Top 25 Indigenous RSS Feeds
Indigenous RSS Feeds
Here are 25 Best Indigenous RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Native News Online RSS Feed
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Native News Online delivers important daily news concerning Native Americans nationwide. Founded in 2011, Native News Online reaches millions of Native and non-Native readers annually including American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and others interested in Native American concerns. Read current news, events, and updates about Native Americans in this blog.MORE Facebook Followers 409.9KTwitter Followers 80.5KInstagram Followers 9.6K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Anishinabek News RSS Feed
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Anishinabek News is a news website designed to share knowledge and foster care about Anishinabek Nation current affairs, culture, political objectives, and accomplishments by providing local news to the community. Anishinabek News is published by the Union of Ontario Indians and is a pioneer in promoting Indigenous Arts & Culture.MORE Facebook Followers 38.1KTwitter Followers 32.8K
3. Chelsea Vowel RSS Feed
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Chelsea Vowel writes under the name âpihtawikosisân in this blog which started as a geeky language blog she never expected anyone to read. From a Métis Culture perspective, she has written non-fiction books on topics such as Métis and Inuit Issues in Canada, and short fiction as well. Chelsea is Métis and has a BEd, LLB, and MA.MORE Twitter Followers 54.7K
4. Indigenous Environmental Network News RSS Feed
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Follow the latest updates related to Indigenous and Environmental Movements at our blog. IEN is an alliance of indigenous peoples whose shared mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination & exploitation by respecting and adhering to indigenous knowledge and natural law.MORE Facebook Followers 345.4KTwitter Followers 81.8KInstagram Followers 213.6K
5. Walking Eagle News RSS Feed
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Walking Eagle News is a satirical Indigenous news website focusing on a lot of indigenous topics. Launched in 2017 by Tim Fontaine, WEN is a leader in the world of fictional Indigenous journalism. Our many stories, while often drawn from real life or ripped from the headlines, are entirely made-up and point to a deeper social issue in a comedic way.MORE Facebook Followers 19KTwitter Followers 67.2KInstagram Followers 24.1K
6. IndigiNews RSS Feed
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IndigiNews is an Indigenous-led online journalism platform that focuses on delivering culturally respectful and relevant news for Indigenous Peoples. Launched to provide a voice for Indigenous communities, IndigiNews covers a wide range of topics, including health, culture, and social issues, ensuring that Indigenous perspectives are at the forefront. The editorial team is committed to maintaining cultural safety and a decolonized approach in their reporting...MORE Facebook Followers 14.2KTwitter Followers 7.2KInstagram Followers 16.6K
7. Koori Mail RSS Feed
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Get the latest news stories and events surrounding the Aboriginal community right here. The Koori Mail is a completely Aboriginal-Owned and self-funded Fortnightly National Indigenous Newspaper reporting on the issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We give Indigenous Australians a voice missing in the mainstream media.MORE Facebook Followers 77.5K
8. Native Hope RSS Feed
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Native Hope, as the name suggests, believes that hope is at the foundation of real change. Read stories of hope in our blog. Native Hope exists to address the injustice done to Native Americans. We dismantle barriers through storytelling and impactful programs to bring healing and inspire hope.MORE Facebook Followers 243KTwitter Followers 8.9KInstagram Followers 17.1K
9. Indigenous Corporate Training Inc. RSS Feed
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ICT provides information on this blog as a resource for those seeking information about Indigenous Peoples. Find important news and opinions regarding Indigenous culture and more. Founded in 2002 by Bob Joseph, ICT helps people to work effectively with Indigenous Peoples including the Indian or First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples.MORE Facebook Followers 4KTwitter Followers 10
10. Yellowhead Institute RSS Feed
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Read articles from the Yellowhead Institute offering grounded perspectives and compelling ideas on Indigenous issues including generational justice, abolition, and social policy. The Institute also regularly publishes reports on Indigenous treaties, reconciliation, and updates on other such important topics. Yellowhead Institute is an Indigenous-led research and education center. It privileges Indigenous philosophy and amplifies Indigenous voices that provide alternatives to settler colonialism.MORE Facebook Followers 4.3KTwitter Followers 17.7KInstagram Followers 14.3K
11. American Indians in Children's Literature RSS Feed
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In this blog, you will find posts on reform about the depiction of Native American culture in Literature, links to book reviews, Native media, and more. Established in 2006, AICL provides critical perspectives and analysis of indigenous peoples in children's and young adult books, the school curriculum, popular culture, and society.MORE Twitter Followers 37.4K
12. Indigenous Leadership Initiative RSS Feed
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Get to know more about indigenous movements and cultures across North America and their efforts to conserve land and water bodies in the fight against climate change. ILI was launched in 2013 to help strengthen Indigenous Nationhood and fulfill Indigenous responsibilities to the land. We are dedicated to strengthening Indigenous leadership on the land and advancing conservation initiativesMORE Facebook Followers 48.1KTwitter Followers 30.2K
13. Turtle Talk RSS Feed
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Turtle Talk is the blog for the Indigenous Law and Policy Center at Michigan State University College of Law. We post news items related to Indian law and politics, with a special emphasis on topics related to Indian tribes in Michigan and the Great Lakes region. Our blog addresses and reports Legal issues, cases, and court rulings on Legal issues in Indian countries. We also store books, DVDs, and other law material that could prove helpful for someone seeking legal help in an indigenous matter.MORE
14. Censored News RSS Feed
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In this blog, we publish news about Indigenous People and Human Rights. Censored News published by Brenda Norell is a service to grassroots Indigenous Peoples engaged in resistance and upholding rights. They are a collective of writers, photographers, and broadcasters passionate about issues of Indigenous People.MORE Instagram Followers 1.9K
15. d RSS Feed
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This section of our blog features interviews, and transcripts of podcasts with Global leaders, philanthropists, and activists studying Aboriginal people's culture and history. Impact Boom is a certified social enterprise focused on the support and development of social enterprise globally. Here we share insights and inspiration to help you create a positive social impact.MORE Facebook Followers 11.2KTwitter Followers 4.2KInstagram Followers 2.6K
16. The Indegenous RSS Feed
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The Indegenous Blog brings the world's first open indigenous peoples' culture, knowledge, and opinions together all on one platform. Showcasing art, history, and current news from indigenous cultures. The Indegenous goal is to reduce inequalities for indigenous peoples through youth participation, enjoy access to justice, and participation in political processes and decision-making.MORE Facebook Followers 422Instagram Followers 2.4K
17. Indigenous Climate Action RSS Feed
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Catch up with all the latest news, events, and big stories related to Indigeneity and the climate crisis. ICA is an Indigenous-led organization guided by a diverse group of Indigenous knowledge keepers, water protectors, and land defenders from communities and regions across the country. We aim to protect and use Indigenous Peoples' rights and knowledge systems to develop solutions to the climate crisis and achieve climate justice.MORE Facebook Followers 29.5KTwitter Followers 17.7KInstagram Followers 85.6K
18. Ojibwe Confessions RSS Feed
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Ojibwe Confessions: Indigenous View Point is a blog by Canadian First Nation Indians sharing cultural insight on issues/problems challenges/survival & identity of the Indian community. We belong to the Anishinaabe tribe and write about our culture. We wish to make it interesting for you to visit here.MORE
19. National Indigenous Television RSS Feed
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Watch this space at NITV for news and features regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NITV is the Home of Indigenous storytelling, with TV programs that inspire, instill pride and lead to greater respect for Indigenous Australians and Aboriginal culture. Our channel stands out as unique celebrating and providing a voice for Indigenous Australia, educating all, and opening a dialogue with the wider world.MORE Facebook Followers 517.6KTwitter Followers 55.8KInstagram Followers 221.1K
20. UBC » Indigenous Portal RSS Feed
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Follow the latest news and announcements from the First Nations House of Learning at the University of British Columbia. Get info on new programs, indigenous festival celebrations, and other opportunities. The FNHL is committed to making the University's vast resources more accessible to Indigenous people and improving its ability to meet their needs.MORE Facebook Followers 323.7KTwitter Followers 99KInstagram Followers 189.3K
21. Facing History And Ourselves » Indigenous RSS Feed
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This category of Facing History and Ourselves explores Indigenous History in Canada and talks about issues still faced by the indigenous people. Find projects, activities, resources, and inspiration from educators across Canada who are integrating Facing History in their classrooms. Facing History and Ourselves uses lessons of history to challenge teachers and their students to stand up to bigotry and hate.MORE Facebook Followers 83.7KTwitter Followers 49.4KInstagram Followers 22.5K
22. Indian Pueblo Cultural Center RSS Feed
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Our blog connects readers to Indigenous resources, information, and fun stuff at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center (IPCC) and online. Each month, new content is shared on various topics. The IPCC is responsible for preserving and perpetuating the culture and rich history of the Pueblo people of New Mexico.MORE Facebook Followers 199.8KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 29.1K
23. Indigenous Values Initiative RSS Feed
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The Indigenous Values Initiative Blog educates people about interesting traditions and customs from indigenous cultures as well the existing issues plaguing them. IVI is an independent non-profit organization that raises funds to support educational and cultural projects to disperse information through conferences, classes, exhibitions, publications, etc.MORE Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 501Instagram Followers 825
24. Erica Violet Lee RSS Feed
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Erica Violet Lee is a published poet, essayist, political theorist, and urban Native scholar. Her blog reflects and shares her thoughts on nature, covid, her upcoming book, and deep roots in the indigenous culture of the Red Nation. Get information on her Talks, Public events and more here.MORE Twitter Followers 30.9K