Top 50 Digital Humanities RSS Feeds
Digital Humanities RSS Feeds
Here are 50 Best Digital Humanities RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Alex Reid RSS Feed
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Read the mopst recent posts from Alex Reid in his personal blog. He dives into Media Studies, Higher Education Advice, Assemblage Theory, Posthumanism, and Current Affairs among other topics. Alex is a professor of Digital Rhetoric and Media Study at the University at Buffalo.MORE Facebook Followers 63Twitter Followers 1.8K Frequency 2 posts/month Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The Stoa RSS Feed
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The Stoa is an electronic publication journal and serves opinions, reviews, and announcements for digital classicists everywhere. The Stoa's main purposes include dissemination of news and announcements, mainly via the gateway blog; discussion of best practices via discussion groups and white papers.MORE Frequency 8 posts/year
3. Reviews in Digital Humanities RSS Feed
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Reviews in Digital Humanities is the pilot of a peer-reviewed journal and project registry that facilitates scholarly evaluation and dissemination of digital humanities work and its outputs. The goal of Reviews in Digital Humanities is to foster critical discourse about digital scholarship in a format useful to other scholars. MORE Frequency 2 posts/week
4. RSS Feed
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Dive into research notes taken on various subjects around multimedia, electronic texts, and computer games at the Theoretica Blog by Dr. Geoffrey Martin Rockwell He is a Professor of Philosophy and Humanities Computing and has published and presented papers in the area of philosophical dialogue, textual visualization, and analysis, humanities computing, instructional technology, computer games, and multimedia.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
5. digihum de Blog RSS Feed
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Read updates and announcements, conference excerpts, trending tweets, and more about the Digihum Project at this blog. The Digital Humanism Initiative is an international collaboration seeking to build a community of scholars, policymakers, and industrial players who are focused on ensuring that technology development remains centered on human interests.MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
6. Digital Humanities @ Stanford RSS Feed
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The Digital Humanities @ Stanford Blog catalogs articles, and news updates from events and conferences held at Stanford DH. Digital Humanities at Stanford is researched from a collective of centers scattered across the campus, including Stanford Libraries, Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Research (CIDR), Digital Library Systems and Services (DLSS), and many more institutions.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
7. Library of Congress Blog » Digital Humanities RSS Feed
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Explore our posts archived under the Digital Humanities Category in the Library of Congress's The Signal Blog. The Signal is a collaborative blog between the Digital Strategy Directorate and the Digital Content Management Section at the Library of Congress. Initially created in 2011 to share about digital preservation efforts, the blog has traced the evolution of digital practices at the Library over the course of a decade.MORE Facebook Followers 541.8K Frequency 8 posts/year
8. Sussex Humanities Lab Blog RSS Feed
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Stay tuned for updates on events, announcements, and articles from the Sussex Humanities Lab in this blog. SHL is a Strategic Research Programme at the University of Sussex designed to address some of the key challenges and opportunities facing contemporary society by bringing together expertise from many disciplines.MORE Frequency 11 posts/year
9. H-Net » Digital Humanities CFPs RSS Feed
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Discover papers, news, and research articles, calls for contributions and all other discussions tagged Digital Humanities here on the Humanities network. H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web.MORE Facebook Followers 7.2KTwitter Followers 10K Frequency 3 posts/month
10. ACDH-CH RSS Feed
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Find the latest news, events and highlights from The Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage on this blog. ACDH-CH has been bringing together two focal points of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in one institute : basic research in the humanities in long-term projects and research in the methodological and theoretical paradigms of digital documentation.MORE Twitter Followers 3.8K Frequency 1 post/week
11. Digital Repository Ireland RSS Feed
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Read news updates, discussions, hiring calls, and announcements from DRI at their official blog. The Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) is a research performing organization and national trustworthy digital repository (TDR) for Ireland's humanities, cultural heritage, and social sciences data.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 9.3KInstagram Followers 1.2K Frequency 2 posts/week
12. Andrew Goldstone RSS Feed
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Follow along with Andrew Goldstone as he rambles about his work, teaching, or just personal observations in the field of Digital Humanities, Data Structures, and more. Andrew is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at Rutgers University, and a part of an initiative to develop and promote work in the digital humanities at Rutgers University. He helps organize lectures, workshops, open houses, and other eventsMORE Twitter Followers 1.3K Frequency 11 posts/year
13. Digital Humanities at Glasgow Blog RSS Feed
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The Digital Humanities at Glasgow Blog chronicles the week that was of the Digital Humanities Team at the University of Glasgow. We, at GU, have dozens of projects, involving scholars and technical experts coming together in the GU Digital Humanities Network to share expertise and collaborate. Our courses are training the humanists of the future to use digital methods in all of their scholarships.MORE Frequency 1 post/week
14. Programming Historian RSS Feed
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We publish novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching. All tutorials at Programming Historian are rigorously peer-reviewed, and guided through the review process by one of our editors. The Programming Historian was founded in 2008 by William J. Turkel and Alan MacEachern.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
15. Electric Archaeology RSS Feed
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Shawn Graham talks about Digital humanities, methods to model data from archaeological surveys using tools like Zotero and Obsidian, and personal ramblings in this blog. Shawn is a Professor in the Department of History at Carleton University. He teaches in the public history and digital humanities programs.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
16. Trevor Owens RSS Feed
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Trevor Owens shares book excerpts, reviews, snippets about his books, and reflections on the outside world in this personal blog. Dr. Trevor Owens is a librarian, researcher, policy maker, and educator advancing digital infrastructure and programs for libraries, archives, museums, and related cultural institutions.MORE Frequency 8 posts/year
17. Digital meets Culture RSS Feed
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Get Information on digital art, heritage, digitization, photography, and projects. Art, heritage & technologies. Digital meets Culture is an interactive magazine intended as a portal for gathering information about the digital culture in the world. This portal aims to act as a reference point and as a valuable means of information and communication for different users in a global dimension.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 1.3K Frequency 2 posts/week
18. Lori Emerson Blog RSS Feed
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Lori Emerson shares her thoughts, opinions, and critiques on Digital Humanities, E-literature, and other topics. Lori is an Associate Professor in the English Department and Director of the Intermedia Arts, Writing, and Performance Program at the University of Colorado. Her work engages in multiple disciplines including the history of technology, media studies, communication, and literary studies.MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
19. Dot Porter Digital RSS Feed
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Dot Porter discusses digitally modeling historical manuscripts, creating digital libraries, data play, and more at their blog. Dot Porter is a digital humanist, a medievalist, and a librarian and has 18 years of experience in program and workflow development, project management, grant writing, and humanities data conversion and analysis.MORE Twitter Followers 4.5K Frequency 4 posts/year
20. EPIsciences | Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities (JDMDH) RSS Feed
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The Journal of Data Mining & Digital Humanities, JDMDH, publishes original research, and review papers including and specifically about fields concerning Digital Humanities such as Applications of computational intelligence, Archiving and corpus creation models, Audiovisual indexing and document engineering and more.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
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Get most recent updates and news from DARIAH (Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities) including Proposal calls, Twitter news, and more. DARIAH is a network of people, expertise, information, knowledge, methods, tools, and technologies. It develops, maintains, and operates infrastructure in support of ICT-based research practices and sustains researchers to build, analyze and interpret digital resources.MORE Twitter Followers 10.6K Frequency 1 post/week
22. triproftri RSS Feed
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Triprofitri is a blog by Prof. Katherine D. Harris where she writes about Digital Humanities, Feminism, Pedagogy, Professional issues, her Upcoming workshops and more topics. Prof. Katherine D. Harris teaches English & Comparative Literature at San Jose State University and has published work on Digital Humanities and related areas.MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
23. Txtlab RSS Feed
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The Txtlab blog reports on the latest research findings and collaborations at our lab. '.txtlab' is a laboratory for cultural analytics at McGill University. We explore the use of computational approaches toward understanding literature and culture in both the past and present. Our aim is to use the tools of data science and machine learning to better understand the foundations of storytelling.MORE Frequency 8 posts/year
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Read current and happening news and events from the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Since 1994, the RRCHNM has been using digital media and computer technology to democratize history: to incorporate multiple voices, reach diverse audiences, and encourage popular participation in presenting and preserving the past.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
25. CraigBellamy RSS Feed
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Dr. Craig Bellamy blogs about Travel, Digital Humanities, and Education. His posts cover travel logs, public talk, and work. Dr. Craig has an extensive background in teaching, research, digital resource development, and curriculum design which he uses alongside a humanist and constructivist approach towards technology to address contemporary problems in education.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
26. Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative RSS Feed
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The Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative blog delivers news and updates regarding the activities, and projects of CHI Grad Fellows. Founded in 2010, the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative by the Michigan State University Department of Anthropology provides cultural heritage-focused students an opportunity and environment to learn and build digital skills.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
27. Center for Digital Humanities RSS Feed
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Get the latest updates and news on research work, and projects from the Center for Digital Humanities at Princeton University. The Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) is an interdisciplinary research center devoted to building knowledge infrastructures for the use of digital evidence, fostering communities of practice across disciplines. Our team consists of developers, designers, scholars, writers, and teachers.MORE Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 5.6KInstagram Followers 551 Frequency 1 post/week
28. The Association for Computers and the Humanities RSS Feed
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Catch the latest news and announcements from the Association for Computer and the Humanities. The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is a major professional society for the digital humanities. We support and disseminate research and cultivate a vibrant professional community through conferences, publications, and outreach activities.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
29. ADHO RSS Feed
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The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is an umbrella organization whose goals are to promote and support digital research and teaching across arts and humanities disciplines, drawing together humanists engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, creation, dissemination, and beyond, in all areas reflected by its diverse membership.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
30. dh+lib RSS Feed
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This website grew out of stirrings on the ACRL Digital Humanities Discussion Group (DHDG) listserv and a desire to create a more public venue for discussion. It aims to provide a communal space where librarians, archivists, LIS graduate students, and information specialists of all stripes can contribute to a conversation about digital humanities and libraries.MORE Twitter Followers 8.6K Frequency 2 posts/week
31. Bethany Nowviskie RSS Feed
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Bethany Nowviskie re-constitutes her public talks, projects from Digital Humanities, personal tributes, and notes in a candid manner. Nowviskie is a Professor of English. She received her Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Virginia in 2004 and has worked on numerous ground-breaking projects in digital libraries and the digital humanities.MORE Twitter Followers 13.2K Frequency 4 posts/year
32. Dan Cohen Blog RSS Feed
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Dan Cohen's Blog Humane Ingenuity looks in depth at the technology that helps rather than hurts human understanding, and human understanding that helps us create better technology. Dan is the Vice Provost for Information Collaboration, Dean of the Library, and Professor of History at Northeastern University. His work has focused on the impact of digital media and technology on all aspects of knowledge and learningMORE
33. Digital Humanities at Exeter RSS Feed
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Read posts on Digital Humanities, Collaborations and conferences, Internship experiences, Outreach, and more at our blog. The Digital Humanities Team, University of Exeter uses technological advances in science and engineering and strives to contribute knowledge and best practice back to the global Digital Humanities community.MORE Twitter Followers 29 Frequency 8 posts/year
34. JITP RSS Feed
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The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy publishes articles on Technology, Teaching, Learning, and Research. The mission of JITP is to promote open scholarly discourse around critical and creative uses of digital technology in teaching, learning, and research. We are committed to teaching and learning, and intend that the journal provides opportunities to reveal, reflect on, and revise academic publications.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 2.9K Frequency 2 posts/month
35. Uppsala Universitet RSS Feed
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This blog is about the Master Programme in Digital Humanities at Uppsala University. Learn more about the Digital Humanities program by collecting perspectives on the education from teachers and researchers from different areas of digital humanities. The program is located at the Department of ALM (Archive-, Library- and Museum Studies) at the University of Uppsala.MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
36. OpenMethods RSS Feed
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Our platform highlights curated content about Digital Humanities Methods and Tools, an important area in the DH peer-reviewed literature from a unique perspective. OpenMethods: Highlighting Digital Humanities Methods and Tools is a DARIAH initiative created by the Humanities at Scale project in cooperation with OPERAS.MORE Frequency 11 posts/year
37. Vanderbilt University Blog » DH Centre RSS Feed
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The DH Centre Blog at Vanderbilt University gives reviews of projects, opinions, news, and info on upcoming events at the Center. The Vanderbilt Center for Digital Humanities was founded in 2016 with an aim to provide digital humanities education training and project support to scholars at all levels and to establish programs for collaborative digital humanities training and project development.MORE Facebook Followers 134.6KTwitter Followers 62.5KInstagram Followers 106.3K Frequency 4 posts/year
38. Wolfram Blog » Digital Humanities RSS Feed
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Read the latest announcements, events, news and developer insights about 'Digital Humanities' on the Wolfram Blog. Wolfram Research is one of the world's most respected computer, web and cloud software companies, as well as a powerhouse of scientific and technical innovation. We have pursued a long-term vision to develop the science, technology and tools to make computation accessible to everyone.MORE
39. UCL Blog » UCLDH RSS Feed
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Get to know about upcoming workshops, Calls for papers, Vacant positions, and other news and events at the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. Founded in 2010, the UCLDH at University College London is a cross-faculty research centre, bringing together a vibrant network of people who teach and research in a wide range of disciplines.MORE Facebook Followers 281.1KInstagram Followers 211.7K Frequency 11 posts/year
40. Sapping Attention RSS Feed
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In his blog about Digital Humanities, Ben Schmidt describes using software and tools from the 1990s to answer questions from the 1960s about 19th century America. Ben is the director of digital humanities and clinical associate professor of history at New York University and researches humanistic data analysis and data visualization to help people think about the American past in new ways.MORE
41. Hypotheses » Digital Humanities + RSS Feed
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In Digital Humanities +, Claire Clivaz reports on the various collaborative projects her team undertakes and contributions made by other scholars. Since 2018, the Digital Humanities + group of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics fosters the collaboration between Humanities and Bioinformatics researchers around DH research projects.MORE Facebook Followers 10.8KTwitter Followers 16.1K Frequency 3 posts/month
42. Kathleen Fitzpatrick RSS Feed
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Follow along with Kathleen Fitzpatrick in her personal blog as she shares insights from her projects, teaching experience, and travel. Kathleen Fitzpatrick is a Director of Digital Humanities and Professor of English at Michigan State University. She has led a number of experiments in open peer review and other innovations in scholarly publishing.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
43. 4Humanities RSS Feed
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Explore viewpoints, projects, and research by the 4humanities community. 4Humanities is an advocacy initiative for the humanities focused on placing the value of the humanities before the public. We draw in particular on the expertise of the international digital humanities community.MORE Twitter Followers 5.6K Frequency 4 posts/year
44. Ammon Shepherd RSS Feed
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Discover posts that recollect projects, courses, and the personal life of Ammon Shepherd. He is a Digital Humanities Developer at the Scholars' Lab at the University of Virginia. He is a historian and also a systems developer with experience running web, database, and file servers.MORE Facebook Followers 745Twitter Followers 6.5K Frequency 4 posts/year
45. Matthew Lincoln RSS Feed
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This is the personal blog of Matthew D. Lincoln, Ph.D., Collections Information Architect at Carnegie Mellon University. He shares his thoughts, opinions, and sometimes personal reflections on everything from his Digital Humanities dissertation to Data modeling.MORE Twitter Followers 2.4K Frequency 4 posts/year
46. Digital Humanities and Culture RSS Feed
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Read trending news and events from The Center for Digital Humanities and Culture at IUP. DHC supports scholarship, proof-of-concept explorations, and project applications of digital technologies in Humanistic inquiry and aims to facilitate conversation, collaboration, and resource sharing amongst specialists within the disciplines.MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
47. Lincoln Mullen Blog RSS Feed
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Hi, I am Lincoln Mullen and this blog is my place to share what I do at work, tips and more. I am an associate professor in the Department of History and Art History at George Mason University. As a historian of American religion and the nineteenth-century United States, I use computational methods for texts and maps.MORE Frequency 11 posts/year
48. csuDigitalHumanities Blog RSS Feed
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The Center for Public History + Digital Humanities evolved from a series of collaborations between Dr. Mark Tebeau and Dr. Mark Souther, professors of History at Cleveland State University. The Center is focused on bringing together individuals and scholars in history, education, library, and information sciences and technology in order to better serve the public. We specialize in state-of-the-art public history projects and resources, mobile apps and websites, and oral history.MORE Twitter Followers 1.6K Frequency 8 posts/year
49. SDSU | Digital Humanities Blog RSS Feed
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Blog of the Digital Humanities Initiative at San Diego State University.The Digital Humanities Initiative at SDSU promotes critical engagement by providing a hub for innovation and collaboration across campus.MORE Facebook Followers 662Twitter Followers 834 Frequency 4 posts/year
50. SFU Library | DHL Blog RSS Feed
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Read the latest news about Digital Humanities on Digital Humanities Innovation Lab. The DHIL assists SFU researchers with the development of digital scholarship research by providing consultation, training, mentoring, research software development and technical support to faculty and graduate students.MORE Twitter Followers 3.6KInstagram Followers 2K Frequency 11 posts/year