Top 80 Outdoor Gear RSS Feeds
Outdoor Gear RSS Feeds
Here are 80 Best Outdoor Gear RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. GearJunkie RSS Feed
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GearJunkie, launched in 2006, is a top online publication for product reviews and news in the outdoors world. The site contains thousands of pages of content related to gear reviews, news, travel and adventure stories, a video section, photo galleries and giveaway contests.MORE Facebook Followers 164.5KTwitter Followers 68KInstagram Followers 141.1K Frequency 5 posts/day Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The Outdoor Gear Review RSS Feed
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The Outdoor Gear Review provides reviews for common outdoor gear including tents, backpacks, tools and more. Solo camping, bushcraft, survival and hiking adventures as well.
Facebook Followers 26.2KTwitter Followers 2.8K Frequency 3 posts/week Since Sep 2013
3. Active Gear Review RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is your home for all outdoor gear reviews, running shoe reviews, cycling reviews, and more!
Facebook Followers 6.2KTwitter Followers 4.2K Frequency 5 posts/week Since Jun 2009
4. iReviewGear RSS Feed
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iReviewGear provides outdoor gear reviews of packs, tents, boots, clothing, optics, and more. Mike Radford is the OWNER of Mike is an avid outdoorsman, hunter, and fisherman and along ith his team of outdoor enthusiasts, loves creating unique outdoor content that motivates and informs people to embrace nature.MORE Facebook Followers 15.1KTwitter Followers 2 Frequency 11 posts/year
5. Gear Institute RSS Feed
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A network of the best outdoor gear testers - dedicated to objective, bias-free testing of outdoor gear.
Facebook Followers 4.3KTwitter Followers 6.2KInstagram Followers 5.3K Frequency 11 posts/year
6. Section Hikers Backpacking Blog » Gear Reviews RSS Feed
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Outdoor gear reviews, backpacking gear reviews, and hiking gear reviews
Facebook Followers 20KInstagram Followers 1.8K Frequency 3 posts/week Since Jan 2008
7. Blister Gear Review RSS Feed
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Blister Gear Review provides the most honest and in-depth reviews of outdoor sports equipment on the planet.
Facebook Followers 17.2KTwitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 35.5K Frequency 3 posts/day
8. Outdoor Tech Lab RSS Feed
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At Outdoor Tech Lab, we are dedicated to providing you with the most comprehensive and reliable information about outdoor and camping gear. Our website is your go-to resource for all things related to outdoor adventures, whether you're an experienced outdoor enthusiast or just starting to explore the great outdoors.MORE Frequency 2 posts/week
9. The Gear Bunker RSS Feed
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The Gear Bunker is a veteran-owned and operated gear review site. With the author's military background, they know what gear works and what doesn't. This site was created to share our expertise in the outdoor adventure space helping you make an informed gear purchase.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 7.7K Frequency 4 posts/week
10. Wildsnow » Gear Review RSS Feed
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WildSnow was started by Lou Dawson at what was essential the dawn of the internet. Explore the blog to dig through the extensive archives and uncover the most niche ski touring knowledge. Check out the best gear and equipment available, new products, offers and more in this section.MORE Facebook Followers 10.4KTwitter Followers 3.8KInstagram Followers 7.6K Frequency 2 posts/month
11. TGO Magazine » Outdoor Gear News RSS Feed
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Find out about the latest in the hiking and walking gear, by looking at our gear news page where we will keep you up to date with the latest news. The Great Outdoors is the UK's original mountain magazine. We have been leading people to explore high places for more than 40 years. Through compelling writing, beautifully illustrated stories and eye-catching content, across a range of platforms, we seek to convey the joy of adventure, the thrill of mountainous and wild environments, and the wonder of the natural world. We're here to help you make the most of your time in the hills and mountains.MORE Facebook Followers 14.8KTwitter Followers 52.6KInstagram Followers 16.9K Frequency 8 posts/year
12. Gear Patrol RSS Feed
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Gear Patrol is the definitive buying guide for men. Our experts review and curate the best in cars, tech, home, outdoors, style and watches. Founded in 2007, Gear Patrol is an award-winning publication and content studio dedicated to informing today's generation of consumers about the best products to pursue their lives.MORE Frequency 8 posts/day
13. Mountain Equipment Recyclers Blog RSS Feed
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MER is famous in Colorado Springs is for providing great consignment store deals on high-quality, brand-name new and used outdoor gear. To help our customers enjoy their gear our blog provides an abundance of information, advice, and actionable tips to help get you going! MER is an Outdoor Gear Consignment Store. MER began as a consignment gear shop in 2010 with the mission of giving back to relief programs that assisted PTSD-affected soldiers returning from combat.MORE Facebook Followers 6.2KInstagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 2 posts/month
14. Ultralight Outdoor Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Mark Richardson started Ultralight Outdoor Gear (UOG) in 2006. We are passionate about the outdoors and have extensive knowledge and expertise surrounding outdoor gear, we hand-pick every product that we sell which is why our website and products appeal to like-minded enthusiasts. Mark has a superb knowledge of the gear on our website because he's used a high proportion of it on treks such as the Pyrenean High Route, the John Muir Trail, Indian Himalayas, Alpamayo Circuit and Wainwrights Coast to Coast and more! Explore more of his gear reviews here.MORE Facebook Followers 11.7KInstagram Followers 13.1K Frequency 1 post/week
15. Apres Ski Gear Blog » Gear RSS Feed
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Our ski gear blog is dedicated to sharing the latest and greatest ski gear with our subscribers. We are passionate about ski gear and will share with you our opinions and any discounts we get access to. The All About Après Team travels the world in search of the best places to play both on and off the mountain. We live for the ski lifestyle experience. We treasure food, craft beer, gear, and good times.MORE Twitter Followers 275Instagram Followers 5.9K Frequency 4 posts/year
16. AWE365 » Gear RSS Feed
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This outdoor activity equipment blog is full of useful adventure sports gear articles. Including gear reviews, tips and new equipment for action sports. We built AWE365 from our love of writing about adventure sports and travel - when we are not at our desks, we are outside getting in adventures of our own.MORE Facebook Followers 2.3KTwitter Followers 15.6KInstagram Followers 1.3K Frequency 2 posts/month
17. Outside Magazine » Gear RSS Feed
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Our team spends thousands of hours testing and reviewing its favorite gear and outdoor brands so you can find the perfect products for your adventures. Outside covers travel, sports, gear, and fitness, as well as the personalities, the environment, and the style and culture of the outdoors.MORE Facebook Followers 879.4KTwitter Followers 423.6KInstagram Followers 1.1M Frequency 4 posts/week
18. She Dreams Of Alpine Blog » Hiking Gear RSS Feed
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I'm Allison aka She Dreams of Alpine. I love being in the mountains and I love backpacking! I live to be an example of what's possible to women around the world and empower you to be as adventurous and daring as you dream of. Explore the best of the gear and equipment as I give my honest opinion of each product, offers and more!MORE Frequency 4 posts/year
19. Bearfoot Theory » Gear RSS Feed
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The Bearfoot Theory team has been lucky to test out a ton of gear over the years, and we share the best outdoor gear we've discovered for hiking, backpacking, paddling, car camping, skiing, and other activities in these blog posts. With Bearfoot Theory, you can get off your computer and into the outdoors as quickly as possible. Whether you want to try a new outdoor activity, summit your first 14er, embark on van life, or plan an epic backpacking trip, we're here to help you take the leap.MORE Facebook Followers 59.9KInstagram Followers 57.5K Frequency 2 posts/month
20. Janky Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Janky Gear is an outdoor gear shop. Janky Gear sells second-hand, top-brand outdoor clothing and equipment on consignment. Check out our blog for all the latest gear reviews if you hike, camp, glamp, bike, fish, paddle, snowboard, ski, or just dig that anti-fashion outdoor look.MORE Facebook Followers 1.7KInstagram Followers 2K Frequency 3 posts/month
21. Camping Gears RSS Feed
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Make your camper fun and easy with Camping Gears's camper essentials and get various information about the car camper's life products. Browse useful guides and product tips to make the most out of your outdoor adventure. Camping Gears is a platform team of avid campers, outdoor enthusiasts, and nature lovers to help and educate other about camping.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
22. Evifair Blog RSS Feed
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Explore the legacy of the Viking axe a symbol of Norse strength and craftsmanship. Learn about its historical significance, design intricacies, and enduring appeal in modern culture. eVIFAIR is a premier provider of high-quality blades and outdoor adventure gear that specializes in delivering top-notch hunting and Viking axes, hunting and camping knives, and chef sets.MORE Facebook Followers 10Instagram Followers 26 Frequency 2 posts/week
23. DC Rainmaker Blog RSS Feed
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DC Rainmaker, authored by Ray Maker, is a highly detailed blog that delves into the nitty-gritty of sports technology, providing in-depth reviews and guides on a wide array of gadgets including GPS watches, cycling computers, and fitness trackers. Ray, who began his journey as a technology consultant, evolved into a triathlete and blogger, sharing his adventures and gear insights...MORE Facebook Followers 103KTwitter Followers 75.7KInstagram Followers 47.8K Frequency 3 posts/week
24. Backpacker » Gear Reviews RSS Feed
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Your source for backpacking gear reviews, outdoor skills information and advice, and destinations for backpacking, camping and hiking. Plan trips, download hikes, find gear, and learn outdoor and survival skills.MORE Facebook Followers 492.3KTwitter Followers 212KInstagram Followers 563.7K Frequency 3 posts/week
25. Mountain Weekly News RSS Feed
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Founded in 2008, the Mountain Weekly News is an outlet for people with a purpose to get outdoors. The Mountain Weekly News family of product testers, outdoor writers & photographers, bring to life one of the top-ranking outdoor gear review sites that transition readers into online consumers via honest product reviews you count on.MORE Twitter Followers 1.3K Frequency 3 posts/week
26. Road Trail Run RSS Feed
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Road Trail Run is a comprehensive blog dedicated to reviewing the latest in running shoes, gear, and technology. The blog is helmed by Sam Winebaum, who brings a meticulous and analytical approach to each review. The content often features collaborative testing and input from other contributors, such as Jeff Valliere and Marcel Krebs, ensuring diverse perspectives on the gear tested. This attention to detail and the collaborative nature of the reviews make Road Trail Run a valuable resource for runners seeking in-depth information on the latest running products.MORE Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 627Instagram Followers 68.8K Frequency 2 posts/day Since Jan 2005
27. Outdoor Master Blog RSS Feed
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All about outdoor sports. Ski, SUP, Cycling, Camping, Diving you name it. News and announcements, sports tips and tricks, campaigns, and everything exciting about Outdoor Master. Outdoor Master® believes that all of us deserve the opportunity to enjoy the joyful experience of participating in outdoor sports. As we were unhappy with the general situation of good outdoor gears costing way too much money, we now have our brand to bring cutting-edge technologies to mid-priced products.MORE Facebook Followers 115KInstagram Followers 24.5K Frequency 3 posts/month
28. The Big Outside » Gear Reviews RSS Feed
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I tested gear for Backpacker magazine for two decades. At The Big Outside, I review only what I consider the best outdoor gear and apparel.
Facebook Followers 12KTwitter Followers 5.4KInstagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 3 posts/month Since Jun 2017
29. The Hunting Gear Guy RSS Feed
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The Hunting Gear Guy is a website with reviews on various hunting equipment and gear focused on the Canadian outdoors. I started this site because I find a lot of reviews out there lacking. They'd often avoid any constructive criticism and many of the reviews online use very few images. My reviews use lots of high def images, I always include both pros and cons.MORE Facebook Followers 4.1KTwitter Followers 233Instagram Followers 1.3K Frequency 3 posts/month Since Oct 2011
30. 50 Campfires » Camping Gear RSS Feed
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Camping tips, recipes, gear reviews & more! The camping authority.
Facebook Followers 574.9KTwitter Followers 4.8KInstagram Followers 13K Frequency 3 posts/month Since Jul 2013
31. TrekSumo RSS Feed
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Outdoor Gear Reviews, Hiking and Extreme Adventures Around the World
Twitter Followers 414 Frequency 2 posts/month Since May 2019
32. Climbing Gear Reviews RSS Feed
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Independent reviews of climbing, mountaineering, and adventure equipment. 'Climbing Gear Reviews' also covers articles on all-mountain sports activities including alpinism, bouldering, rock and winter climbing, and mountaineering.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 460 Frequency 1 post/week
33. Anthony Awaken Blog RSS Feed
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Looking for awesome gear reviews on camping, hiking & photography gear? As well as some awesome stories from the trail? Check out my Adventure Blog!
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 54Instagram Followers 15.4K Frequency 11 posts/year Since Jul 2016
34. Hiking Insights RSS Feed
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The best and in-depth review of hiking, camping and backpacking gears, with hiking and camping adventures and tips
Facebook Followers 137Twitter Followers 1 Frequency 2 posts/week
35. Thrifty Hiker Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to Thrifty Hiker, a blog focusing on cheap ultralight backpacking gear reviews. We review 3F UL Gear, Naturehike, Tomshoo and more!
Facebook Followers 1.3KTwitter Followers 4 Frequency 4 posts/year
36. GritrOutdoors Blog RSS Feed
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Your ultimate gear outfitter. We see great gear as one of the key components to an unforgettable experience in the outdoors.
Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 17Instagram Followers 594 Frequency 1 post/week Since Jan 2015
37. Outdoors Geek RSS Feed
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Every boy scout and outdoors geek understands the importance of always being prepared. For backcountry exploration, there is nothing more important than having emergency communication devices.MORE Facebook Followers 4.4KInstagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 4 posts/year Since Mar 2014
38. In4adventure RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is a blog aimed at getting people outdoors and to create lifetime participants. We soft launched in 2022 and are a home to a core group of outdoors experts in paddling, hiking and backpacking. We are expanding to family adventure and adventure fishing in 2023.MORE Facebook Followers 78.5KInstagram Followers 21.3K Frequency 3 posts/week
39. Gossamer Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Covers backpacking & hiking tips, brand ambassador inspirations & gear lists, Gossamer gear news, hiking destinations & overnight trips, outdoor education, and trail wisdom. Gossamer Gear exists to make the lightest backpacking equipment solutions on the planet available to like-minded hikers.MORE Facebook Followers 25.8KTwitter Followers 6.6KInstagram Followers 75.2K Frequency 2 posts/month
40. OutdoorGearLab RSS Feed
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OutdoorGearLab provides the world's best reviews of outdoors gear -- hands-on, objective, and based on side-by-side comparison written by outdoor professionals.
Facebook Followers 17.4KTwitter Followers 6.7KInstagram Followers 17.8K Frequency 2 posts/month
41. The GearCaster RSS Feed
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The GearCaster provides news on emerging trends, technologies, and companies in the outdoor sports industry. It has been voted one of Outside Magazine's Top 10 Outdoor Gear Blogs.
Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 9.2KInstagram Followers 1.8K Frequency 2 posts/month
42. Outward Spaces RSS Feed
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Outward Spaces shares stories of outdoor adventure -camping, hiking, fishing, sailing & exploring in hopes of inspiring others to get out and explore wild spaces themselves. We also review outdoor gear that we've purchased and used to give real opinions on what equipment is best for outdoor adventure.MORE Facebook Followers 2Twitter Followers 10Instagram Followers 146 Frequency 2 posts/month
43. Rad Family Travel » Outdoor Gear Review RSS Feed
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Vacation ideas for the family. Let's get you out there! Based in Colorado, we share our best vacation spots in USA and beyond, tried and true outdoor adventures and pro tips for travel destinations for families. Ideal places to go with kids, like beaches, national parks, road trips, best campsites, plus budget-friendly recommendations for traveling with family. Travel done right with older kids.MORE
44. Source Tactical Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Here you could find all the latest topics and exclusive tips from our experts. Source (est 1989) is Israel's largest tactical gear manufacturer and exporter, a worldwide innovation leader in design and technology. The Source is an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) supplier for 25 years as well as a supplier for armed forces and hundreds of organizations in dozens of countries around the globe.MORE Facebook Followers 16.9KInstagram Followers 5.2K Frequency 2 posts/month
45. Mountain Side Gear Rental Blog RSS Feed
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At Mountain Side Gear Rental in Denver, we regularly update our blog with helpful information on great outdoor spaces, what gear to bring, tips & tricks & more. Mountain Side Gear Rental offers outdoor camping gear, hiking & camping equipment rental & sale services in Denver. If you just need a flashlight or an entire camping or backpacking kit, we'e got you covered.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 136Instagram Followers 672 Frequency 4 posts/year
46. KUMA Outdoor Gear Blog RSS Feed
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KUMA Outdoor Gear believes in creating durable, luxury outdoor products. The rugged and tough products that you can depend on. Explore our blog for reviews on outdoor gear, equipment, products, tips for adventure activities and more!MORE Facebook Followers 51.5KTwitter Followers 258Instagram Followers 36K Frequency 1 post/week
47. Light Hiking Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Light Hiking Gear is a retail outlet for backpacking, hiking and camping gear. In late-2016, Rich and Genie Murphy opened our North American operations, serving customers worldwide. We are passionate about exploring the outdoors, and we want to help you on your journey, with hiking backpacks and camping gear for this express purpose. We Are The Best Source for All Your Hiking Gear Needs! Stay up to date with the latest in gear reviews and opinions, hiking and backpacking gears and more!MORE Facebook Followers 413Twitter Followers 10Instagram Followers 437 Frequency 2 posts/month
48. Life Sports Gear Blog RSS Feed
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Get prepared for your outdoor adventures with our blog posts featuring the top outdoor gear products for hiking, camping, travel and more! Life Sports Gear is a brand that is dedicated to getting sports and outdoor enthusiasts out into nature, to be active and to be healthy. It offers diverse and affordable products that will please all sports fans!MORE Facebook Followers 1.5K Frequency 2 posts/month
49. Backpacking Light RSS Feed
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Backpacking Light is home to more than 4 million words of article content about lightweight hiking, backpacking, and camping gear, skills, research, and stories.
Facebook Followers 27.4KTwitter Followers 21.9KInstagram Followers 35.9K Frequency 3 posts/week Since Nov 2000
50. Outdoor Gear Exchange Blog RSS Feed
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Features gear reviews, trip reports, and best deals on clearance outdoor clothing, climbing gear & shoes. Outdoor Gear Exchange carries a huge selection of gear for camping, climbing, skiing, and kayaking along with a full range of outdoor clothing and footwear.MORE Facebook Followers 23.3KTwitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 27.6K Frequency 11 posts/year
51. Trailspace Blog RSS Feed
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Trailspace is a gear review site by and for outdoor enthusiasts, featuring unbiased outdoor gear reviews, ratings, and price comparisons.
Facebook Followers 6.7KTwitter Followers 13.7KInstagram Followers 1.5K Frequency 2 posts/week
52. Adventure Journal » Gear RSS Feed
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Adventure Journal is an independent voice for authentic outdoor adventure.
Facebook Followers 97.2KTwitter Followers 72.1K Frequency 3 posts/month Since Aug 2017
53. Marine Approved RSS Feed
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Need help finding reliable tactical, survival, and shooting gear? If so, Marine Approved has you covered! Here you will find articles about things Marines know about and use like tactical gear, survival gear, knives, optics, concealed carry accessories, etc.MORE Frequency 3 posts/month
54. Unigear Blog RSS Feed
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Since 2014, Unigear has been serving campers and hikers worldwide. We know what it means to be out in the wilderness, relying on yourself, counting on the gear that you have brought along with you, and we want more people to experience that for themselves. Unigear is a dedicated seller which focused on outdoor gears for camping, hiking, water sports. You can count on us to provide top-quality gear that gets you excited about backpacking, camping, climbing, cycling, skiing, water sports, and fitness always at affordable pricesMORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 17Instagram Followers 8K Frequency 8 posts/year Since Jul 2016
55. Dirtbag Dreams RSS Feed
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Get the best outdoor gear reviews from Outdoor Prolink outdoor professionals, who test and review the best climbing, hiking, skiing, backpacking, and water gear in the industry. Dirtbag Dreams is the Outdoor Prolink blog. It is a blog by outdoor pros, for outdoor pros.MORE Facebook Followers 7.2KTwitter Followers 1.2KInstagram Followers 13.6K Frequency 5 posts/week Since Jun 2013
56. The Bushwalking Blog » Food, Gear & Tech RSS Feed
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The Bushwalking Blog helps travel and outdoor enthusiasts find their perfect adventure, as well as the gear and knowledge they need to undertake it. Their blog covers topics such as best beach chairs to buy, camping sites, tips and tricks, product reviews, adventure stories, feature stories, ideas to enhance your experience and more informative articles.MORE Facebook Followers 3.8KTwitter Followers 5.8KInstagram Followers 2.8K Frequency 2 posts/month Since Jan 2012
57. Outdoor Wilds RSS Feed
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Hi, my name is Rob Johnston and I offer you a warm welcome to my website. I'm the Editor and owner of Outdoor Wilds. If you looking for trail camera reviews, hiking equipment, and kayaking gear guides then our website will provide you with helpful information.MORE Facebook Followers 36Twitter Followers 10 Frequency 2 posts/month
58. Gear Assistant RSS Feed
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Gear Assistant has the Best Outdoor Gear Reviews, Outdoor Equipment, Survival Gear, Bushcraft Tools, and News for Outdoor Enthusiasts and Backpackpackers.
Facebook Followers 960Twitter Followers 3.6K Frequency 5 posts/month Since Mar 2016
59. Online Outdoor Outlet Blog RSS Feed
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Online Outdoor Outlet offers a premium selection of outdoor products. It is our top priority to recommend tested and proven outdoor products. We work hard to bring you Weekly Gear Guides for every outdoor activity imaginable. By focusing on outdoor activities we are active in and passionate about you can guarantee we are recommending the best outdoor products for you.MORE Facebook Followers 17 Frequency 11 posts/year Since Jan 2021
60. GoVisionUSA Blog RSS Feed
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GoVision is a brand of HD video recording devices specifically designed to capture special moments more conveniently. Capture those special events in real-time and 'hands-free' whether it's doing extreme sports, watching a concert, listening to a speech or simply walking in the park. See it. Record it and share it.MORE Facebook Followers 14.9KTwitter Followers 1.1KInstagram Followers 777 Frequency 2 posts/month
61. GearGuide RSS Feed
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GearGuide focuses on providing great outdoor gear reviews for sports like biking, hiking, camping, fly fishing, running and skiing.
Facebook Followers 457Twitter Followers 990 Frequency 6 posts/week
62. Coastal Outfitters Blog RSS Feed
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Coastal Outfitters is an industry expert in outdoor gear. Visit our blog today to get the latest and greatest in reviews, applications and more!
Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 194 Frequency 4 posts/year Since Aug 2016
63. PantherRacing RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from PantherRacing
Frequency 2 posts/month
64. Under The Open Sky RSS Feed
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Best reviews of Hunting, Fishing and Camping gear.
Facebook Followers 26Twitter Followers 1 Frequency 3 posts/month
65. Headlamp Reviews RSS Feed
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I'm Spencer. I started this site because I'm an outdoor enthusiast and have been using all sorts of headlamps throughout my life. I've been through buying the cheap knockoffs from the dollar store, to some higher end headlamps and many in between. I want to provide a central location where you can come and not make the mistake of buying the wrong type of headlamp for whatever type of activity you are doing. My goal is to make this site a source for anything and everything to do with headlamps.MORE
66. Outdoor Gear Web RSS Feed
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Covers outdoor products, camping recipes, tips, tricks, top user lists, links to products, and information on our National Parks, to make you the most prepared for your outdoor adventures and make the outdoors fun! Outdoor Gear Web is a place for all things outdoors and making life in the outdoors comfortable.MORE Twitter Followers 1.5K Frequency 5 posts/week
67. Target Dry Blog RSS Feed
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News, Reviews, Product Spotlights, Hints & Tips & Helpful Articles.
Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 26 Frequency 2 posts/month Since Feb 2012
68. GearHose RSS Feed
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GearHose is a blog dedicated to camping gear reviews and buying guides. It offers detailed assessments of various camping products, practical tips, and recommendations to help outdoor enthusiasts select the best equipment for their adventures.MORE Facebook Followers 61Twitter Followers 7 Frequency 2 posts/month
69. TOB Outdoors Canada Blog RSS Feed
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The Blog shares the latest knowledge about hunting products and kayaking. TOB outdoors is an outdoor sports gear goods online store. We are dedicated to supplying the best price and high-quality products for you.MORE Frequency 2 posts/month
70. nCamp Blog RSS Feed
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nCamp's story started with a love of the outdoors converging with a passion for problem solving and product development. We believe that camping gear should never be a burden, only a tool that places an emphasis on experiencing the outdoors.MORE Instagram Followers 9.8K Frequency 2 posts/month
71. Ultralight Insights RSS Feed
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Updates on new technologies, gear, and techniques useful for lightweight and ultralight backpacking.
Frequency 2 posts/month Since Mar 2012
72. Outdoor Gear Coach Blog RSS Feed
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Outdoor Gear Coach is an independent organization that publishes books on how outdoor products and clothing function. Outdoor Gear Coach is an exciting and innovative new venture to enable everyone, from outdoor fans and instructors to industry professionals, to better understand and use outdoor gear and additionally appreciate where it all came from, what was invented first, and by whom.MORE Facebook Followers 519Twitter Followers 1.4K Frequency 4 posts/year Since Apr 2014