Top 60 Physics RSS Feeds
Physics RSS Feeds
Here are 60 Best Physics RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Physics World RSS Feed
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Physics World is a premier publication from IOP Publishing, dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in the field of physics. Since its inception, it has been a vital resource for the global physics community, offering a blend of news, analysis, and commentary on cutting-edge research and technological advancements. The magazine features contributions from a distinguished editorial team, ensuring high-quality content that serves both academic and professional physicists...MORE Facebook Followers 596.3KTwitter Followers 381.8K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Quantum Frontiers RSS Feed
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A blog by the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter @ Caltech
Facebook Followers 5.6K
3. APS Physics Magazine RSS Feed
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Physics Magazine, an online publication from the American Physical Society (APS), is dedicated to reporting groundbreaking research from the Physical Review journals. Launched to provide accessible and insightful coverage of significant physics developments, the magazine features articles written by experts, journalists, and staff writers. Led by Editor Matteo Rini, who joined APS in 2012, the editorial team includes Deputy Editor Katherine Wright and Senior Editors David Ehrenstein and Charles Day...MORE Facebook Followers 247.3KTwitter Followers 247.1K
4. MIT Physics RSS Feed
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The MIT Physics Department is one of the best places in the world for research and education in physics.
Facebook Followers 41.3KTwitter Followers 26.1K
5. Physics and Astronomy outreach RSS Feed
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Covers astronomy, pythagorean astronomy, physics and more. We have a large outreach programme made possible by members of the School volunteering their own time. As part of this programme, we offer a range of talks on cutting edge scientific research from academics in the School.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 85.2K Since Dec 2013
6. Ex Libris Universum RSS Feed
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A federation of physical science societies, the American Institute of Physics advances, promotes, and serves the physical sciences for the benefit of humanity. A blog chronicling AIP's Niels Bohr Library & Archives' history of physics collections.MORE Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 5.1K
7. Physics - Harvard University RSS Feed
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Research in the Department seeks to explore and explain fundamental questions that range from understanding the origin of the universe, including string theory, cosmology, and astrophysics, to understanding the visible world of colloids and the world on an ever diminishing scale, from the mesoscale to the nanoscale, condensed matter, and atomic, molecular and particle physics.MORE Facebook Followers 19.2KTwitter Followers 18.3K
8. Berkeley News - Physics RSS Feed
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Physics News from the University of California, Berkeley. The Physics Department at UC Berkeley is consistently ranked one of the best in the world and is home to eight Nobel Laureates.
Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 297.4K
9. Not Even Wrong RSS Feed
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My name is Peter. I'm currently a Senior Lecturer in the Mathematics department at Columbia University, where I teach, do research, and am responsible for the department Computer system. At various times, I've also been our Calculus Director, coordinating Calculus teaching. My academic background includes undergraduate and master's degrees in physics from Harvard, a Ph.D. in particle theory from Princeton, and postdocs in physics (ITP Stony Brook) and mathematics (MSRI Berkeley).MORE
10. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is a leading science news portal, part of the Science X network. It provides comprehensive coverage of the latest developments in science, technology, and medical research. Founded in 2004 by Ph.D. students, has grown to publish over 200 articles daily, delivering news on physics, nanotechnology, and engineering, among other fields. The editorial team ensures high-quality, curated content, and the platform's advanced AI algorithms highlight the most relevant stories. Supported by advertising and reader donations, maintains independence from external influences.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4MTwitter Followers 1M
11. FY! Fluid Dynamics RSS Feed
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Celebrating the physics of all that flows. Find posts and updates on maps.
Twitter Followers 12.4KInstagram Followers 993 Since Oct 2010
12. Open Source Physics @ Singapore RSS Feed
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A blog about physics computer models made in easy java simulation authoring toolkit and open source physics tools by a Singapore teacher.
Twitter Followers 663
13. Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology RSS Feed
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I'm Brad. I am an emeritus professor of physics at Oakland University and coauthor of the textbook Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology. The purpose of this blog is specifically to support and promote my textbook, and in general to illustrate applications of physics to medicine and biology.MORE
14. Skulls in the Stars RSS Feed
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The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction. The author of Skulls in the Stars is an associate professor of physics, specializing in optical science, at UNC Charlotte. The blog covers topics in physics and optics, the history of science, classic pulp fantasy and horror fiction, and the surprising intersections between these areas.MORE Twitter Followers 18K
15. Nanoscale Views RSS Feed
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My name is Douglas Natelson. I am a physics professor at Rice University. My group uses nanoscale tools to address open questions in condensed matter physics, the study of the remarkable emergent properties of materials.MORE
16. Physics and Physicists RSS Feed
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ZapperZ's physics blog on the world of Physics and Physicists.
17. ThinkPhysics Blog RSS Feed
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Physics is about exploring the world, and we think those explorations can be delightful, surprising and satisfying. We believe physics should be accessible to everyone, for study and pleasure, from early years through school to employment and beyond.MORE Facebook Followers 134Twitter Followers 640
18. The Blog of Phyz RSS Feed
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High school physics education issues as seen by one California teacher: From content standards to critical thinking.
Since Jul 2006
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The physics detective is a fundamental physics website. It features blog-style essays which refer to historical papers and hard scientific evidence. The aim is to play the detective and come up with coherent descriptions of some of the things that tend to be overlooked. Such as how gravity works, how a magnet works, and how the nuclear force works. Plus other things like how pair production works and what the electron is. There's some excellent material out there offering some vital clues.MORE
20. Galileo Unbound Blog RSS Feed
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The Science of Life, the Universe and (Almost) Everything.
Since Jul 2018
21. - Particle Physics News and Resources RSS Feed
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News from the world's particle physics laboratories.
Twitter Followers 15.5KInstagram Followers 2.4K
22. Physics from the edge RSS Feed
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Blog by Mike McCulloch. I chose the title Physics from the Edge because the theory of inertia I have suggested (MiHsC) assumes that local inertia is affected by the far-off Hubble-edge. I've written a book called Physics from the EdgeMORE Twitter Followers 13.2K Since Sep 2008
23. Brian Jackson RSS Feed
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Assistant Professor of Physics at Boise State University
Twitter Followers 999
24. Physics-Based Animation RSS Feed
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Physics-Based Animation explores the scientific and mathematical principles that power cutting-edge animation techniques. The blog is a highly technical resource for animators interested in the underlying mechanics of motion simulation and physics in digital art. Covering everything from particle systems to fluid dynamics, it serves as an essential guide for professionals who seek to master the intricacies of animation through a scientific lens. The blog also highlights research in computer graphics and its application in real-world animation projects.MORE Twitter Followers 2K
25. Taking up Spacetime RSS Feed
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Where Philosophers of Physics Meet. Run by Christian Wuthrich.
26. Lincoln School Maths & Physics Blog RSS Feed
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Lincoln School of Mathematics & Physics Blog. The School offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in a range of fundamental and applied mathematics and physics.
Twitter Followers 833
27. Dark matter RSS Feed
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Theoretical response on the dark matter.
28. Hogg's Research RSS Feed
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David W. Hogg is a Professor of Physics and Data Science in the Center for Cosmology and Particle Physics in the Department of Physics at New York University. He is also Group Leader for the Astronomical Data Group in the Center for Computational Astrophysics of the Flatiron Institute, and he has an affiliation with the Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie. His main research interests are in observational cosmology, especially approaches that use galaxies to infer the physical properties of the Universe.MORE Twitter Followers 10.9K
29. Physics News RSS Feed
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Physics News provides the latest updates on Physics research and studies.
30. The Photonics Spotlight Blog RSS Feed
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RP Photonics Consulting GmbH provides technical consultancy and simulation & design software on a wide range of topics in photonics, in particular concerning lasers, laser amplifiers, nonlinear optics and fiber optics. The Photonics Spotlight presents interesting materials and thoughts in the area of photonics.MORE Facebook Followers 326 Since Jul 2006
31. Concept First Blog RSS Feed
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Covers articles related to physics, physicists, useful tips to improve grades and tips to memorize physics. Concept First guides students in achieving concept mastery and hone their problem solving skills to excel in their exams!MORE Facebook Followers 542
32. UMD Physics - Research News RSS Feed
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Research news from The University of Maryland Physics Department
Twitter Followers 1.6K
33. Fields & Energy RSS Feed
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How Electromagnetism & Quantum Mechanics Work, And Where Physics Went Wrong
34. Physics | The Guardian RSS Feed
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Latest Physics news and features from, the world's leading liberal voice
Facebook Followers 8.9MTwitter Followers 10.7M
35. Best Online Physics Tutorials | High School Physics - Physics Models RSS Feed
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We believe in making physics easy and accessible for self-learning, anywhere, anytime, with any device. We have designed physicsmodels as a quick reference guide for students before the exams, and also for parents and tutors who may want to deploy the correct interpretations, explanations, 3D animations, 3D sketches, color images and solved problems.MORE Facebook Followers 8.5KTwitter Followers 4
36. RSS Feed
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QuantXcer features scientific articles, mainly in quantum technologies such as Quantum Physics, High-Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Biology, and more such sciences. It also covers the latest discoveries in those fields.MORE
37. Physics Models RSS Feed
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Our whole objective is to make physics easy, attractive to concept freaks, those who are not satisfied with a vague 2D sketch. We have priced our subscriptions so as to be accessible for all. Our sites promotes self-learning, anywhere, anytime, on any device. We have designed physics models as a quick reference guide. Parents and tutors will also find it useful.MORE
38. Antimatter RSS Feed
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Blog will be mainly concerned with the universe and its puzzles (see Categories)…with occasional pieces on science and society, climate science, surfing, skiing and whatnot.
39. Résonaances RSS Feed
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Résonaances is a particle physics blog from Paris. It's about the latest news and gossips in particle physics and astrophysics. The main goal is to make you laugh; if it makes you think too, that's entirely on your own responsibility.MORE Twitter Followers 3.7K Since Jan 2007
40. Physics Us RSS Feed
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Physics Us is an initiative to reach people out there who are interested in physics and grow a community of like minded fellow physicists
Since Aug 2019
41. Probing the Universe RSS Feed
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Here, the idea is to portray physics as a journey, an adventure, a safari as we call it here in Tanzania. Beginning with classical physics and working our way through electromagnetism, modern physics, and cosmology. I hope to present a continuous journey of physics from the early beginnings to the present age for the ordinary person.MORE
42. Quantum Physics RSS Feed
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A blog dedicated to physics; especially quantum physics.
43. Unifying Quantum and Relativistic Theories RSS Feed
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The purpose of this blog is to show how changing ones perspective on the physical structure of the universe will allow one to unite the abstract concepts of Quantum Mechanics with the observable realities of both Einstein's Special and General Theories of RelativityMORE
44. PhyLab-Educate RSS Feed
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Welcome to PhyLAB (Learn, Analyse & Build)... the process of learning and teaching Physics. In this blog, I welcome each and every student who is appearing for their Physics-ISC examination. I will try to upload questions, movies and other materials that I have been using as a teaching aid.MORE
45. Universe à la Carte RSS Feed
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Hi, my name is Campbell. I'm a PhD student studying theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge. I'm not an expert on all topics covered in this blog but I think sometimes curiosity trumps expertise. I hope you find the content informative and maybe even a little entertaining!MORE
46. Physics Materials (Notes and Videos) RSS Feed
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Physics Materials are available like notes and videos on such topics Vector and Equilibrium , Force and motion, Mechanics, spectroscopy etc
Since Apr 2020
47. Physics for Bunnies RSS Feed
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Particle Physics, Astrophysics, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Information, Cosmology, Physics of Matter & Famous Physicists.
48. JMU Physics & Astro Blog RSS Feed
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James Madison University Physics and Astronomy Blog. Our Mission: The preparation of scientifically enlightened citizens. Science literacy is promoted through the integration of classroom & experiential learning.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 737
49. Physics FAIL RSS Feed
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A collection of some of the gems my AP Physics students have said or written.
50. Cocktail Party Physics RSS Feed
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Cocktail Party Physics is a science-and-culture blog that aims to create a salon-like virtual space highlighting the latest news and ideas in science -- with a twist. Blog by Jennifer Ouellette.MORE Twitter Followers 39.9K
51. Sean Carroll Blog RSS Feed
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Hi. I'm Sean Carroll. I'm a physicist at Caltech who occasionally wears other hats. This blog is part of my larger website. With my physicist hat on, I'm a theorist who thinks about the fundamental laws of nature and these days about philosophy and the foundations of physics. Some of my work has been on violations of fundamental symmetries, the physics of dark energy, modifications of general relativity, and the arrow of time. Recently I've been focusing on issues at the foundations of cosmology, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and complexity.MORE Twitter Followers 3.3K