Top 100 Islamic RSS Feeds
Islamic RSS Feeds
Here are 100 Best Islamic RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Productive Muslim Company Blog RSS Feed
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Blog topics covered are spiritual productivity, ramadan productivity, social productivity, physical productivity and success stories. The Productive Muslim Company mission is to help you bridge the gap between who you are today and who you want to be. They want to equip you with the practical tips and strategies to fight your two worst enemies - self and devil so that you can win the battle of life and be successful in this life and the next.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 238 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The Review of Religions RSS Feed
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The Review of Religions, in publication since 1902, is one of the oldest comparative religious magazines. Published by the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, it aims to present the teachings of Islam in a rational and inspiring manner while promoting interfaith understanding. Under the editorial guidance of Syed Amer Safir, the magazine features contributions from a diverse team, including Nakasha Ahmad as Assistant Editor and Shahzad Ahmed and Zafir Mahmood Malik as Associate Editors.MORE Facebook Followers 19.9KTwitter Followers 35.4KInstagram Followers 38.4K
3. Muslim Girl RSS Feed
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A blog dedicated to raising the place of Muslim women in our society, eliminating stereotypes, and creating a healthy interfaith dialogue through the spirit of sisterhood.
Facebook Followers 204.1KTwitter Followers 42.9KInstagram Followers 655K
4. The Islamic Information RSS Feed
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The Islamic Information, is a website which presents you the authentic Islamic Articles, stories, videos and lectures all of this in one place.
Facebook Followers 1.4MTwitter Followers 7.1KInstagram Followers 46.3K
5. About Islam RSS Feed
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About Islam was launched in January 2016 to contribute to presenting authentic mainstream Islam to the world. The aim of About Islam is to help Muslims around the world grow in faith and spirituality, while at the same time lead productive lives, as Islam teaches, in the context of the modern life of the 21st century. About Islam also aims to help support new Muslims in learning their religion in a positive way away from extremism.MORE Facebook Followers 493.5KTwitter Followers 11.4KInstagram Followers 15K
6. Islam Peace RSS Feed
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Islam is the solution for all the problems of mankind. is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam, Muslims & Quran.
Facebook Followers 171.4K Since Aug 2018
7. Muslim Matters RSS Feed
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Discourses in the Intellectual Traditions, Political Situation, and Social Ethics of Muslim Life. Muslim Matter is online magazine which is focused on issues of Religion, Society, Ethics, Politics, Civil Rights, Family, as well as the random issues that pop up from now and then, all with some ranting and humor mixed in. We provide a platform for orthodox thought leaders to affect positive change.MORE Facebook Followers 357.9KTwitter Followers 321KInstagram Followers 13.6K
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A hub for Muslims to reflect - Mirror is to reflections. Reflections that lead to positivity through #AlhamdulillahForSeries Gratitude journal. AYEINA as a whole, is a community of people trying to strengthen their Islamic identity and make the best of both worlds. Hence we provide them just that, by CREATING and recommending Islamic products and content, that revolves around Qur'anic reflections.MORE Facebook Followers 15.9KTwitter Followers 1.1KInstagram Followers 61.7K
9. Prophets of God - Learn about the prophets of Islam and their messages RSS Feed
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This is an Islamic blog about the prophets of God and their messages especially the message of the final prophet the Quran which is the Word of Allah God Almighty.
Twitter Followers 2
10. ISA Blog RSS Feed
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The ISA blog conveys to the readers the latest happening in the Halal industry. Explore new options and concepts in the Halal Food industry. Islamic Services of America (ISA) is a leading USA-based Halal certification and auditing organization serving companies, the community, and the Halal industry for over 45 years.MORE Facebook Followers 3.1KTwitter Followers 520
11. Truth About Islam RSS Feed
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Discover the truth about Islam and Muhammad, and clear up misconceptions about this important religion. Get the real facts you need to know about the truth about Islam. Truth About Islam is committed to teaching the understanding of Islam and sharing information on what is right based on authentic sources from the Quran and Hadith.MORE Facebook Followers 74.3K
12. Islam Hashtag RSS Feed
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The Muslim Blog to discuss Islam,Quran,Islamic Books & lifestyle.
Facebook Followers 10.8KTwitter Followers 659Instagram Followers 1.6K
13. Faiz e Islam RSS Feed
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Faiz e Islam is a Network spreading Islam and islamic education i.e Quranic education and many more around the world, You can find all about Islam here.
Facebook Followers 6.2KTwitter Followers 44Instagram Followers 168
14. Islam Peace Of Heart RSS Feed
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Sharing Islamic knowledge in the light of Quran and Hadith, and some important benefits of Surahs in the Quran, Hadiths and Darood Pak.
15. The Islam Awareness Blog RSS Feed
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The Islam Awareness blog discusses what's happening in the Muslim world and what can we do about it.
Since Dec 2008
16. Islamic Council of Victoria RSS Feed
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The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV) is a religious peak body representing around 200,000 Muslims and 60 member societies in the state of Victoria. Our vision is to build a better community for all Australians through the empowerment of Muslims in Victoria.MORE Twitter Followers 774
17. The Muhammadan Way RSS Feed
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Shaykh Sayed Nurjan Mirahmadi Teaching of Classical Islam. The Messenger of Allah (S) said, 'One who proceeds on a path in the pursuit of knowledge, God makes him proceed therewith on a path to the Garden (Paradise).MORE Facebook Followers 1.2MTwitter Followers 986Instagram Followers 100.8K
18. Islamtics RSS Feed
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Islamtics is your best source for everything Islamic and more. It covers Islamic quotes which try to spread good deeds as much as possible, Islamic news, teachings from Quran and more.
Facebook Followers 1.3MTwitter Followers 17.3KInstagram Followers 289.7K
19. The Islamic College RSS Feed
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The Islamic College represents the fusion of the classical with the modern. It is one of the few Muslim institutions in the West today able to boast such an impressive contribution to the study and future of Islam. It was founded in 1998 to promote a new approach to the study of Islam and Muslims by providing a unique 'insider's perspective' on Islam and fostering a non-sectarian outlook.MORE Facebook Followers 8.3KTwitter Followers 737
20. Islamiqate RSS Feed
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Islamiqate crowdsources the best content on Islam, its civilization and peoples. Join us to share knowledge, increase understanding and encourage discussion.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 65
21. Islamic Law Blog RSS Feed
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The Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School is dedicated to promoting research and providing resources for the academic study of Islamic law. SHARIAsource is a flagship research venture of the Program in Islamic Law at Harvard Law School. Its continuing mission is to organize the world's information on Islamic law in a way that is accessible and useful, using data science tools and methods.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 619 Since Jun 2014
22. Islamic Voice RSS Feed
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Islamic Voice is a monthly Islamic magazine. Islamic Voice has covered its fascinating namesake without fear or favour, with insight, accuracy, thoroughness and a well rounded perspective on a variety of subjects - be it the economy, politics, lifestyle, the arts, entertainment, travel, science, technology or health.MORE Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 145
23. Bayian RSS Feed
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Bayian aims to spread authentic Islamic knowledge in different fields of Islamic sciences, especially, Quranic sciences.
Since Feb 2016
24. Intellectual intuition RSS Feed
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The great divine prophets' intuition is the result of their spiritual journey. They have presented it as a divine souvenir to mankind. This gift were offered in the form of religion, to unveil the human's hidden intellect, which is the light of way in his life. The blog attempts to indicate, the divine prophets' intuition is intellectual (reasonable and rational). It will be continued with the focus on knowledge of the origin and resurrection.MORE
25. Facing Islam Blog RSS Feed
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Facing Islam Blog is managed by an Orthodox Christian struggler, who has felt an urgent need to write about the challenges posed by Islam against the West generally, and against Christianity in particular. The blog features articles on religion, Christians, Muslims, community challenges, religious beliefs, book reviews, and other related stuff.MORE Facebook Followers 24.2KTwitter Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 4K
26. Islamic Life Path RSS Feed
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IslamicLifePath is about info of Hadith and Quranic way of life describing Namaz, Roza in Ramadan , Hajj, Zakat and Islamic Dua
27. An Indian Muslim's Blog: News, Views & Urdu Poetry Website RSS Feed
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Voice of Indian Muslims. News, views about 200 million Indian Muslims. Read to find what an Indian Muslim thinks. Not just news, what's behind news and an analysis of latest news regarding Indian Muslims. Perspective of national and international events, to keep you aware and informed.MORE Facebook Followers 18.5KTwitter Followers 19.2K
28. Islam My Ultimate Decision RSS Feed
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I have named my new blog 'Islam: My Ultimate Decision' to write about the religion of Islam which has enlightened the path of countless since it was revealed unto mankind by the Allah Almighty more than 1400 years ago.MORE
29. Jahane Rumi RSS Feed
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Jahane Rumi is a website devoted to Sufi thought, the arts, literature, and cultures of South Asia written by Raza Ahmad Rumi. He is a Pakistani writer and a public policy specialist currently based in Ithaca, USA.MORE Twitter Followers 574.8KInstagram Followers 16.1K
30. Leiden Islam Blog RSS Feed
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Het Leiden Islam Blog is een initiatief van het Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS) en valt onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de directeur van LUCIS, Petra Sijpesteijn. LUCIS is een interfacultair en interdisciplinair kenniscentrum en samenwerkingsverband van wetenschappers verbonden aan de Universiteit Leiden.MORE Facebook Followers 322Twitter Followers 1.5K
31. UrduPoint News RSS Feed
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The largest Urdu web site of the world, Urdu News, Urdu Poetry, Horoscope, Technology, Weather, Business, Sports, Health, Islam, Women, Show-biz, Addab, Islamic Names, Articles, and Features.MORE Facebook Followers 15MTwitter Followers 469.7KInstagram Followers 803.8K
32. New Muslims RSS Feed
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New Muslims aspires to be a unique interactive and informative online resource about Islam for new Muslims as well as potential converts. It aims at educating new Muslims about the basic foundations of Islam, giving them doses of spirituality and supporting their community through various services based on their needs.MORE Twitter Followers 4.9K
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Muslim Public Affairs Committee is the UK's leading org for empowering Muslims to focus on intelligent political activism & demand our rights. Our main objective is to pro-actively campaign against Islamophobia wherever it exists in the UK and educate and create tools for Muslim communities to becomes organized to do the same.MORE Facebook Followers 113.8KTwitter Followers 13.1K
34. Love for All Hatred For None RSS Feed
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We are the Muslims For Loyalty, Freedom & Peace and our Motto is 'Love for All, Hatred for None. For more than one hundred years the Ahmadiyya Muslim community has been leading a peaceful revival of Islam. The mission for which I have been appointed is to remove that growing gap in the relationship between God and His creation and replace it once again with the relationship of love and sincerity.MORE Facebook Followers 46.3KTwitter Followers 25.9K
35. Darvish RSS Feed
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Irving Karchmar has been a poet, writer and editor for many years, and a darvish of the Nimatullahi Sufi Order since 1992. He is also the author of the modern classic, Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel, a mystical adventure tale on the Sufi path of Love, which has been used in both High School and University courses on Sufism, Islamic Literature, and Middle Eastern Philosophy.MORE Twitter Followers 676
36. Indigo Jo Blogs RSS Feed
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Indigo Jo blog covers politics, tech, and media issues from a Muslim perspective written by Matthew Smith, also known as Yusuf, a convert to Islam who lives in New Malden.
Twitter Followers 2K
37. Islamic Reflections RSS Feed
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Islamic insights, poetry, interesting and trendy articles relating to Muslims of today and for everyone.
Facebook Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 3.4K
38. Welcome to the Official Website of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria RSS Feed
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The Islamic movement in Nigeria has strong representations under the able leadership of some of its most dedicated and educated members in various towns and cities consisting mainly of the youth and middle aged of the population. Here we are occupied with various activities such as Ta'alimat, Ijtima'at, Dauras, Pre or Post Khutbats and Muzaharats to mention but a few.MORE Facebook Followers 17.9KTwitter Followers 7.6K
39. American Islamic Forum for Democracy RSS Feed
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The American Islamic Forum for Democracy's (AIFD) mission is to advocate for the preservation of the founding principles of the United States Constitution, iberty and freedom, through the separation of mosque and state. It directly confront the ideology of political Islam and openly countering the common belief that the Muslim faith is inextricably rooted to the concept of the Islamic State.MORE Facebook Followers 5.6KTwitter Followers 2.4K
40. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is a private organisation dedicated towards education, humanitarian aid, social & community development and literary services to facilitate progression of society. We envision ourselves as an institution of Islamic learning and understanding that shall be a beacon of light from which knowledge and wisdom shall radiate and illuminate others.MORE Facebook Followers 4.9KTwitter Followers 7Instagram Followers 20K
41. Ijtihad RSS Feed
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Professor, University of Delaware. Author: Islam and Good Governance.
Twitter Followers 6.3K
42. Margari Aziza RSS Feed
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Margari Aziza Hill is co-founder and Programming Director of Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC), assistant editor at AltM, columnist at MuslimMatters, and co-founder of Muslims Make it Plain. She is a Women's Policy Institute-County fellow, joining the First for Women team on protecting women's religious rights in the criminal justice system in LA County.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 19.1K Since Feb 2006
43. RSS Feed
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Muslims Life is here to help you revive your Imaan. Muslims Life is regularly updated with Daily Hadith, Islamic Reminders and articles on every day life issues. Visit us today for more Islamic information.MORE Facebook Followers 8KInstagram Followers 81.7K
44. In the Shade of Knowledge Moulana Muhammed Karolia RSS Feed
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This site is a collection of writing penned by Moulana over the years, much of which has previously been published and distributed via different channels, as well as audio recordings of his bayaans. The purpose of this site is to facilitate the distribution of Moulana's work to a wider audience, who will Insha-Allah be able to derive some benefit from it.MORE
45. EduIslam RSS Feed
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This website is equipped with Islamic facts extracted from authentic sources, removing misconceptions against Islam & Muslims. We at EduIslam, exerting to bridge the gap between Muslims & non-muslims through our contents.MORE Facebook Followers 14.4KTwitter Followers 35Instagram Followers 219
46. Clearly Muslim RSS Feed
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There is nothing worthy of worship other than Allah (G-d) and Mohammed, prayers, and peace be on him is the messenger of Allah, and the seal of the prophets, prayers, and peace be on them all. From time to time, related thoughts, lectures, and so on will be shared here on Clearly Muslim. I hope and pray that you will find benefit in this variety of presentations. I'm often listening, viewing, and reading on Al Islam... with this modern technology that Allah has blessed us with it's easy to share this helpful knowledge.MORE Since Jan 2011
47. Mirrors For The Prince RSS Feed
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A blog devoted to the revitalization of the Muslim world that critically examines the root causes of its decline and discusses ideas to reverse this decline.
Twitter Followers 167 Since Aug 2020
48. Teach Me Islam RSS Feed
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Teach Me Islam aims to help Muslim parents educate their kids through helpful tips and engaging resources rooted in the Qur'an and Sunnah. We share blog posts about Islamic studies for kids, how to Islamically educate, and the benefits of Muslim homeschooling.MORE Instagram Followers 4.8K
49. Students Of Quran RSS Feed
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Welcome to Students Of Quran. This website is for the Students of Quran who are dedicated to learning and studying to increase their understanding and emaan (faith). Here you will find resources for Word to Word Translation (English), Arabic, Grammar, Tafseer, Dua's, Tajweed and more. All resources are strictly from the Quran and Sunnah.MORE Instagram Followers 409
50. The Islamic Monthly RSS Feed
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The Islamic Monthly is an independent, U.S.-based publication that fosters public discussion on a range of issues related to the modern world. We take the greatest pride in being an entirely independent magazine, associated with no organization, government, group or religious ideology or political agenda.MORE
51. Islam | The Guardian RSS Feed
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Latest Islam news and features from, the world's leading liberal voice.
Facebook Followers 8.9M
52. Jihad Watch RSS Feed
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Jihad Watch is a blog that scrutinizes the influence of Islamic jihad theology on global conflicts, founded by Robert Spencer. Spencer, an author of several books on Islam and a public speaker, leads the blog's efforts in exposing the complexities of jihad ideology. The editorial team, including Spencer, comprises experts dedicated to providing in-depth analysis and reporting on relevant issues. Jihad Watch stands out for its critical stance and thorough research, making it a key resource for understanding contemporary jihadist activities and ideologies.MORE Facebook Followers 88.6KTwitter Followers 225.9K
53. Islamic Mentors Blogs RSS Feed
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Learn about the Quran, its teachings, and best the ways to practice Islam. Islamic Mentors is an eminent Online Quran Academy dedicated to providing online Quran education and Islamic guidance while passionately serving the Muslim community worldwide.MORE Facebook Followers 10.8KTwitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 61.5K
54. Quran Reading Blog RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is an online Islamic School for learning Quran Recitation under the supervision of highly qualified Quran tutors. The blog cover topics including Islam Religion, Islamic events, Islamic Knowledge, and Hajj.MORE Facebook Followers 509.2KTwitter Followers 2.3K Since Oct 2009
55. Practical Islamic Finance RSS Feed
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The point of this blog is to motivate the critical interrogation of financing products that claim to be Islamic.
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 780
56. Muhammadi Site RSS Feed
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Muhammadi Site is an Islamic website provides reading material Such as Quran, Hadith, Kalema, Durood, Naat Lyrics, Islamic Links, Images of Mosques and Dargahs, Islamic Videos, etc.
Facebook Followers 19.1K
57. Answering Muslims RSS Feed
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Answering Muslims is a Christian apologetics website dedicated to responding to the questions, objections, and arguments of Muslims. The site is run by Christian debaters, lecturers, and writers who have a special interest in Islam. Since one of the most common Muslim arguments is that Islamic morality and law would benefit Western nations, we also report relevant current events concerning the imMORE Twitter Followers 24.2K
58. Back to Jannah RSS Feed
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Say Bismillah & follow us for Islamic reminders. And say Alhamdulillah for everything! Trying to inspire everyone to get back to Jannah! Follow for unique articles & poems.
Facebook Followers 10KTwitter Followers 595Instagram Followers 2.4K
59. Islamic Online University RSS Feed
RSS Feed blog.islamiconlineuniversity.. Follow RSS Website blog.islamiconlineuniversity..
Here you will find articles related to Islam, Islamic Education, Culture, Current Affairs, Islamic Fiction and History.
Facebook Followers 1.2MTwitter Followers 139.3K
60. halalop RSS Feed
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Inspiring halal business & lifestyle. Halalop is created to promote a halal lifestyle among Muslims. For those Muslims who are new, or are just starting to practice the religion, halal is always a choice. For the practicing Muslims, halal is a means to an end Jannah. Paradise was every practicing Muslim hopes he or she will be in the next life.MORE Facebook Followers 139Instagram Followers 337
61. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website covers Islamic culture, beliefs, economy, and activism. Founded in 1996. Has earned a reputation for being the foremost Islamic ideological website in the English language.
Twitter Followers 9K
62. Islamic Revival RSS Feed
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'Thoughts are the greatest wealth of any nation.'
Twitter Followers 346
63. Pious Couple - Pious Husband And Wife RSS Feed
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How to deal with marriage issues and increase love between husband and wife. We wish to convey the beauty of marriage by posting helpful tips and advice.
Facebook Followers 828.6KTwitter Followers 558Instagram Followers 21.1K
64. Quran Easy Blog RSS Feed
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Quran Easy is an online platform that allows adults and children to study the Quran from the comfort of their own homes with the assistance of trained online Quran teachers.
Facebook Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 9
65. Muslim Mechanics RSS Feed
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An educational and informational blog about Islam from an outside perspective. We examine topics that help explain how Islam works and interacts with the Western world.
Since Dec 2020
66. Islamic Foundation RSS Feed
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Islamic Foundation is a non-profit organization. Islamic Foundation School(IFS) is fully accredited by the North Central Association and is recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education. Since its inception in 1986, IFS has embarked on a mission to provide excellent education in an atmosphere of faith, and to prepare students to be life-long learners and contributing members of society.MORE Facebook Followers 11.8KTwitter Followers 4.3K
67. The Islamic Post RSS Feed
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The Islamic post is an Islamic blog that spreads authentic Islamic knowledge extracted from Quran and Sunnah. Our aim is to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims about Islam and to remove misconceptions about Islam & Muslims.MORE
68. Encountering Islam Blog RSS Feed
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EWI originated with the U. S. Center for World Mission (now Frontier Ventures) in 1992. Encountering the World of Islam (EWI) helps Christians understand Islam and foster positive relationships with Muslims. EWI looks at the whole global community of Muslims, most of whom live in South and Southeast Asia rather than in the Middle East, as is often supposed. Their Islam blog provides information about their activities, the latest news, community updates, community events, and other related articles.MORE Facebook Followers 535
69. Muslim Convert Stories RSS Feed
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Muslim Convert Stories is the place where new Muslims can share their revert or convert stories. Our objective is to digitize and present quality Islamic resources, related to the practice, and culture of Muslims, with particular emphasis on New Converts and Reverts to Islam.MORE Twitter Followers 7.5KInstagram Followers 60.3K
70. Al-Ihsan Media| theguddeeds RSS Feed
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You're welcome to Al-Ihsan Media (theguddeeds) blog, your number one source to learn more about Islam. We're dedicated to providing you the very best of knowledge of this beautiful deen, with emphasis on its teachings, understanding the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad, learning of Arabic language which Allah and His Messenger are both pleased with and answering all your questions and requests.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 78 Since Jun 2020
71. Political Islam RSS Feed
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We are an international educational organization dedicated to the understanding of Islamic politics. Our mission is to educate the world about political Islam, its founder Mohammed, his political doctrine and his god, Allah. Islam is a cultural, religious and political system. Only the political system contained in the sacred Islamic Trilogy is of interest to kafirs (non-Muslims).MORE Facebook Followers 7.5KTwitter Followers 35.7K
72. Ask Muslim RSS Feed
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ASK MUSLIM is an open platform for religion. Here work is done on any kind of constructive discussion, inquiry, research and solution of religious.
Twitter Followers 6
73. Onlinedarsiquran RSS Feed
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Onlinedarsiquran is a platform that tells everything about Islam, through, Nasihat, Bayanat, Waqya, Ayaat, Naat, Dua and more...
Twitter Followers 332Instagram Followers 67
74. Faatih RSS Feed
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I am a Muslim male living and working in London. My blog is about various aspects of life and the world and Alhamdulilah has been read by people from 115 different countries so far. I am also looking to get married and am open to offers.MORE Facebook Followers 2.1K
75. Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples RSS Feed
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Relaying the message of Christ to more than 1.5 billion muslims who have yet to hear it. Our mission is equipping and mobilizing the Church to reach Muslim people everywhere.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 659
76. İslam Ahengi | Kuran | İbadet | Namaz | Dua RSS Feed
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Personal blog page about Islam and Islam prepared by the light of Quran and Sunnah.
Facebook Followers 470Twitter Followers 54
77. Islamica News RSS Feed
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Islamica News is a humorous and satirical publication brought to you by Islamica Corporation. Since 1999, Islamica News has been providing valuable reporting, insights and analysis of Muslim culture. Or the exact opposite of that.MORE Facebook Followers 37.5KTwitter Followers 3.2KInstagram Followers 5.8K
78. The Laughing Muslim RSS Feed
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This is where the Muslims come to laugh come and laugh with us, or even come to laugh at us. Everyday I shall try to bring you a little laughter and wisdom.
79. islamicate RSS Feed
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Islamicate is one where we seek to provoke critical debates and offer thought provoking analysis on matters affecting Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Islamicate is the discursive space where Muslim voices may take part in the conversation necessary to advance and mature British and, broadly speaking, western Muslim perspectives by examining religious and political cultures .MORE Facebook Followers 9.8KTwitter Followers 6K
80. Mufti Ammaar Saeed RSS Feed
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Mufti Sheikh Ammaar Saeed is a founder and president of Islamic Research Foundation New York IRFNY, AHAD TV, Shariah Council New York ISCNY and One God TV. He has studied Quran and Bible and has trained many students in Dawah in communication with non Muslims.MORE Facebook Followers 76.7K
81. Mammamia RSS Feed
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Get updates on topics related to Islam.
82. Islam Feed RSS Feed
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Complete Quran recitation in English, Arabic and Urdu. All chapters by Imam Mishary.
Since Aug 2018
83. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم RSS Feed
RSS Feed allhumdulliahiammuslim.wordp.. Follow RSS Website allhumdulliahiammuslim.wordp..
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
84. Selections from Islamic Jurisprudence RSS Feed
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It deals with the main obligations and pillars in Islam and deals with the most important issues that Muslims face in their daily life
85. Maryam's Blog | Little Stories RSS Feed
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Here I relate experiences through creative write-ups and poems, you can also find medical newsletters and other cool stuff to read. Don't forget to like, comment and follow as I take you through this journey of creativity, entertainment, and enlightments.MORE Since Apr 2018
86. LexIslamica RSS Feed
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LexIslamica has been established for promoting the understanding of the concept of Islamic Law as International Law.
87. HamareNabi RSS Feed
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World's Best Islamic Blog Of Maslake Aalahazrat. Learn Islam And Sunnah Quran Wa Islamic Hadees In Roman Urdu.
Facebook Followers 4KTwitter Followers 54
88. Online Quran Learnings RSS Feed
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Blog for OQL post written by Quran Teachers and Expert Ulema and Tajweed and Islam related materials. online Quran classes with Tajweed
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 22Instagram Followers 551
89. Sadka Garya RSS Feed
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We believe in our goal to invite God ... Islamic books - Islamic articles - religious sermons - stories of the prophets - the raising of children - Islamic Photos - Islamic Videos
Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 66
90. Indian Islamic posts RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from Indian Islamic posts.
91. AlQuranrecite RSS Feed
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Latest news and articles are written by AlQuranRecite expert scholars and teachers. Our posts are related to the Holy Quran, Hadith, Sunnah, and General.
Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 124 Since Sep 2019
92. Islam my religion RSS Feed
RSS Feed islammyreligion2020.blogspot.. Follow RSS Website islammyreligion2020.blogspot..
Islam is a religion of welfare, love and affection for all human beings.
Since May 2020
93. Directives and Declaration of ALLAH Subhanahu Taala in QURAN MAJID RSS Feed
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Get the latest posts and information.
94. Unique Online Quran Academy RSS Feed
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Unique Online Quran Academy is one of the best Quran Academies in the world that offers Online Quran Tuition Services for kids and adults.
Facebook Followers 382Twitter Followers 1 Since Apr 2020
95. Mark Durie RSS Feed
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Mark Durie is a pastor and academic. He writes and speaks on a wide range of topics which include the connection between faith and culture, freedom of religion, the persecution of religious minorities, particularly non-Muslims living under the Islamic sharia, the origin and history of Islam, and discipling new Christians.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 1.4K
96. Tabsir | Insight on Islam and the Middle East RSS Feed
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We are scholars concerned about stereotypes, misinformation and propaganda spread in the media and academic forums on Islam and the Middle East. We are committed to fair, open-ended scholarly assessment of the current political issues of terrorism, gender inequality and intoleranceMORE Twitter Followers 1.1K
97. Islam and Science Fiction RSS Feed
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Islam and Science Fiction is a website on all things related to Islam, Muslims and Science Fiction and everything in between.The exploration of Islam and Science Fiction is from a cultural and social perspective, from a cultural and civilizational sense. A more appropriate term would be Marshall Hodgson's Islamicate.MORE Twitter Followers 4.9K
98. Proceeding Towards Truth RSS Feed
RSS Feed proceedingtowardstruth.blogs.. Follow RSS Website proceedingtowardstruth.blogs..
We want to proceed towards the truth, such a journey never seen before on the religious grounds. Are you with us? Join ProceedingTowardsTruth today!
Facebook Followers 498Twitter Followers 7Instagram Followers 46
99. Islam ki Dunia RSS Feed
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Islam ki Dunia is one of the most popular & trusted Islamic hubs for Muslim Communities. we provide a single source of Posting, information, and resources. The vision behind Islamkidunia is to educate the public on the true message of Islam and the wisdom of the Islamic message.MORE
100. Onequrann RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is the official Quran Site. Quran is Sadqa Jariah, so we make it easy for You to read and understand Quran.
Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 7Instagram Followers 419
101. Islamic Articles | Islamic Education RSS Feed
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A about contains a lot of islamic articles, Kalmas, Islamic Knowledge, islamic education, emotional intelligence, Islamic architecture, Dua, eq, what is emotional intelligence, Psychology, Human Rights, etc.MORE Facebook Followers 23.3KTwitter Followers 5
102. AlQuran Classes RSS Feed
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AlQuranClasses offers Quran Recitation with Tajweed Rules, Hifz Quran with Tarteel, and Quranic Duas. Check out our blog to develop a deeper understanding of the Quran.
103. Al Rawaq Publishers RSS Feed
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Our Mission Is To Enable Every Person In Pakistan To Order Any Book From Any Publisher To His Doorstep.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 87
104. The Muslim Write RSS Feed
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The Muslim Write is an initiative created to promote a true, non-stereotypical representation of Muslims through literature. Get articles on Muslim fiction, essays, poetry, reviews, arts, memoirs, literary news, and more.MORE Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 683 Since Sep 2018
105. Islamic Blog RSS Feed
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Islamic Blog is an online Islamic Culture, Islamic Photo, Islamic Wallpapers, Islamic News & updates blog.
Facebook Followers 4.7KTwitter Followers 246
106. Tahaffuz-E-Deen-E-Islam Media Service RSS Feed
RSS Feed tahaffuzedeeneislampakistan... Follow RSS Website tahaffuzedeeneislampakistan...
Get posts related to islam from this blog.
Facebook Followers 527
107. Quran Ayat RSS Feed
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A blog about learning the Quran, Aqeedah and Fiqh, Arabic Studies, Isalm teachings, History and Seerah, New Muslims, Sunnah, and the Pillars of Islam. Quran Ayat is an online institute that offers Quran, Arabic, and Islam classes to children.MORE Twitter Followers 15
108. Shere Khuda Hazrat Ali Radiallahu Anhu - An Islamic Website RSS Feed
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An Islamic Website to learn Islamic Quotes, Quranic translations, Quran verses, interpretations, hadiths, general Islamic resources, Islamic Biography, Islamic Messages, SMS, Islamic stories, hamd, naat lyrics, manqabat, Salato salam and moreMORE Facebook Followers 13KTwitter Followers 21
109. Chowrangi RSS Feed
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Chowrangi is a current affairs and politics blog, primarily focusing on Pakistan with an eye for the world. Chowrangi means a roundabout, a crossroad where various paths intersect - just like the economic and geo-political situation of Pakistan.MORE
110. Muslim Journey RSS Feed
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Muslim Journey is about the evolution of Islam and Muslims under the impact of modernity, religious and communal revival, and the winds of freedom and democracy that are swirling around the Muslim world. It's about Muslims epic journey from colonial subjugation and agrarian torpor to independence, modernization, and globalization.MORE
111. ISLAM Live 24 RSS Feed
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In This site is written about Islam. Everybody should know about Islam. This website has been discussed about the Qur'an, science, Hadith, Paradise, Hell, The contributions of the Muslims in the field of knowledge science, Quran and science and so on.MORE
112. Questions For Islam RSS Feed
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I was asked by muslims to consider Islam, and on reading the Quran and Hadith, I have come to conclude the following: Allah is not the true God Muhammad is the most obvious False prophet Quran is not a credible revelation I look forward to engaging in discussion with muslims here.MORE Since Dec 2019
113. The Geller Report RSS Feed
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Blog by Pamela Geller has led awareness campaigns in U.S., Europe, and Israel on behalf of the victims and potential victims of honor killing, for the human rights of apostates from Islam, for the freedom of speech, and more.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2MInstagram Followers 101.4K
114. RSS Feed
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This blog focused on topics related to building character of today's Muslims, propagating the right message about Islam and Muslims and debunking the myths about Islam and Muslims. It covers topics on Islam, Allah, Quran, Prophet Muhammad, Muslims, and more.MORE Facebook Followers 102.1KTwitter Followers 17K
115. SeekersGuidance Podcast - Islam, Islamic Knowledge, Quran, and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad RSS Feed
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Islamic lessons, talks, and reminders—with explanations of Qur'an, commentary on Prophetic hadiths, and practical guidance for living Islam--from reliable, qualified scholars from SeekersGuidance (