Top 20 Gambling Addiction RSS Feeds
Gambling Addiction RSS Feeds
Here are 20 Best Gambling Addiction RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling Blog RSS Feed
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The blog by the Florida Council on Compulsive Gambling provides vital information and support for individuals struggling with gambling addiction. Managed by the council's team, it features articles on recovery strategies, awareness initiatives, and personal stories. The blog is a resource for understanding the complexities of gambling addiction and offers practical advice and support. Additionally, it highlights key programs and resources available to those seeking help.MORE Facebook Followers 6.1KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 368 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Algamus Gambling - Treatment Services RSS Feed
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Learn how you or your loved one can beat an addiction to gambling at one of America's only gambling-specific treatment facilities.
Facebook Followers 29Twitter Followers 1.1K
3. NewLife Steev RSS Feed
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A blog about recovery from problems with gambling and a new life of travelling.
Facebook Followers 69Twitter Followers 103
4. Compass Mark | Science-based Addiction Prevention RSS Feed
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Whether you're personally struggling with compulsive gambling, seeking help for another, or trying to prevent problem gambling behaviors, Compass Mark offers the resources to guide youth and adults on a journey toward lives free from addiction and full of promise.MORE Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 451Instagram Followers 343
5. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation - Youtube RSS Feed
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The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation aims to reduce the prevalence and harms of problem gambling and to help those who choose to gamble, to do so responsibly.
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6. Counsellor Sam's Blog - Gambling Counsellor RSS Feed
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My name is Sam and. I became a problem gambling counsellor because it was a subject close to my own heart and family.
Facebook Followers 7.3K
7. KnowTheOdds Blog RSS Feed
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The Cherrywood House blog focuses on mental health and addiction recovery, offering readers valuable insights into holistic and evidence-based treatment approaches. The blog discusses various topics including the importance of personalized care, the role of therapy in healing, and the challenges of maintaining long-term recovery. It also highlights the significance of creating a supportive environment for individuals on their recovery journey. Through its content, the Cherrywood House blog aims to educate and empower those seeking to overcome addiction and improve their mental well-being.MORE Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 1.6K
8. National Council on Problem Gambling RSS Feed
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Our mission is to lead state and national stakeholders in the development of comprehensive policy and programs for all those affected by problem gambling. Our purpose is to serve as the national advocate for programs and services to assist problem gamblers and their families. And our vision is to improve health and wellness by reducing the personal, social and economic costs of problem gambling.MORE Facebook Followers 30Twitter Followers 2.8K
9. Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling RSS Feed
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The Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling advocates for responsible gaming and gambling practices and services for those affected by gambling. We aim to reduce the impacts of gambling disorder and strive to make gambling healthy and safe for the people of Massachusetts.MORE Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 1
10. Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand RSS Feed
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Eliminate harm caused by gambling by providing counselling and support throughout New Zealand for individuals and families. The Foundation is committed to health promotion that contributes to more responsible gambling.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 1.6K
11. Preventing & Minimising Gambling Harm in Ireland RSS Feed
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Our Mission is to provide a dedicated, independent suite of supports, resources and referral pathways for problem gamblers and their families.
Facebook Followers 279
12. Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates RSS Feed
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Arnie & Sheila Wexler Associates is a Gambling Addiction Counseling and Treatment Service.
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13. Gambling Addiction - The Road of Recovery RSS Feed
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My name is Bennie and I am a Gambling Addict.The road to recovery is always under construction. Stop gambling is just the beginning of a painful journey. Recovery is not about stopping gambling. Its about changing oneself to deal with life. The only thing I can do today is to change myself. Accept the current stage of life I am in and deal with it with the best of my ability.MORE
14. Andy Margett - Youtube RSS Feed
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My name is Andy and I'm a compulsive gambler, Derby Co. Vlogger discussing my gambling addiction, trying to help others who want to know more.
Twitter Followers 2.1K
15. The Fix | gambling addiction RSS Feed
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The Fix is the world's leading website about addiction and recovery, featuring a daily mix of breaking news, exclusive interviews, investigative reports, essays and blogs on sober living, lifestyle and cultural resources, as well as knowledge and wisdom from expert counsel.MORE Facebook Followers 121.7KTwitter Followers 16.6K
16. Gambling Addiction Blog RSS Feed
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The Gambling Addiction Blog keeps you up-to-date with all additions and changes to the Help With Gambling Addiction site. Subscribe here!