Top 60 Deaf RSS Feeds
Deaf RSS Feeds
Here are 60 Best Deaf RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Hearing Tracker | Hearing Aid Reviews, Audiologist Reviews RSS Feed
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Compare hearing aids and read hearing aid reviews submitted by authenticated patients. Locate high-quality hearing aid professionals in your area.
Facebook Followers 8.3KTwitter Followers 4K Frequency 3 posts/month Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Living With Hearing Loss Blog RSS Feed
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Living With Hearing Loss, a blog for people living with hearing loss. She is active as a hearing health advocate and write frequently on related topics on this blog and elsewhere.
Facebook Followers 9.9KTwitter Followers 5.3KInstagram Followers 804 Frequency 2 posts/month
3. World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) RSS Feed
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Human rights for deaf people including recognition of sign language in all aspects of life. The WFD works for the realisation of deaf people's human rights in partnership with the United Nations and its agencies, national organisations of deaf people, and relevant stakeholders.MORE Facebook Followers 118.5K Frequency 8 posts/year
4. Selina Wing RSS Feed
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Selina Wing, Deaf geek shares the experience to increase the awareness of Deaf Malaysia
Facebook Followers 921Twitter Followers 210Instagram Followers 2.4K Frequency 11 posts/year
5. Network Interpreting Service Blog RSS Feed
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Network Interpreting Service coordinates American Sign Language interpreting and related services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. (Since 1988)
Facebook Followers 978Twitter Followers 78 Frequency 8 posts/year
6. Deaf Community RSS Feed
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Most popular, free public forum for the deaf and hard of hearing. Come share your thoughts and opinions on deaf related topics and issues.
Twitter Followers 466 Frequency 5 posts/week
7. The Limping Chicken RSS Feed
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The Limping Chicken will help you find the most interesting, informative and thought-provoking deaf blogs, news and entertainment on the web.
Facebook Followers 12.9KTwitter Followers 15.5K Frequency 3 posts/week Since Feb 2012
8. The Daily Moth RSS Feed
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The Daily Moth delivers news in video using American Sign Language. The deaf host, Alex Abenchuchan, covers top deaf stories, deaf news, deaf cultural humor, and other deaf topics.
Facebook Followers 266.8KTwitter Followers 9.4KInstagram Followers 75K Frequency 2 posts/day
9. 121 Captions RSS Feed
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The 121 Captions blog has news, thought-provoking articles, useful tips and advice from the captioning experts. Run by deaf people for deaf people. Their mission is to bridge communication gaps between deaf and hearing people with a customised one-to-one service.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 5.4K Frequency 2 posts/week
10. Liam O'Dell RSS Feed
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Liam O'Dell is a freelance journalist specialising in deafness, disability and social media. Alongside writing, Liam produces content for his own YouTube channel and is a public speaker, having moderated panels at Summer in the City, the Almeida Theatre's Shifting Tides festival and the UK Asexuality Conference. Check out his posts now.MORE Facebook Followers 471Twitter Followers 10.4KInstagram Followers 4.6K Frequency 4 posts/week Since Aug 2012
11. Hearing Speech + Deaf Center RSS Feed
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Empowering communication in Greater Cincinnati. Blog posts feature News, Activities, the Deaf community, Hearing, and Health. Hearing Speech + Deaf Center provides a nurturing environment for anyone seeking to overcome obstacles regarding speech, language, literacy, hearing, or Deafness.MORE Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 100Instagram Followers 485 Frequency 11 posts/year
12. Audio Accessibility RSS Feed
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Audio Accessibility was founded by Svetlana Kouznetsova (Sveta), an independent consultant and accessibility trailblazer. She has been deaf since age 2 and has had to use various alternative solutions to effectively navigate communication and information barriers throughout her life. Most posts would focus on news related to captioning, but occasionally there would be posts related to deafness, hearing loss, communication methods, and more.MORE Twitter Followers 627 Frequency 4 posts/year Since Jan 2012
13. RSS Feed
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I am Deaf, and my primary language would be American Sign Language or more so what they call it PSE. As goes for my hobbies or things that I love doing would be blogging, reading comic books, four-wheeling (ATV), fishing, hunting, watching movies, and traveling. In JoshiesWorld where he reports, investigates, shares his opinions, and reviews on everything!MORE Facebook Followers 172Twitter Followers 173Instagram Followers 8.4K Frequency 11 posts/year
14. iSLanDS' Blog RSS Feed
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The Institute for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies (iSLanDS) is a unique hub for the study of sign linguistics & deaf communities on a global scale. This blog aims to give an insider's perspective on the day-to-day reality of our research. Articles feature live reports from the International Institute for Sign Languages & Deaf Studies (iSLanDS).MORE Twitter Followers 537 Frequency 4 posts/year Since Sep 2010
15. British Deaf Association RSS Feed
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The BDA is the UK's leading membership organisation and registered charity led by Deaf people, for Deaf people. Our Mission is to ensure a world in which the language, culture, community, diversity and heritage of Deaf people in the UK is respected and fully protected, ensuring that Deaf people can participate and contribute as equal and valued citizens in the wider society.MORE Facebook Followers 30.1KTwitter Followers 21KInstagram Followers 9.5K Frequency 2 posts/month
16. Irish Deaf Society RSS Feed
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The Irish Deaf Society is the largest Deaf-led organisation in Ireland working with both the Deaf and hard of hearing community. Our work focuses on issues such as achieving equality and access for Deaf people. Irish Sign Language (ISL) is the language of the Deaf community in Ireland.MORE Facebook Followers 11KTwitter Followers 7.5KInstagram Followers 2.6K Frequency 11 posts/year
17. My Hearing Loss Story RSS Feed
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This is my story about my experience of sudden sensorineural hearing loss and how it affects my life. Transformational Coach and hearing health advocate dedicated to helping create positive change.MORE Facebook Followers 341Twitter Followers 585Instagram Followers 370 Frequency 11 posts/year
18. Deaf Umbrella RSS Feed
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Award winning support for people who are deaf in London and the South East region. We offer British Sign Language Courses and Deaf Awareness Training. Our Mission is to facilitate the communication process between Deaf and hearing people by providing highly trained Language Service Professionals.MORE Facebook Followers 11.5KTwitter Followers 7.3KInstagram Followers 17.2K Frequency 5 posts/month
19. Deaf Child Hope RSS Feed
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Reaching out to deaf children in poverty conditions around the world with hope by partnering with Christian missions and ministries.
Twitter Followers 209 Frequency 2 posts/month
20. Idea Deaf RSS Feed
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IDEA envisions a society in which the Deaf in the Philippines enjoy social and economic equality, exchanging isolation for community, servitude for self-reliance. Our mission is to foster self-reliance by providing academic, vocational, physical, spiritual, and economic opportunities for deaf children, adults, and families.MORE Twitter Followers 228 Frequency 4 posts/year
21. Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf RSS Feed
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Pittsburgh Association of the Deaf (PAD) became a charter club back in 1929 to 'encourage wholesome sports, pastime and recreation; exert a wholesome influence upon the conduct of its members; help the Deaf to secure employment, aid in educating the Deaf and maintain a club for the social enjoyment of its members.'MORE Facebook Followers 4K Frequency 11 posts/year
22. Christian School and Chapel for the Deaf RSS Feed
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Nuturing Deaf children to live and think biblically.
Facebook Followers 1.1K Frequency 8 posts/year
23. The Bridge Between Hearing and Deafness RSS Feed
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This blog is for those who are hearing to ask any questions they may have about deafness and Deaf culture.
Frequency 3 posts/month
24. Fiji Deaf Ministry RSS Feed
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The Fiji Deaf Ministry is a Christian charity providing education and support for the Deaf of the South Pacific. The Ministry also works with those who provide the Deaf with post-schooling support. A long-term aim of the charity is to build on links with deaf individuals and communities throughout the South Pacific, promoting more local education options.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1K Frequency 8 posts/year
25. Cork Deaf RSS Feed
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The Cork Deaf Association is committed to the empowerment of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in Cork city and county through the provision of information, advocacy and support services. We aim to achieve a more inclusive society, where Deaf and Hard of Hearing people enjoy equality of opportunity, independence and full citizenship.MORE Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 186 Frequency 4 posts/year
26. I Sign. I Wander RSS Feed
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I'm Sherrie. A Deaf woman who is passionate about advocacy, Deaf rights and travelling.
Facebook Followers 5.7KTwitter Followers 1.6K Frequency 4 posts/year
27. Rikki Poynter RSS Feed
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Rikki Poynter is a 25-year-old Deaf vlogger on YouTube. After four years of being a beauty blogger and vlogger, she took a hiatus in October 2014 to focus on more lifestyle blogs and vlogs about deafness and Deaf culture.MORE Twitter Followers 13.7K Frequency 2 posts/week Since Jun 2013
28. Hearing Like Me RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is an online community for people whose lives are affected by hearing loss. We bring together people from all around the world to share stories that inspire hope in almost any hearing loss situation. Sharing our hearing loss stories with each other is a powerful thing. Together, we can learn to live with hearing loss more successfully and advocate in a more meaningful way.MORE Facebook Followers 273.9KTwitter Followers 18.8KInstagram Followers 13.3K Frequency 3 posts/month
29. Hearing Aid Know RSS Feed
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Want clear honest advice on hearing aids? We offer no-nonsense, easy to understand advice on hearing aids, hearing loss, tinnitus, and other hearing issues.
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 571Instagram Followers 1.4K Frequency 11 posts/year
30. Katherine Bouton RSS Feed
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Katherine is a frequent speaker on hearing loss issues, and speaks to both professional groups and hearing loss groups. Her blog on hearing loss appears weekly at AARP online and also appears on this web site. Katherine Bouton is the author of 'Shouting Won't Help' and 'Living Better With Hearing Loss'.MORE Twitter Followers 596 Frequency 2 posts/month
31. Hands & Voices RSS Feed
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Hands & Voices is dedicated to supporting families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing without a bias around communication modes or methodology. We're a parent-driven, non-profit organization providing families with the resources, networks, and information they need to improve communication access and educational outcomes for their children.MORE Facebook Followers 16.3KTwitter Followers 4.9K Frequency 11 posts/year
32. Hearing Link RSS Feed
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Hearing Link is delighted to host a number of guest bloggers, chronicling their hearing loss journeys. We sincerely hope that you find comfort, hope and above all kindred spirits in them.
Facebook Followers 4.3KTwitter Followers 5.3K Frequency 11 posts/year
33. Deaf Action Center RSS Feed
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DAC provides those who are deaf & hard of hearing the means to ensure advancement through education, communication, economic security and good health.
Facebook Followers 6.2KTwitter Followers 173 Frequency 2 posts/month
34. Imanyco RSS Feed
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Focuses on advocating and raising awareness for the deaf community. Imanyco is a technology company that produces products for consumers who are hearing impaired.
Facebook Followers 228Twitter Followers 62Instagram Followers 294 Frequency 4 posts/year
35. James Cameron-Morris RSS Feed
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Hello! I'm James, a Deaf vlogger, born in 1988.
Facebook Followers 121.7KTwitter Followers 33.8K Frequency 3 posts/week
36. NR Deaf RSS Feed
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Participants picture for the Deaf in Thailand. Around the world in the future.
Facebook Followers 9K Frequency 4 posts/year
37. British Deaf News RSS Feed
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The Deaf community's leading online news portal, brought to you by the British Deaf Association.
Facebook Followers 17KTwitter Followers 14.8KInstagram Followers 9.5K Frequency 2 posts/month Since Jun 2014
38. ASL Deafined Blog RSS Feed
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ASL Deafined is an interactive website for anyone to learn American Sign Language. This site was developed to help deaf students improve their English grammar, for parents to improve their sign language skill and for the community at large to learn to sign. It is a subscription based website for ASL utilizing video lessons. All lessons are taught by Deaf experts of ASL.MORE Facebook Followers 3.3KTwitter Followers 4.3K Frequency 11 posts/year
39. Beginnings SC RSS Feed
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Inspiring hope through empowerment, education and engagement. To provide emotional, informational, and technical support to parents with children who are deaf or hard of hearing, parents who are deaf and hard of hearing, and the professionals with whom they work so that all of their children develop commensurate with their SC peers.MORE Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 953Instagram Followers 795 Frequency 8 posts/year
40. SRID | Deaf Fun RSS Feed
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A blog by Shawn Richardson featuring illustration & design embraces the Deaf community and culture. This is just for fun with arts, awareness, education, entertainment, diversity, et cetera.
Frequency 4 posts/year
41. Deaf News Today RSS Feed
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News for the deaf and hard of hearing since 2001.
Facebook Followers 19.4KTwitter Followers 21.1K Frequency 1 post/week
42. Silent Grapevine RSS Feed
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Silent Grapevine's aim is to serve their viewers by providing reliable, valuable, and important Deaf community oriented information in every newcast.
Twitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 297 Frequency 5 posts/day
43. Deafinitely Girly RSS Feed
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She's deaf and she's girly! Follow Deafinitely Girly as she tackles a spinning class, spends time in the mountains and hears a baby cry. She's funny, clever, positive and ready to tell you what being deaf and having fun in London is all about!MORE Twitter Followers 3.9K Frequency 4 posts/year Since Apr 2008
44. Cambridgeshire Deaf Association RSS Feed
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Services for Deaf people in Cambridgeshire. Deaf and Hearing people are equal and should receive the same levels of opportunity, access and respect. Deaf people are only 'disabled' by the effects of discrimination and exclusion. The Deaf community and Deaf culture are important to the sense of identity of individual Deaf people.MORE Facebook Followers 12.2K Frequency 8 posts/year
45. LC Interpreting Services Blog RSS Feed
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My name is Lydia Callis, and I am a RID nationally certified American Sign Language Interpreter. I am also an advocate for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community. I founded LC Interpreting Services with the goal of consistently providing high quality, culturally-competent sign language interpreters. American sign language is my passion and connecting people is my purpose!MORE Facebook Followers 837 Frequency 4 posts/year
46. The Unguarded Quarter RSS Feed
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The Unguarded Quarter is about lots of things, with an obvious slant towards deafness. It covers being deaf, hearing impairment, disability at some stage, media, other things as well. The Unguarded Quarter continues my life-long exploration of deafness. TUQ stores much of the writing I've been doing for years. While I gradually add more content from the past, including material from before the Internet era, I also keep writing new material.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
47. Deaflepuff RSS Feed
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Abby. 22 and I'm DeafBlind. This is my blog posting things about being Deaf Hufflepuff = Deaflepuff.
Facebook Followers 87Twitter Followers 132 Frequency 8 posts/year
48. Deafie Blogger RSS Feed
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A blog about real-life problems, achievements, and day to day struggles in a deaf person's world!
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 4.1KInstagram Followers 4.1K Frequency 1 post/week
49. NorCal Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing RSS Feed
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We are a non-profit, community-based organization serving deaf and hard of hearing individuals in 24 northeastern counties of California.
Twitter Followers 263Instagram Followers 784 Frequency 3 posts/week
50. deafdrop RSS Feed
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Deaf & autistic based in the United Kingdom.
Twitter Followers 181 Frequency 4 posts/year
51. DeafMN RSS Feed
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Dedicated towards providing the MN Deaf Community with the information it needs to inform and empower.
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 99 Frequency 8 posts/year
52. Ai-Media Blog RSS Feed
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Latest news on sign language, deaf topics, accessibility, captioning and transcriptions.
Facebook Followers 1.2MTwitter Followers 8.1KInstagram Followers 26.4K Frequency 5 posts/month