Top 35 Lyme RSS Feeds
Lyme RSS Feeds
Here are 35 Best Lyme RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Blog RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is the go-to source for lyme news, information and healthcare policy analysis in the Lyme community. They provide in-depth coverage on a variety of topics, including lyme disease in children and adolescents, integrative medicine, and insurance challenges.MORE Facebook Followers 53.9KTwitter Followers 15.8KInstagram Followers 12K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Daniel Cameron RSS Feed
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Dr. Daniel Cameron, MD, MPH is a board certified internist and epidemiologist with a private practice in Westchester County, New York. He is a nationally recognized leader for his expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease and other tick borne infections. He is one of the founders of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS) .MORE Facebook Followers 15.4KTwitter Followers 2.9KInstagram Followers 10K
3. CanLyme RSS Feed
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The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) was formed to provide the public, including medical professionals, with balanced and validated information on Lyme disease and related coinfections. CanLyme aims to provide research funding for zoonotic disease, to increase awareness of Lyme and its associated diseases, and to communicate concerns to government public health agencies.MORE Facebook Followers 3.3KTwitter Followers 3.4K
4. The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) RSS Feed
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The Lyme Disease Association (LDA) is dedicated to Lyme and tick-borne diseases education, prevention, raising monies for research, and patient support. Here you will find information regarding Lyme disease symptoms, Lyme disease treatments and other Lyme resources and educational materials for patients, medical professionals, researchers, educators, and policy makers.MORE Facebook Followers 16.1KTwitter Followers 5.4K
5. Lyme Disease UK Blog RSS Feed
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Lyme Disease UK, a patient support network for Lyme disease sufferers and their loved ones. Here you will find information and news about Lyme disease as well as details regarding local face to face support groups. The LDUK team also attends public events, meetings and conferences, liaises with other Lyme disease organisations and campaigns .MORE Facebook Followers 18.8KTwitter Followers 5.2KInstagram Followers 3.6K
6. Lyme Mexico Clinic Blog RSS Feed
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Lyme Mexico Clinic offers Lyme disease treatments proven effective by scientific research and clinical reports to Lyme patients in the U.S. and beyond. This is a Lyme disease blog covering news and information by Dr. Omar Morales, founder of Lyme Mexico Clinic and leader in the treatment & diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis.MORE Facebook Followers 8.8KTwitter Followers 698Instagram Followers 4.7K
7. Abounding in Hope with Lyme RSS Feed
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I'm a homeschool Mom who found myself with Chronic Lyme Disease. After a few years I realized that my 4 children and husband also have Chronic Lyme Disease. I share with you encouragement, faith, homeschool life and information about health, healing & Lyme Disease.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 1K Since Jan 2015
8. Uprooting Lyme Blog RSS Feed
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Hi! I'm Hillary Thing, MS, LAc, creator of the Uprooting Lyme holistic treatment system. Uprooting Lyme is dedicated to creating a positive community for people who are interested in holistic solutions to healing from the Lyme disease matrix. My mission is to provide access to holistic, natural tools to recover from Lyme and complex chronic illness to as many people as possible.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 551Instagram Followers 606
9. Lyme Warrior Blog RSS Feed
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Lyme Warrior is a team of sick people fighting for better treatment, testing, and understanding of Lyme Disease. Founder & President Lauren Lovejoy is working to empower those with Lyme Disease and help others to join together to make change while still fighting her personal battle with Lyme Disease.MORE Facebook Followers 17.6KTwitter Followers 4.5K
10. The Tick Chicks Blog RSS Feed
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Two chicks healing Chronic Lyme disease with honesty, information, and humor
Facebook Followers 1.9K
11. Lyme Knowledge Blog RSS Feed
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Lyme Knowledge is dedicated to providing the latest and most accurate information on Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections.Their facts are sourced from Lyme patients and respected institutions to provide easy-to-understand details that can help a patients from prevention, diagnosis & symptoms, to updates on the latest treatment protocols that have had the most proven rates of success.MORE
12. Global Lyme Alliance Blog RSS Feed
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Global Lyme Alliance (GLA) is the largest tick-borne disease organization in the nation. It carries on the important work of conquering Lyme and tick-borne diseases.
Facebook Followers 63.3KTwitter Followers 7.9KInstagram Followers 22.6K
13. Sponaugle Wellness Institute Blog RSS Feed
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At Sponaugle Wellness Institute, we practice integrative medicine combining the best of western medicine and natural medicine to assist the healing of patients suffering from chronic illness.MORE Facebook Followers 10.3KTwitter Followers 1.9K
14. The Lyme Boss Blog RSS Feed
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Hello, Heather Gray here, Speaker, and Functional Practitioner, Lyme Boss, and owner of Discovering Health. I started my health journey when my kiddo, who at the time was almost 2, was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. I became an expert on Celiac.MORE
15. Lady of Lyme blog RSS Feed
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A Lyme disease blog where author Christina shares Lyme symptoms, information, and research. Keep up with the latest updates, ups & downs during treatment, and her journey to find health again.MORE Twitter Followers 14K Since Nov 2011
16. Mighty Well RSS Feed
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A blog where chronic illness patients share their stories and tips to inspire and help others in a similar situation to live. They are a dedicated group of young professionals passionate about Mighty Well's mission to add confidence to the lives of chronic illness patients through medical accessories that bring comfort and mobility to patients.MORE Facebook Followers 3.8KTwitter Followers 870Instagram Followers 14.3K
17. Dr. Darin Ingels Blog RSS Feed
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Dr. Darin Ingels is a Lyme expert with over 30 years of experience in treating Lyme disease naturally. Dr. Ingels's approach towards treating Lyme is practical, safe, and cost-effective. Read Lyme disease articles by Dr. Darin Ingels elaborate on the facts and struggles of living with Lyme disease and how to overcome them. Explore recipes that are Lyme diet-friendly.MORE Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 441Instagram Followers 11.5K
18. Tired of Lyme RSS Feed
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Chronic Lyme Disease is a vastly misunderstood reality in society, and as a result, much of the information needed by those to overcome it is ridiculously hard to find. Within its capabilities, Tired of Lyme strives to remove this confusion & frustration. Tired of Lyme was launched in October of 2011 as a central hub for the latest information and most relatable support on chronic Lyme disease and its associated conditions.MORE Facebook Followers 7.9KTwitter Followers 1.4K
19. Ticked Off With Lyme RSS Feed
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Ticked Off With Lyme is a resource for people with Lyme Disease interested in Rifing, and fighting back to reclaim their lives from Lyme Disease
Facebook Followers 233
20. Bob Cowart's Blog RSS Feed
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This blog has morphed to be largely about Lyme disease research and Bob's personal experiences with treatment for these strange, debilitating, and politically-charged medical conditions. Lyme disease newly infects an estimated 300,000 Americans every year.MORE Twitter Followers 139
21. its okay to second guess doctors RSS Feed
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A personal blog about the quest to getting diagnosed with both Lyme Disease and Fibromyalgia as well as getting treatment for both. This blog also contains helpful hints on living gluten free as well as fitness (specifically for running) and general health advice.MORE Since Feb 2021
22. Midcoast Lyme Disease Support and Education RSS Feed
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The Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education Group was created and exists to raise awareness, foster education, advocate for change and provide support for those affected by Lyme Disease and other tick-borne associated diseases.MORE Facebook Followers 4.2K
23. NSF-EID Lyme Gradient Project RSS Feed
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NSF-EID Lyme Gradient Project aims to understand the ecological drivers for the geographic variation in Lyme disease risk in eastern North America. We will test three key hypotheses concerning LD distribution using field, laboratory, and computer modeling studies.MORE
24. GoodbyeLyme Blog RSS Feed
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GoodbyeLyme help people to get rid of persistent Lyme disease symptoms through Chinese herbal remedies, acupuncture, detoxification, craniosacral technique, essential oils, and energy healing. They also help people to heal chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic pain, cancer, Lupus, Bartonella, and Babesia.MORE Twitter Followers 122
25. It's not just Lyme RSS Feed
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A blog created by Yessi to connect to Lyme warriors. She will not tell you right from wrong, because when it comes to Lyme no one knows. But stick around and get updates about lyme, where you will find content that questions everything to do with Lyme, and educates you so that you can be confident enough to question your LLMDs and become your own advocate.MORE Facebook Followers 2.6K
26. The Bad Lyme Attitude RSS Feed
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Beaux Reliosis is a 20-year survivor of Lyme disease, or, more accurately, relapsing fever borreliosis. For 18 years she accepted it and lived with it, until her daughter was diagnosed with congenital Lyme. Her mission is to get the Lyme criminals prosecuted so the millions suffering can be properly diagnosed and treated.MORE Twitter Followers 1.6K
27. Karla Fights Lyme RSS Feed
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A blog by Karla Margeson about how she is getting well from Lyme disease, and blogging every step.
Instagram Followers 12.5K
28. Lymestats RSS Feed
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A blog about Lyme Disease Info & Statistic Design Project.
29. Healing chic Blog RSS Feed
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Healing chic features articles on balancing a healthy life as the patient, student and practitioner.
Twitter Followers 28
30. RSS Feed
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There are people fighting an invisible illness every day, all over this world, called Chronic Lyme Disease. They experience more pain than you can even imagine. No one is helping them and society doesn't even know they are suffering in silence. It is time for average, healthy citizens to take notice of this disease and step up to help these people who cannot fight for themselves. Please read on and take up our cause in some way.MORE Twitter Followers 472
31. Rosalie Greenberg RSS Feed
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Dr. Greenberg discusses the link between mental illness and infection such as Lyme disease and co-infections, also known as Tick-borne illnesses. She specializes in the complex connection between mental health and infections such as Lyme disease, Babesiosis, and many other tick - borne illnesses.MORE Facebook Followers 8Twitter Followers 48