Top 25 Effective Altruism RSS Feeds
Effective Altruism RSS Feeds
Here are 25 Best Effective Altruism RSS Feeds you should follow in 2024
1. 80,000 Hours RSS Feed
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80,000 Hours is part of the Centre for Effective Altruism, a registered charity in England and Wales. We research how talented graduates can best use their careers to solve the world's most pressing problems. Subscribe to keep up with the blog.
Twitter Followers 28.1K Frequency 1 post / week Since Jan 2011 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The GiveWell Blog RSS Feed
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Exploring how to get real change for your dollar. The GiveWell finds outstanding charities and publishes the full details of analysis to help donors decide where to give. GiveWell is a nonprofit dedicated to finding outstanding giving opportunities and publishing the full details of our analysis to help donors decide where to give.
Twitter Followers 27.5K Frequency 1 post / week Since Dec 2006
3. The Giving What We Can Blog RSS Feed
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Giving What We Can evaluate charities and builds a community of members donating 10% of their income to the most effective organizations in the world. Follow to keep up with their blog.
Twitter Followers 12.7K Frequency 1 post / week Since Sep 2012
4. Animal Charity Evaluators RSS Feed
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At Animal Charity Evaluators, we find and promote the most effective ways to help animals. We use effective altruism principles to evaluate causes and research. Stay tuned and get the latest news about what's going on at ACE, from research and recommendations to conversations and interviews.
Facebook Followers 20.6KTwitter Followers 4.7KInstagram Followers 2.7K Frequency 1 post / month Since Aug 2012
5. GiveDirectly Blog RSS Feed
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Read updates, data, and reflections about our work and delivering cash transfers to the extreme poor. GiveDirectly is a charity which aims to bridge that gap between the money you donate and the impact it has for the extreme poor, making your donation more personal and immediate by helping you to give as directly to a specific recipient as possible.
Instagram Followers 8.2K Frequency 1 post / day Since Jul 2011
6. Aceso Under Glass RSS Feed
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Aceso Under Glass is a blog all about Science, Altruism, and Video Games. Follow the blog to get the updates directly to your inbox.
Twitter Followers 1.8K Frequency 3 posts / month Since Dec 2013
7. Altrusim Today RSS Feed
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Altruism Today - helping others without any expectations. We believe in acting out of concern for other's well-being without expecting anything in return. We create altruistic & philanthropic awareness about giving. Subscribe and get the latest news and stories on altruism and philanthropy for those who give and don't expect anything in return.
Twitter Followers 13 Frequency 1 post / week Since Jan 2018
8. Humanicontrarian RSS Feed
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A blog by Marc DuBois. This blog is supposed to spark critical discussion around current issues affecting humanitarian action, with an eye to points of view running contrary to the prevailing discourse.
Twitter Followers 3.3K Frequency 5 posts / year Since Jan 2011
9. RSS Feed
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An ethics-oriented weblog celebrating effective altruism, philosophy, and other beliefs Eric holds. Also: a place to post random thoughts. Follow the blog for updates and notifications.
Twitter Followers 476 Frequency 1 post / quarter Since Mar 1994
10. The Pale Blue Dot | Exploring Effective Altruism RSS Feed
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In June 2017 my family committed to giving away five percent of our monthly earnings. This blog chronicles our giving every month. But more than that, it is an opportunity to increase our understanding of what we are doing and why, and hopefully encourage others to consider effective altruism as a practice worth learning more about.
Since Jul 2017
11. Life of Pretty RSS Feed
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Life of Pretty is all about altruism & self-fulfillment. It is about living with a better mindset and finding beauty within through altruism. Follow the blog to get updates from Life of Pretty, directly to your mailbox.
Frequency 3 posts / year Since Oct 2018
12. Charity Entrepreneurship RSS Feed
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Charity Entrepreneurship is a project of Charity Science, a foundation registered in Canada. Our mission is to get more high impact charities to exist in the world. Follow for updates about events and news by Charity Entrepreneurship.
Twitter Followers 1.7K Since Jan 2014
13. Effective Altruism at Harvard RSS Feed
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Harvard Effective Altruism is a diverse group of undergraduates, unified by a common desire to do good in the world. We like to challenge assumptions, seek out surprising ideas, and celebrate change for the better. Follow the blog to get news & updates.
Since Jun 2014
14. The Open Philanthropy Project Blog RSS Feed
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How can we accomplish as much good as possible with our giving? The Open Philanthropy Project has a mission to learn how to give as effectively as we can and share our findings openly so that anyone can build on our work. Subscribe the blog and never miss an update from The Open Philanthropy Project.
Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 13.6K Since Sep 2011
15. Nonprofit Chronicles RSS Feed
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Nonprofit Chronicles is a blog by journalist Marc Gunther about nonprofit organizations and their impact. Follow and discover reporting on foundations, nonprofits, global poverty, animal welfare, climate change.
Facebook Followers 825Twitter Followers 38.5K Since Mar 2015
16. Siebe Rozendal RSS Feed
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I am on my journey to making a difference in a complex world. I build and maintain the local effective altruism community. I focus on coaching individuals and bringing people together. Follow my blog and get information and posts about effective altruism and how it makes a difference.
Twitter Followers 115 Since May 2016
17. Design Altruism Project RSS Feed
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Design Altruism Project is the intersection of the design and altruism memeplexes. It is an initiative of designers without borders. Follow to know more and keep up with the blog.
Twitter Followers 169 Frequency 3 posts / year Since Jun 2008
18. Princeton Effective Altruism RSS Feed
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Princeton Effective Altruism (EA) aims to help you do good better. We apply reason and empirical evidence to search for the most effective ways to do good. We run career workshops, organize discussions, teach classes on EA, host speakers working on the most pressing issues, and more. Follow our blog and stay updated.
Since Sep 2017
19. The Good Jungle RSS Feed
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I'm Agnes Otzelberger, a trainer and facilitator working to get our minds, hearts and bodies in shape for the social good we seek. The Good Jungle is a platform to provide inspiration, learning and community to those of us questioning what it means to do good in a messy world.
Twitter Followers 251 Since Oct 2017
20. But Can They Suffer? RSS Feed
RSS Feed butcantheysuffer.wordpress.c.. Follow RSS Blog
This blog serves as a hub for those engaging with the studies and research surrounding how to make animal advocacy as effective as it can be. Follow for reviews, reflections and recommendations for Effective Animal Advocacy and Altruism.
Since Oct 2017
21. Altruism in Medicine Institute RSS Feed
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Our healthcare system is near breaking point. It needs healing. We envision health care professionals finding resilience in training compassion, mindfulness, and reducing burnout, depression, anger, and frustration. Follow to keep up with our blog.
Instagram Followers 1.2K Frequency 4 posts / year Since Mar 2005