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Created around the idea that believers are the only bible some people ever read. Lessons designed to help hold to beliefs in personal life, at work, and online.
Facebook Followers 169Twitter Followers 10 Frequency 11 posts/year
22. Grace Abounds RSS Feed
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Welcome to my blog! I'm a Jesus-follower, word-lover, and song-bird. My aspiration is to craft words that are deep, impactful, beautiful, and Christ-centered. I write whenever I get the chance, and I adore words that stream from your heart to the tip of your pen, emotions, and ideas streaming onto paper with the theme of my Lord and Savior prevailing in the end.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
23. Simple Gospel Summation Blog RSS Feed
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Laurence Muzembi (Th.D, D.D, MDiv, B.A in Biblical Studies, Cert in Counselling & Psychotherapy) is author, pastor, life coach and business consultant tired of seeing Christians stumble and crush landing, he sets up this blog as a guiding beacon for serious believers, and to make a difference.MORE Twitter Followers 98.8K Frequency 2 posts/week
24. Knowing God RSS Feed
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Knowing God: A powerful spiritual blog on the Christian faith, Christian doctrine, and the Christian's walk and testimony.
Frequency 11 posts/year
25. The Rise of an UNLOVED RSS Feed
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This blog has been created to be the voice of all the one who feel unloved and unworthy but always stands up strong in front of the world with a SMILE on their face or for the people who needs little motivation for their life long journey. I am here to guide, motivate and inspire you towards a fruitful living with the help of Christ who has saved me and showed what living a life like a true Christian is.MORE Frequency 8 posts/year
26. pebblecrowns RSS Feed
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I am a parent to two amazing children (1 girl, 1 boy) , a wife (to one husband and 0 sister wives) and a remedial teacher. I have strong convictions and am completely given over to my Saviour, Jesus. I am passionate about worship and it permeates every area of my life. I love taking photographs and believe the best ones are raw and true.MORE Frequency 11 posts/year
27. Experiencing Christ Bible Verse Studies RSS Feed
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In Depth into the Verse, Seeing the Principles, and Experiencing the Person of Christ Studies Led by Rick Daigle.
Frequency 2 posts/week Since Oct 2016
28. Crazy Life RSS Feed
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Christian women writing on life, faith, joy and much more.
Frequency 2 posts/month
29. The Sister Christian RSS Feed
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Hi. I'm Karen, and I would like to share with you how asking the Lord Jesus Christ into my life 14 years ago has made a drastic change to my attitude, my self-esteem, my lifestyle, and general health.MORE Frequency 8 posts/year
30. Australasian Christian Writers RSS Feed
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Australasian Christian Writers is a vibrant blog that brings together a community of Christian authors and readers from across Australasia. The blog features an array of content including book reviews, writing tips, and author interviews, all grounded in Christian faith. It serves as a supportive space for both established and aspiring writers, offering insights into the unique challenges and rewards of writing within the Christian genre...MORE Twitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 1.8K Since Aug 2013
31. International Christian Fiction Writers Blog RSS Feed
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A blog for writers and readers of international Christian fiction. International Christian Fiction Writers is a group of over thirty authors writing Christian fiction in international settings.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 1.4K Frequency 2 posts/week
32. Ian Pike Blog RSS Feed
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Ian Pike, Christian author of 4 books Reflections of a married man, Reflections of what is a man, Reflections of a man who didn't know what he knew, Reflections on the Old Testament, Reflections on the Kingdom of God.MORE Twitter Followers 542 Frequency 1 post/week Since Jul 2020
33. Life, love, writing RSS Feed
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AuthorsWilliams invites readers into the imaginative and multifaceted worlds of its author's literary creations. Through this blog, the author shares glimpses of their creative process, musings on storytelling, and reflections on the themes that drive their work. Engaging posts explore the intricacies of character development, plot construction, and the emotional undercurrents that give stories their depth. With an emphasis on crafting narratives that resonate, the blog serves as both an inspiration and a behind-the-scenes look at the art of writing...MORE Facebook Followers 568Twitter Followers 1.1K Frequency 11 posts/year
34. Debby Handman Author RSS Feed
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Covers articles about Christianity, Divorce, Infidelity, Affair, Healing after Divorce.
Facebook Followers 256Instagram Followers 1.1K Frequency 2 posts/month
35. Judith Nembhard Books Blog RSS Feed
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Blog topics deal with current issues in the news, social issues, community, relationships, literature and language, special days, etc. Each blog is given a spiritual or inspirational application at the end.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
36. FaithWriters Blog RSS Feed
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Christian writers largest online website, guaranteed writing improvement, Christian articles for publishers. The purpose of FaithWriters is to encourage Christian writers to learn and grow in an environment that is nurturing and to provide comprehensive resources that enables us to be the premier online destination for Christian writers.MORE Facebook Followers 7.3KTwitter Followers 5.7K Frequency 11 posts/year Since Jan 2010