Top 30 New Zealand Music RSS Feeds
New Zealand Music RSS Feeds
Here are 30 Best New Zealand Music RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. UnderTheRadar RSS Feed
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New Zealand based independent music website focused on alternative music from home and abroad through daily editorial, a nationwide gig guide, and ticketing service.
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2. UMusic NZ RSS Feed
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UMUSIC NZ is the home of updates and stories about all your favourite artists. We're New Zealand made, written by music lovers, for music lovers.
Facebook Followers 265.4KTwitter Followers 5.9KInstagram Followers 13.7K
3. NZ Musician RSS Feed
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NZ Musician is the country's only magazine devoted to NZ music and musicians.
Facebook Followers 12.6KTwitter Followers 7.7KInstagram Followers 7.4K
4. The 13th Floor RSS Feed
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NZ's go-to website for serious music lovers. Exclusive live performances, concert reviews, interviews, reviews, NZ Music & the arts. Hang out on The 13th Floor!
Facebook Followers 8.7KTwitter Followers 1.7KInstagram Followers 3.4K Since Jan 2011
5. Independent Music NZ RSS Feed
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Read the latest music news, top albums, top music, music releases, and reviews by Independent Music New Zealand.Independent Music New Zealand (IMNZ) is the New Zealand voice for independent record labels and distributors, advocating for and helping to promote these labels and their artists.MORE Facebook Followers 8.2KTwitter Followers 4.8KInstagram Followers 4K
6. Ambient Light Blog RSS Feed
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Ambient Light is your go-to place for New Zealand-based live music news, reviews and interviews, featuring some of the best concert photography you'll find worldwide. Ambient Light is the brainchild of two professional photographers, Doug Peters and Meagan Kerr. Both formally qualified and with many years of industry experience under their belts, Doug and Meagan wanted to provide an outlet for the knowledge and information rattling around in their heads, and so Ambient Light was born.MORE Facebook Followers 6.3KTwitter Followers 378Instagram Followers 1.7K
7. Five Lines RSS Feed
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Five Lines is a collection of writings about music in Aotearoa New Zealand by Elizabeth Kerr. It features musical news, artist profiles and reviews of concerts and CDs.
Twitter Followers 716
8. RNZ Music RSS Feed
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The gateway to music stories and recordings from RNZ.RNZ (Radio New Zealand) is New Zealand's independent public service multimedia organisation covering local news, current affairs, arts and culture.MORE Facebook Followers 101KTwitter Followers 5.8KInstagram Followers 102.2K
9. Ticketmaster NZ » Music RSS Feed
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Read the latest music, sport & theatre news from Ticketmaster New Zealand.
Facebook Followers 59.7KTwitter Followers 6.1KInstagram Followers 9.6K
10. Sola Rosa RSS Feed
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The latest Sola Rosa tour, album and news announcements. Hear it here first.Sola Rosa is the brainchild of New Zealand musician, Andrew Spraggon.Creating an evolving infusion of funk, beats, electronic, jazz and soul has been the 20-plus year labour of love for this Auckland-based solo artist, who has produced a wealth of recordings since launching as an experimental recording project in 1999.MORE Facebook Followers 13.1KTwitter Followers 3K
11. Elsewhere » Music RSS Feed
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Graham Reid's music reviews, travel writing, interviews with musicians, writers, artists, luminaries, and unusual characters from New Zealand and Elsewhere.
Facebook Followers 984Twitter Followers 21
12. Coup De Main Magazine » Music RSS Feed
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Find the latest music news, concerts, shows, and reviews.Coup De Main the magazine, adventuring of Pop Culture, providing access to new music, pop culture news and fashion trends, first.
Facebook Followers 45.2KTwitter Followers 32.7K
13. Findaband Blog RSS Feed
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NZ's best live bands for weddings and events. Browse profiles, watch music videos, and book online. Founded in 2008, Findaband has built an enviable reputation as New Zealand's leading live entertainment agency.MORE Facebook Followers 693Twitter Followers 1Instagram Followers 2.8K
14. RSS Feed
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My name is John Fenton.This blog is about Jazz, experimental improvisation, and related topics. I am not a trained musician but I understand how music works and I have a sound knowledge of Jazz history. Above all, I have open ears and value innovative over the ordinary. My task is to tell the musicians stories; rendering musical notes into words.MORE Twitter Followers 357
15. Slow Boat Records Blog RSS Feed
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Slow Boat Records is Wellington, New Zealand's longest running independent record store. Covers articles on music news, artist news, shows, and performances.
Facebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 3.2K
16. Wellington Music Centre Blog RSS Feed
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Find the latest music news. music education, lessons, programs, and announcements by the Wellington Music Centre.Wellington Music Centre is a Ministry of Education out-of-hours music school for primary and intermediate children.MORE Facebook Followers 647
17. Libel Music RSS Feed
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Welcome to Libel Music, where we aim to bring you the latest music industry news, reviews, interviews, top quality concerts & industry photos and much much more from New Zealand, Australia & around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 736
18. Ōtepoti Music RSS Feed
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Streaming music created in and of Otepoti / Dunedin, New Zealand.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 521
19. NZ Music Month RSS Feed
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NZ Music Month is Access All Aotearoa: Great local music for all New Zealanders - in every place, for every age & in every genre.
Facebook Followers 20.7KTwitter Followers 9.9KInstagram Followers 9.3K
20. 100% Good RSS Feed
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Championing the best of New Zealand music.100% Good is a little bit of everything. It's partly a blog as well as a full service live music agency. It also lists our upcoming tours as well as how we can assist within the music industry.MORE Facebook Followers 940Twitter Followers 324
21. Blog RSS Feed
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Documenting and archiving the Dunedin music scene since 2014. See and hear photos, video, and full set audio from gigs happening right now in Otepoti. Relive memories or discover what you've been missing.MORE Facebook Followers 952
22. NZ Herald » Music RSS Feed
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Read the latest music news, concert news, shows, music releases and reviews by the NZ Herald.NZ Herald brings you the news of the day from our dedicated online team and the top journalists from the daily New Zealand Herald, the Weekend Herald, and the Herald on Sunday.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6MTwitter Followers 467KInstagram Followers 275.1K
23. The Spinoff » Music RSS Feed
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Latest music news, concerts, shows, reviews and playlist from The Spinoff.The Spinoff is a New Zealand site covering pop culture, politics and social life through features, criticism, interviews, videos and podcasts.MORE Facebook Followers 147.5KTwitter Followers 64.1KInstagram Followers 49.8K
24. National Library of New Zealand » Music RSS Feed
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Read about the classic music news, music collections, events and behind the scenes on shows by National Library of New Zealand.The National Library was formed in 1965 to enrich the cultural and economic life of New Zealand and its interchange with other nations.MORE Facebook Followers 13.7KTwitter Followers 15.5K
25. SOUNZ RSS Feed
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Latest music news, projects, events, artist interviews, composer interviews and music resources on SOUNZ.At SOUNZ we believe that New Zealand music enriches our world and our vision is to make New Zealand music widely heard and valued.MORE Facebook Followers 7.9KTwitter Followers 741
26. Neck of The Woods RSS Feed
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Welcome to our blog, where we interview everyone from the artists who appear on our stage to the artists who design our gig guide posters. Neck of the Woods is a Bar, Live Music Venue, Gallery Space and Community located on Karangahape Road, Auckland.MORE Facebook Followers 16.6KTwitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 11.8K
27. Christchurch School of Music RSS Feed
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Stay up to date with the latest news, programs and announcements by the Christchurch School of Music.The Christchurch School of Instrumental Music was founded in 1955 by Robert Perks to provide group tuition for young students along with the opportunity to play in an orchestra or ensemble.MORE Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 495Instagram Followers 318
28. Dunedin Sound Tapes RSS Feed
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The purpose of this blog is to expose you to the unique and unrepeatable New Zealand scene known as 'Dunedin Sound' that emerged in New Zealand in the early eighties. This space takes over from wonderful blogs that in their time served to make known to the world some of the most significant bands and records of that period. The present collection is dedicated to all those kiwi bands, many of them already forgotten - who, without knowing it, wrote a very important page in the history of music.MORE