Top 80 Pagan RSS Feeds
Pagan RSS Feeds
Here are 80 Best Pagan RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Witches & Pagans RSS Feed
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Witches & Pagans is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Facebook Followers 318.1KTwitter Followers 8.9K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The Wild Hunt | Modern Pagan News & Commentary RSS Feed
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The Wild Hunt was founded as a news blog in 2004 by Jason Pitzl. The Wild Hunt's mission is to provide daily news and commentary for the Pagan, Heathen, and polytheist communities around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 61.4KTwitter Followers 29.1KInstagram Followers 5.3K Since Mar 2004
3. Humanistic Paganism RSS Feed
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This site is dedicated to amplifying the voices of and providing an online home for Humanistic and Naturalistic Pagans who seek to integrate ritual and meditative practices with a mythic worldview based on the most current and compelling scientific evidence.MORE Facebook Followers 3.8KTwitter Followers 510 Since May 2011
4. Damh the Bard RSS Feed
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Damh the Bard is a modern-day Bard whose spirituality and love of folk tradition is expressed through his pagan music, storytelling and poetry. Drawing on the Bardic tradition, his performances are both entertaining and educational, speaking directly to the heart, and never without a good splash of humour.MORE Facebook Followers 36.8KTwitter Followers 12.6KInstagram Followers 10.7K
5. The Norse Mythology Blog RSS Feed
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Dr. Karl E. H. Seigfried is a writer on mythology and religion. A Norse mythologist and musician in Chicago, he is Adjunct Professor and Pagan Chaplain at the Illinois Institute of Technology.MORE Facebook Followers 246.7KTwitter Followers 17.9K
6. Natural Pagans RSS Feed
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We are a group of Pagan bloggers who come from a variety of backgrounds, but who all practice a naturalistic approach to our spirituality. We celebrate the natural world in our paths, both through scientific evidence and through our personal relationships to the land.MORE Since Apr 2015
7. The Pagan Grimoire RSS Feed
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Pagan Grimoire is an online encyclopedia and exploration of pagan and witchy things, featuring candle magic, tarot, manifestation, witchcraft, sabbats, and astrology traits.
Instagram Followers 7K
8. Dowsing for Divinity RSS Feed
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Pagan Theology, Poetry, and Praxis
Twitter Followers 3.2K Since Nov 2012
9. A bad witch's blog RSS Feed
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I am Lucya, I'm a witch. A blog about paganism, witchcraft and the day-to-day experiences of a witch living in the UK.
Facebook Followers 808Twitter Followers 2K Since Nov 2007
10. PaganPages RSS Feed
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PaganPagesOrg is a dynamic online magazine dedicated to providing quality content for the Pagan community since April 2006. Originating from a simple newsletter in a Yahoo group, it has evolved into a comprehensive platform featuring diverse articles, columns, and reviews from both professional and amateur contributors. The magazine transitioned from a monthly format to a continuous blog, maintaining its commitment to enriching the Pagan community. Readers are encouraged to support the contributors through donations and the Marketplace, ensuring the sustainability of this valuable resource.MORE Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 10.8K Since Apr 2006
11. The Wiccan Life RSS Feed
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My name is Lady Caer Morganna and I am from the Reading-Berks county area. I am a Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Priestess who leans toward the Celtic Wiccan tradition. I have performed legal handfasting ceremonies and I also teach Wicca to those who are interested in learning the 'craft of the wise.MORE Since Sep 2010
12. SpookyMrsGreen RSS Feed
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I am Catherine Green, ghostbuster, author, mother and wife. My ghosts lurk within the human mind; my supernatural creatures are loud and proud. SpookyMrsGreen is about pagan housewife: Mindful parenting, ethical consumerism and modern pagan lifestyle.MORE Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 8.7KInstagram Followers 1K Since Nov 2010
13. Druid Life RSS Feed
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I'm Nimue Brown. Druid Life is all about Pagan reflections from a Druid author - life, community, inspiration, health, hope, and radical change. Aside from this blog, I write all manner of things, I have a lot of published books to my name, and will try pretty much anything if it looks interesting.MORE Twitter Followers 3.1K Since Mar 2011
14. Hearth Moon Rising RSS Feed
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Hearth Moon Rising is a priestess of the Goddess, ordained in the Dianic tradition and the Fellowship of Isis. She has been teaching magic for over 20 years.
Twitter Followers 916
15. Everglades Moon Local Council RSS Feed
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Everglades Moon Local Council is a collection of witches, wiccans, pagans, covens, and solitaries who live and work in Florida.
Facebook Followers 1.7K Since Mar 2009
16. Living Liminally RSS Feed
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Morgan Daimler is a witch who follows a path inspired by the Irish Fairy Faith. Living Liminally is based on Reflections on the Déithe and an-déithe, living Paganism in a modern world, and devotion to the Daoine Maithe.MORE Facebook Followers 8KTwitter Followers 5K Since Jul 2011
17. Letter from Hardscrabble Creek RSS Feed
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A Pagan writer's blog by Chas S. Clifton.
Facebook Followers 782 Since Mar 2003
18. The Magickal Cottage RSS Feed
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As you wind your way up the path through Angels Grove to the door of my Magickal Cottage, lift the handle of the dragonfly knocker and let me know you are there. I'll be happy to let you in. The kettle has just started to boil and tea will be brewing in just a moment. As we sit and chat I'll share ancient knowledge that will help you create your own magickal life!MORE Facebook Followers 80.8KTwitter Followers 153
19. Pagan Song RSS Feed
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The Crow Women are a women's choir who sing about the cycles of the seasons, rites of passage, and goddesses and gods of the neopagan traditions. We are a womyn's spirituality circle founded in 1992 and still going strong today. Many of the chants and songs on our albums were written for our own ceremonies and celebrations.MORE
20. Rachel Patterson Author Witchcraft RSS Feed
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I am a witch...have been for a very long time, not the green skinned warty kind obviously...the real sort but I am also a working wife and mother who has also been lucky enough to write and have published a book or three. I regularly give talks to local pagan groups and co-run open rituals and workshops run by the Kitchen Witch Coven. Blog by Rachel Patterson.MORE Facebook Followers 7.6KTwitter Followers 2.2K
21. Witchy Pagan RSS Feed
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I am Micaela, a 21-yo eclectic witch, diviner & Celtic Pagan from Argentina.
22. True Pagan Warrior RSS Feed
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Fighting to be a better Pagan, one day at a time.
Since Nov 2006
23. Panegyria | A Pagan Blog RSS Feed
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For thirty years, Panegyria has aimed at connecting the Pagan communities and individuals. Started by The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Wicca. We seek to keep people up to date with issues that concern the pagan community as a whole.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 1K Since Jun 2011
24. The Pixilated Path RSS Feed
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A Pagan Blog whose author, the Pixie, follows an Eclectic Path & writes about whatever strikes her fancy, witchy or not. This includes weekly Foresight Friday divination posts, as well as the occasional Pixie Book/Card/Product Review.MORE Facebook Followers 127Twitter Followers 744Instagram Followers 422 Since Feb 2020
25. Naturalistic Paganism RSS Feed
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This site is dedicated to amplifying the voices of and providing an online home for Naturalistic and Humanistic Pagans who seek to integrate ritual and meditative practices with a mythic worldview based on the most current and compelling scientific evidence.MORE
26. The Political Pagan RSS Feed
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This is a blog that comments on both Paganism and politics in the United States, from a leftist-liberal point of view. I am interested to see what can come from applying Pagan perspectives to political issues, and political perspectives to our Paganism.MORE
27. From a Common Well RSS Feed
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Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Patheos has views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world.
Twitter Followers 14.5K Since Oct 2017
28. From The Forests of Arduinna RSS Feed
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A druid's essays on politics, culture, and the sacred at the end of empire.
29. Witch Way Magazine RSS Feed
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Witch Way Magazine is a Digital Pagan E-Magazine that aims at helping our readers learn about topics from different perspectives growing their knowledge base and igniting new passions within their craft.MORE Facebook Followers 39.1KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 71.7K
30. Pagan Perspective RSS Feed
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The Pagan Perspective is a collaborative of Pagans & Neopagans that addresses your questions each week!
Facebook Followers 7.2KTwitter Followers 409 Since Aug 2009
31. Moody Moons RSS Feed
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A Celebration of the Seasons & the Spirit. Welcome to Moody Moon's blog! I post tips, recipes, ritual ideas, pagan crafts and more ideas to live naturally, stay in touch with the Wheel of the Year, indulge your inner goddess and connect with your sacred self.MORE Twitter Followers 171Instagram Followers 2.2K Since Mar 2013
32. 3 Pagans and a Cat RSS Feed
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Three family members embroiled in wildly divergent traditions gather in one room to discuss, debate, and flat-out argue about their magical, mythical, and mundane lives. Also, there's a microphone.MORE Facebook Followers 3.2KTwitter Followers 1.9K
33. Keeping Her Keys RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is the premier online destination to engage in the global dialogue about religion and spirituality, and to explore and experience the world's beliefs. It is the website of choice for the millions of people looking for credible and balanced information about religion.MORE Facebook Followers 95.8KTwitter Followers 14.5K
34. My Pagan Life RSS Feed
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My name is Maja, and I'm a 16 year old girl from Norway. The 'My Pagan Life' Ideal: I seek to create and build a community where people can feel like they belong, as well as feel free to come with suggestions, thoughts, ideas and insights while being heard.MORE Since Oct 2015
35. Eadig RSS Feed
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A pagan living in Brooklyn. Lets make some magic together!
36. Starhawk RSS Feed
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Starhawk is one of the prominent leaders in the revival of earth-based spirituality and Goddess religion. She is a cofounder of Reclaiming, an activist branch of modern Pagan religion, and continues to work closely with the Reclaiming community.MORE Facebook Followers 131KTwitter Followers 8.5KInstagram Followers 37.7K Since Jun 2009
37. Lora O'Brien | Irish Author & Guide RSS Feed
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Lora O'Brien was born in Dublin, in the late 70s, to a mother who valued long excursions to historical houses, and trekking across fields to locate obscure archaeological monuments of a summer's afternoon. As a child, this was deemed tremendously boring; but of course the experience and knowledge that has been passed on through that early matriarchal madness has long since come into its own.MORE Facebook Followers 14KTwitter Followers 3K
38. WitchBeMe RSS Feed
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A place where you can hopefully experience the nature of the Goddess; the nature of ourselves and the very nature of nature its self. As it is the intention to bring to you information of a spiritual nature.MORE Twitter Followers 14 Since Jan 2018
39. Dale's Bits And Pieces Of The Rainbow RSS Feed
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Welcome! Dale is a noted pagan author who is also a Wiccan High Priest with a coven. He is the author of many pagan related articles as well as various other articles that span many topics.
Since May 2011
40. A Path through the Woods » Pagan Reflections and Lessons RSS Feed
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I am Adrian Moran. This is a personal blog to reflect my spiritual journey. Respectful comments, questions and conversations are welcome.
Twitter Followers 265 Since May 2013
41. Penniless Pagan RSS Feed
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Worshipping nature shouldn't cost you a dime. Sabbats. Rituals. Natural altars. Recipes. Herbal medicine. Living in simplicity.
Facebook Followers 7.1KTwitter Followers 213 Since Jan 2016
42. Quaker Pagan Reflections RSS Feed
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Welcome to the online journal of a pair of Quaker Pagans.
Twitter Followers 44 Since Mar 2006
43. Go Deeper Blog RSS Feed
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A Celtic spirituality site featuring unique oracle readings, guided meditations and a really good blog.
Facebook Followers 1.6K
44. Yabyum's pagan life RSS Feed
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Welcome to Yabyum's pagan life. The Way of the Goddess and Ancient Magic.
Facebook Followers 2K Since May 2007
45. E. Massey RSS Feed
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E. Massey is an author, artist, teacher and practicing Witch. As an author, E. Massey has written articles for popular educational and Pagan and Witchcraft magazines, as well as contributed to many educational curriculum for children.rot ReaderMORE Facebook Followers 1.3K
46. Paganarch RSS Feed
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Writer, Anarchist, Theorist, Bard I mostly write here. I co-wrote A Pagan Anti-Capitalist Primer.
Twitter Followers 1.9K Since Dec 2011
47. Black Witch RSS Feed
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Black Witch is a blog to discuss life from a Black Pagan's point of view. This blog will cover a variety of topics from music to race to religion to social politics and what it is like to be a minority within a minority.MORE Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 739Instagram Followers 213 Since Jun 2010
48. of the Other People RSS Feed
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The religion of the Other People the Otherfaith began in 2010 with a small group of Pagan teens.They wanted something different than the witchcraft & religious traditions they had read about.They wanted something new. The Otherfaith is polytheist & animist. Our theology includes our Four+Gods & our myriad of spirits. These spirits sometimes inhabit our own world. Sometimes they remain exclusively in their own realm.They may be spirits of plants & mountains or they may be spirits unto themselves.MORE Facebook Followers 121Twitter Followers 22
49. Life With Trickster Gods RSS Feed
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The idea of Life With Trickster Gods is to create a space where I discuss my Spirituality, as well as my current Path through three grades of the Order of Ovates, Bards, and Druids.
Twitter Followers 232
50. Pagan Hare's Witchcraft Blog RSS Feed
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This blog is for all things that I care to share that is witchcraft and pagan orientated including my app oracle cards and my own related memes.
Twitter Followers 4.3K Since Apr 2015
51. Autumn Stoneflower RSS Feed
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I am an eclectic Neo-Pagan. I am new to healthy living. I am trying to revitalize my faith and religious practices. I also have an awesome husband and a young son. This blog tries to give an expalnation to all pagan related questions.MORE Twitter Followers 9
52. Sanctuary of the Phoenix RSS Feed
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Welcome to Sanctuary of the Phoenix! We are an Eclectic Pagan Sanctuary & Coven. Join us for weekly live streams and monthly rituals.
Facebook Followers 411Twitter Followers 16
53. Homes4Her RSS Feed
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I'm a writer, a craftswoman and a witch. I am Pagan and he's Jewish, and our marriage is a match made in heaven.
Since Sep 2007
54. A Witch's Sacred Journey RSS Feed
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Robin's writings have been featured on The Witches' Voice online community, Circle Magazine, the Pagan Blog Project, and internationally throughout the United Kingdom. She has multiple blogs covering a diverse selection of topics and a monthly column in PaganPages e-zine. She has authored several books incorporating her unique style of writing making use of poetry, prose and pathworking.MORE
55. Pagan Way | A pagan path of discovery RSS Feed
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My name is Rob Tanner and this is my personal blog. The blog is entitled the Pagan Way. No Great insights. Just my discoveries along the way. I'm just starting out and so I'm assuming most folks who might want to read my words are still feeling there way and are in a similar place. I hope anyone reading these entries will find my words helpful as they also traverse the road.MORE Facebook Followers 31
56. Euphoric Cauldron RSS Feed
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Your source for one-of-a-kind wildcrafted products that enhance the magical journey and enchant the pagan spirit!
Facebook Followers 242Instagram Followers 461 Since Mar 2014
57. Broomstick Chronicles RSS Feed
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My name is M. Macha NightMare. I am a Priestess & Witch, an author, teacher and a ritualist.
Since Nov 2005
58. My Wiccan Story RSS Feed
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This is not a site that will validate the modern stereotype of Witches. This site is to present and inform the reader of a religion and a practice. Wicca is a pagan religion that is thousands of years old. Its followers have suffered greatly in the past, which makes it more difficult and frightening for its current followers to get out there and announce they are still here.MORE Facebook Followers 533Twitter Followers 22
59. Twin Cities Pagan Pride RSS Feed
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Twin Cities Pagan Pride is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging religious and spiritual education, tolerance, and equality. We foster pride in Pagan identity through education, activism, charity and community.MORE Twitter Followers 247 Since Jun 2008
60. For the Frugal, the Thrifty, and the Rest! RSS Feed
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This is a blog is for people who want/need cheap alternatives/ideas for things when working in in witchcraft and paganism or for those that are in the infamous 'broom closet' and need some advice or ideas! Finding and sharing practical ways to work magic and/or as pagans!MORE Since Jul 2013
61. moonroot RSS Feed
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Paganism, Permaculture & Poultrykeeping on a Welsh Hillside.
Since Feb 2007
62. Following Mångata RSS Feed
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A Pagan, Heathen, & Witch Blog.
Since Aug 2015
63. Through the Distant Woods RSS Feed
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A Druid's Life in New York City.
Twitter Followers 169 Since Jan 2012
64. Cauldron and Brew: A Witch's Blog RSS Feed
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Hello! My name is Ariadne. I'm a twenty-something Witch and writer. While I prefer the simple term witch, to get a little more specific I follow an eclectic, solitary path with strong Wiccan influences. Practical Paganism and Sensible Spirituality from a Modern Witch. This blog hosts three different types of posts: personal experiences, Witch Tips, and reviews of Pagan and Wiccan books and blogs.MORE Twitter Followers 136 Since May 2012
65. We're Made of Mud and Magic RSS Feed
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We're all made of mud and magic... I've been experimenting with combining science with Pagan ritual in a group environment.
Facebook Followers 71Twitter Followers 103
66. CAYA - Pagan Congregation RSS Feed
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Our mission is to create safe, loving, magickal space for all those who wish to participate in our community rituals, public service initiatives, and social events. We gather our Coven community around the virtues of mutual respect, personal responsibility, integrity, and honor for all spiritual paths.MORE Twitter Followers 695
67. Pagan Bloggers RSS Feed
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A Community of Pagan Blogs.
Since Feb 2017
68. My Witchy Walk » Pagan RSS Feed
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My Witchy Walk is a blog about paganism.
Since Jul 2013
69. Astra Anima » a pagan witchcraft blog RSS Feed
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I am an eclectic pagan Taoist witch of 20 years, a teacher, and the leader of a small coven. On here you will find magickal book reviews, articles, spells, tarot spreads, moon magick guides, witchcraft information, and more. It's an eclectic witchcraft/pagan blog, so hopefully you will find something helpful here no matter your path.MORE Since Feb 2016
70. Pagan Scientist Speaks Out RSS Feed
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Pagan Scientist Speaks Out Blog covers musings of an aging Barbarian who happens to also do Science
71. Witch Path Forward » Journal RSS Feed
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Welcome to Witch Path Forward, a community providing information on the Craft and Witchcraft paths. The aim of the site is to provide information that can be used as a starting point for those seeking to explore alternative paths and faiths and particularly for those new to witchcraft.MORE Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 2 Since Sep 2012