Top 20 Plastic Pollution RSS Feeds
Plastic Pollution RSS Feeds
Here are 20 Best Plastic Pollution RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Plastic Soup Foundation RSS Feed
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The Plastic Soup Foundation was founded in February 2011. Our goal is to make everyone familiar with the phenomenon of plastic soup and to stop it at its source. As long as the supply of plastic to our rivers, seas, and oceans is not stopped, it's like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble. In the blogs, you will find all the latest environmental news and plastic news in Europe and the rest of the world.MORE Facebook Followers 24.5KTwitter Followers 21KInstagram Followers 29.2K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Alliance To End Plastic Waste RSS Feed
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Alliance To End Plastic Waste is here to help end plastic waste. We focus on enhancing waste management capacity and capability by improving collection, sorting, processing, and recycling systems, especially in underserved regions. Our core pillars are Infrastructure, Innovation, Education, and Cleanup. Read our blogs and keep up to date on our latest endeavors and progress toward ending plastic waste.MORE Twitter Followers 44.1KInstagram Followers 19.7K
3. Filtrol Blog RSS Feed
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Filtrol is a small town company taking on the challenge of preventing microfiber/microplastic pollution caused by your washing machine. Our mission is to dramatically reduce the amount of microfiber/microplastic pollution caused by your washing machine. Our product, The Filtrol, is made to target and filter harmful fibers and debris released by your washing machine before they have a chance to reach natural waterways.MORE Facebook Followers 4KInstagram Followers 530
4. Seas & Straws Blog RSS Feed
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Hi! My name is Jana and I'm a traveler, a nomad, a rover, a wanderer. The Seas and Straws Blog keep you informed about all things concerning plastic pollution and offers tips and tricks on how to lead a plastic-free, zero-waste life. Our goal is to provide the best alternative materials and the best everyday household items made from these materials. After that, start making your home plastic-free, room by room.MORE
5. Plastic Collective Blog RSS Feed
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We work with communities, that are often forgotten by the rest of the world, as they struggle to hold back the tide of plastic waste engulfing their environment. We provide education programs that encourage plastic to be seen as a valuable recyclable resource and not rubbish. We provide machinery and training to operate a sustainable plastic recycling micro-enterprise. We provide a marketplace for communities to sell their valuable recycled plastic.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KInstagram Followers 3.4K
6. Beyond Plastics RSS Feed
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Launched in January 2019, Beyond Plastics is a nationwide project based at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont, that pairs the wisdom and experience of environmental policy experts with the energy and creativity of grassroots advocates to build a vibrant and effective movement to end plastic pollution.MORE Facebook Followers 5.2KTwitter Followers 7.9KInstagram Followers 4.7K
7. World Wildlife Fund Blog » Plastic RSS Feed
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For 60 years, WWF has worked to help people and nature thrive. Our vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. Explore Plastic blogs on the website and find articles like 'Why Companies Support EPR For Better Recycling Systems', and many more.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9MTwitter Followers 1.4MInstagram Followers 3.9M
8. Plastic Pollution Coalition RSS Feed
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Plastic Pollution Coalition is a non-profit communications and advocacy organization that collaborates with an expansive global alliance of organizations, businesses, and individuals to create a more just, equitable, regenerative world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impacts. Read the latest news about plastic pollution and solutions for the health of humans, animals, waterways, oceans, and our environment from the Plastic Pollution Coalition.MORE Facebook Followers 281.3KTwitter Followers 74.3KInstagram Followers 142.4K
9. Plastic Oceans Blog RSS Feed
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Plastic Oceans International is a US-based non-profit organization whose goal is to end plastic pollution and foster sustainable communities worldwide. Read our ongoing collection of educational blog content that informs on the topics of plastic pollution and sustainability.MORE Facebook Followers 202.5KTwitter Followers 3.4KInstagram Followers 64.2K
10. Break Free From Plastic RSS Feed
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BreakFreeFromPlastic is a global movement working to achieve a future free from plastic pollution. More than 12,000 organizations and individuals around the world have come together to demand reductions in single-use plastics and to advocate for lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis.MORE Facebook Followers 38.7KTwitter Followers 16.8KInstagram Followers 78K
11. SurfRider Blog » Plastic Pollution RSS Feed
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The Surfrider Foundation is dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world's oceans, waves, and beaches, for all people, through a powerful activist network. The Platic Pollution blogs will keep you informed and updated by providing all the latest news and articles about it.MORE Facebook Followers 314.6KTwitter Followers 120KInstagram Followers 250.5K
12. Less Plastic Blog RSS Feed
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We're an ocean-loving, non-profit Community Interest Company based in South Devon, UK. We set up Less Plastic in 2015 to raise awareness of ocean plastic and provide practical ways for individuals & organizations to make a difference by using less plastic and taking actions that restore nature. Our infographics, book, and talks & workshops have inspired behavior change in businesses, schools, and communities all over the world. We also partner with companies of all sizes to enable them to meet their environmental and social responsibility objectives.MORE Facebook Followers 131.4KTwitter Followers 16.9KInstagram Followers 131.5K
13. Repurpose Recycling Blog RSS Feed
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At Repurpose Recycling we create collection points in coastal communities where locals can bring us plastic in exchange for food, clean water, or money. Our business model empowers individuals to improve their living conditions and creates a lasting impact. We do this by incentivizing people living near oceans, rivers, and streams, to recycle.MORE Facebook Followers 88
14. Ways To Fight Plastic Pollution Blog RSS Feed
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The world is waking up to the scourge of plastics in our oceans and waterways, with images and reports of beaches piled with plastic bottles, and sea life suffering. Elastec is a major manufacturer of oil spill equipment, we have developed groundbreaking and award-winning systems for collecting spilled oil from such environments. We have products for controlling and collecting floating plastics however we recognize that these tools could be enhanced and improved, we want to collaborate and innovate to find better Ways to Fight Plastic Pollution.MORE
15. Plastic Free July Blog RSS Feed
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Plastic Free July® is a key initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation that allows us to work towards our vision of seeing a world free of plastic waste. From humble beginnings in 2011, the award-winning Plastic Free July campaign is the result of years of hard work. In the articles, we take a deeper look at the plastic waste problem, explore current news, and interview change-makers and people working on the issue from around the world.MORE Facebook Followers 104.1KTwitter Followers 14.9KInstagram Followers 142.9K
16. Galapagos Conservation Trust » Plastic Pollution Free Galapagos RSS Feed
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We are the only UK charity to focus exclusively on the conservation and sustainability of the Galapagos islands. With 25 years of experience supporting impactful conservation programs across the Archipelago, we partner with Ecuadorian authorities, NGOs, local communities, and leading scientists, both in Galapagos and worldwide. The Plastic Pollution Free Galapagos blog will give information about plastic pollution causes, some ways to stop it, and the latest news about it.MORE Facebook Followers 13.8KTwitter Followers 7.1KInstagram Followers 12.7K
17. Preventing Plastic Pollution Blog RSS Feed
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Working in partnership with 18 organizations from across France and England, Preventing Plastic Pollution seeks to understand and reduce the impacts of plastic pollution in the marine environment. By looking at the catchment from source to sea, the project will identify and target hotspots for plastic, embed behavior change in local communities and businesses, and implement effective solutions and alternatives.MORE
18. TonToTon Blog RSS Feed
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ONTOTON's solution is designed to involve and empower the informal waste sector and local communities. Creating a new market for 'orphan' plastic, TONTOTON recycles, upcycle, and co-process mismanaged plastic, supporting communities and environments. Read our blogs and find the latest news in the global fight against ocean plastic pollution. Discover how TONTOTON is participating in this great journey!MORE Facebook Followers 3KInstagram Followers 271