Top 80 Protestant RSS Feeds
Protestant RSS Feeds
Here are 80 Best Protestant RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Sabbath School Network RSS Feed
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Seventh-day Adventist Bible lessons online, teacher helps, Sabbath School resources for adults, youth, children. Daily blog discussion. Other posts of interest.
Facebook Followers 223.6KTwitter Followers 4K Since Jun 2011 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Anglican Journal RSS Feed
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The Anglican Journal is the national newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. It is published 10 times a year and carries 23 regional newspapers that provide important local information for Anglican dioceses.MORE Facebook Followers 7.8KTwitter Followers 9.3K
3. Adventist Today RSS Feed
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Adventist Today is an independent journalistic platform dedicated to the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist community. Emphasizing accessible, fact-based reporting and constructive dialogue, it seeks to foster spiritual and congregational health. Founded on principles of freedom in exploring new understandings of faith, Adventist Today respects both science and scripture while promoting friendly accountability within the church...MORE Facebook Followers 24.6KTwitter Followers 5.5K Since May 2011
4. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Blog RSS Feed
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The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States. We are the church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person--questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world.MORE Facebook Followers 158KTwitter Followers 26.9KInstagram Followers 22.8K Since Sep 2008
5. Living Lutheran RSS Feed
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Living Lutheran is the flagship publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), dedicated to sharing news, reflections, and stories from the Lutheran community both locally and globally. The magazine covers a broad spectrum of topics, including congregational life, mission work, family matters, and spiritual practices. Under the editorial leadership of Andrea Kulik, John Potter, and Candice Hill Buchbinder, Living Lutheran fosters diverse voices and lively dialogue, offering an open forum for faith discussions and connecting readers with the global Christian community.MORE Facebook Followers 21.5KTwitter Followers 12KInstagram Followers 3.6K
6. Lutheran Church of Australia RSS Feed
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The Lutheran Church of Australia SA-NT District is a culturally rich and diverse church.
Facebook Followers 1.9K Since Sep 2011
7. Steadfast Lutherans Blog RSS Feed
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An international fraternity of confessional Lutheran laymen and pastors, supporting proclamation of Christian doctrine in the new media.
Facebook Followers 4.8KTwitter Followers 750 Since Jun 2008
8. United Methodist Insight RSS Feed
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United Methodist Insight is an independent online publication dedicated to providing news and perspectives on The United Methodist Church and its global missions. Founded by Cynthia B. Astle, the magazine serves as a forum for dialogue and discernment among United Methodists, tackling topics like church administration, global health, social justice, and environmental issues. Insight offers a variety of articles, opinion pieces, and reports, facilitating thoughtful discussions within the church community and beyond. The publication operates with the support of St...MORE Twitter Followers 3.1K
9. First United Methodist Church Fort Worth Texas Blog RSS Feed
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First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth began in 1874. We recognize four sources and criteria for theological thinking: Scripture, Tradition, Experience and Reason. Serving the Fort Worth, Texas community by providing cutting edge worship experiences, offering outstanding children's, singles, music, youth, adult ministries, community outreach and mission programs.MORE Facebook Followers 13.5KTwitter Followers 3.2KInstagram Followers 1.3K Since May 2010
10. Anglicans Ablaze RSS Feed
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Anglicans Ablaze is committed to building up Christ's Church in North America and beyond.
Since Nov 2004
11. Anglican Church League RSS Feed
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Based in Sydney, Australia, the ACL is an association of evangelical Australian Anglican Christians who desire to maintain the reformed, protestant and evangelical character of the Anglican Church.MORE Since Dec 2007
12. VirtueOnline The Voice for Global Orthodox Anglicanism RSS Feed
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The global source for independent news on the Anglican Communion from a biblical evangelical worldview.
Facebook Followers 6.7KTwitter Followers 959
13. Anglican Mainstream RSS Feed
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Anglican Mainstream is a comprehensive resource for orthodox Anglicans and other Christians, providing daily updates on Christianity, church, and cultural issues. Established in 2004, it aims to uphold traditional Christian values, particularly concerning marriage, family, and sexuality. The blog features contributions from various writers, including original reports and comments from the Editor and other authors. Trustees include Canon Dr. Chris Sugden (Chair), Mrs. Sarah Finch, Mrs. Rebecca Hunt, Dr. Will Jones, Mr. Andrew Presland, and Chik-Kaw Tan.MORE Since Jan 2003
14. Thinking Anglicans RSS Feed
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Thinking Anglicans is a website for thoughtful contributions to the proclamation of the gospel message. Here writers reflect on what it means to be a Christian, particularly in Britain today.MORE Twitter Followers 3.6K Since Aug 2003
15. Baptist Standard RSS Feed
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Baptist news and opinions for Texas Baptists, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Southern Baptist Convention and more. Trusted Baptist news source since 1888.
Facebook Followers 16.4KTwitter Followers 4.8KInstagram Followers 1.2K Since Apr 2008
16. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary Blog RSS Feed
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Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary is committed to glorifying God by training men to fulfill the Great Commission, read posts from the Seminary on their blog. Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary exists for the glory of God to serve local churches by shaping faithful men for the gospel ministry through the word of God.MORE Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 1K Since Dec 2011
17. Paul Chappell RSS Feed
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Dr. Paul Chappell is the senior pastor of the Lancaster Baptist Church and president of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California. His biblical vision has led the church to become one of the most dynamic independent Baptist churches in the nation.MORE Facebook Followers 48.6KTwitter Followers 25.1KInstagram Followers 10.4K Since Nov 2006
18. Anglican Compass RSS Feed
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The goal of Anglican Compass is to explain Anglican experience, and provide the Anglican Compass perspective on worship, faith, and life. Writers for this site are active Anglican priests, and the focus and scope of the material is based on experience in the parish.MORE Facebook Followers 4.9KTwitter Followers 5.5KInstagram Followers 2.5K Since Feb 2011
19. Good News Magazine RSS Feed
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Good News Magazine serves as a voice for traditional Methodists, offering insightful articles that delve into the evolving landscape of the United Methodist Church (UMC) and broader Christian matters. The platform highlights significant theological debates, the impact of recent church conferences, and narratives of faith-driven leadership...MORE Facebook Followers 8.4KTwitter Followers 2.8KInstagram Followers 939 Since Aug 2009
20. The Evangelical Calvinist RSS Feed
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Hello my name is Bobby Grow, and I author this blog, The Evangelical Calvinist. Find new and emerging voices join senior Reformed scholars in presenting a coherent and impassioned articulation of Calvinism for today's world. Evangelical Calvinism represents a mood within current Reformed theology. The various contributors are in different ways articulating that mood, of which their very diversity is a significant element.MORE Twitter Followers 2 Since Aug 2009
21. RSS Feed
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I'm the Rector of Glenquarie Anglican Church in Sydney, Australia. As a Christian, this site is a mixture of my thoughts on life and Jesus, and in particular how those things are worked out in the Anglican Church into which I was ordained in 2008.MORE Twitter Followers 3K Since Oct 2002
22. Esgetology RSS Feed
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Weelcome! I am the pastor at Immanuel Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Alexandria, Virginia. You will find here some of my sermons, along with theological ideas and quotations.
Since Apr 2007
23. Canadian Lutheran RSS Feed
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The national magazine of Lutheran Church Canada.
Facebook Followers 849Twitter Followers 1.5KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Jan 2009
24. Lutheran Core RSS Feed
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The over-arching goal of Lutheran CORE is to be a voice for the Word of God and a shelter for those who cling to this Word in the church. We seek the renewal of Lutheran congregations according to Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions, and we endorse the Common Confession as a summary of Lutheran convictions for our time and place.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 12.4K Since Mar 2012
25. John Meunier RSS Feed
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This blog started in 2007 as a place to explore Wesleyan theology and raise questions about United Methodism.
Twitter Followers 952 Since Aug 2008
26. Pastoral Meanderings RSS Feed
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I am Pastor Peters. I have been a Lutheran Pastor for more than 37 years, serving in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and the Pastor of Grace Lutheran Church in Clarksville, TN, in my 25th year here. I have a lot of thoughts and this place is where you meet some of those meandering thoughts from this pastoral mind.MORE Since Jul 2009
27. St. Peter's Lutheran Church Blog RSS Feed
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St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church is an inclusive family of faith, unified in Spirit. As members, we are called to worship God, learn and teach God's Word, and serve humanity, near and far.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 87 Since Jan 2015
28. First Lutheran Church RSS Feed
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Welcome to First Lutheran Church. We live, serve, reach out, and worship in the name of Jesus Christ. We give God's Word in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sinners, and teach how to share the good news while serving our neighbors' needs, and building up the community of faith.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 67Instagram Followers 322 Since Apr 2016
29. Baptist21 RSS Feed
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Baptist21 is a pastor-led network that seeks to be a positive voice for the future, promoting the centrality of the gospel, the primacy of the local church, a focus on all nations, and Southern Baptist distinctives.MORE Twitter Followers 15K Since Aug 2008
30. Weedon's Blog RSS Feed
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Homilies, Musings, and What-not from a Lutheran Chaplain
Since Jun 2004
31. Redeemer Lutheran Church » News RSS Feed
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Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, is a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and is committed to the doctrine of the Lutheran Church. We are devoted to liturgical worship, to catechesis, and to the centrality of the Holy Communion and other Sacraments in the life of the Christian.MORE Facebook Followers 2.4K Since Jun 2015
32. Anglican Alliance RSS Feed
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The Anglican Alliance for development relief and advocacy brings together the Anglican family of churches and agencies to work for a world free of poverty and injustice, to be a voice for the voiceless, to reconcile those in conflict, and to safeguard the earth.MORE Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 2.4K Since Mar 2011
33. Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to Augustana Lutheran Church of Hyde Park. Augustana is a community that worships, sings, plays, learns, creates, proclaims, builds community and works for justice. Bringing people into relationship with Jesus Christ through Word and sacrament, service and fellowship.MORE Facebook Followers 613 Since Jan 2017
34. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Blog RSS Feed
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Agents of Grace in Port Angeles WA. Proclaiming God's love for all creation. A congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We believe We are called by God's grace to share the Good News. We are the hands of Christ: opened in love, extended in welcome, joined in worship, offered in service and reaching for justice.MORE Facebook Followers 581Twitter Followers 188 Since Dec 2015
35. Preachrblog RSS Feed
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I am Tom. I am an Associate Pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church, Keller, Texas. Former Missionary to Singapore.
Twitter Followers 257 Since Jan 2005
36. Lutheran Mission RSS Feed
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I am Richard, the pastor of the Sydney Lutheran Parish. This blog is about exploring, experimenting, sharing and living out ways of bringing the Good News to people of all nations.
Facebook Followers 129 Since Oct 2006
37. Liberation Theology Lutheran RSS Feed
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I'm a lifelong Lutheran, and although I'm aware of some of the problems with Liberation Theology, it has spoken to me for much of my adolescent and adult life. All of the thoughts on this blog are mine, and I don't intend to speak for any other Lutherans or Liberation Theologians.MORE Since Nov 2008
38. Mark Daniels RSS Feed
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I'm a sinner, no better than any other human being. I have no personal bragging rights. My only boast is that, in spite of my many sins and my numerous faults, through God's grace, given in Jesus Christ, my sins are forgiven and I have a new life.MORE Twitter Followers 3.9K Since May 2002
39. Lutheran Subject (Schroeder's blog) RSS Feed
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I am Thomas Schroeder, a Lutheran pastor serving at Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church in Novi, Michigan. Sermons, ramblings, and maybe an occasional rant from a Lutheran subject of Jesus Christ.MORE Since Aug 2012
40. Wesley Methodist Church - Church Blog RSS Feed
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Wesley Methodist Church is a member of the Southend and Leigh Methodist Circuit. For over 100 years Wesley has stood at the centre of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, and has played a vital role in the spiritual and community life of the area.MORE Facebook Followers 310Twitter Followers 182 Since Dec 2015
41. Young Calvinists Blog RSS Feed
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Young Calvinists is a committee formed under the oversight of the Young People's Federation Board that seeks to connect young people from different Protestant Reformed congregations and to foster spiritual growth and fellowship with one another. Our main goal in all of our activities is to further unite Protestant Reformed young people, to foster friendship and Christian fellowship.MORE Facebook Followers 761 Since Jan 2013
42. Christian Protestant Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to the Confessing Christian Blog, or Protestant, which aims to testify to the faith transmitted to the saints once and for all.
Since Jul 2007
43. Father Hollywood RSS Feed
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I'm a Lutheran pastor (Missouri Synod) in the New Orleans area.
Since Apr 2004
44. St. Stephen's Lutheran Church Blog RSS Feed
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St. Stephen's Evangelical Lutheran Church was established in October of 1888. The mission of St. Stephen's Lutheran Church is TO deepen our LOVE for God and for each other; TO INVITE others into the Good News of Jesus Christ; and TO SERVE those in need.MORE Facebook Followers 673Instagram Followers 276 Since Jun 2014
45. Grace Evangelical-Lutheran RSS Feed
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Grace Ev.-Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. Our church has been proclaiming the gospel and administering the sacraments since 1916. his grace is given out in the waters of holy Baptism and in the bread and wine that are sacramentally united with Christ's body and blood in the Lord's Supper.MORE Since Aug 2010
46. St. Paul Lutheran Church RSS Feed
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Welcome to St. Paul Lutheran Church. Responding to God's grace in Christ, we welcome all people, prepare disciples, and live faithfully through worship, spiritual growth, and action.
Facebook Followers 499 Since Jan 2016
47. Protestant Reformed Blogs RSS Feed
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To build a community to share and discuss Gods word so that we may continue to learn and gain direction.
Facebook Followers 1.1K Since Apr 2013
48. Christian Nature Poetry RSS Feed
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Jesus Rhyme Time blog presents an inspired collection of Christian poetry that intertwines nature's beauty with timeless spiritual themes. The blog features both original works and classic hymns, illuminating moments of faith, hope, and divine guidance. Readers can explore verses that reflect on the majesty of creation, the comfort of God's promises, and the joy found in His grace. Poetic reflections are paired with rich imagery and occasional historical context, making each post a heartfelt expression of Christian devotion and reflection.MORE Since Feb 2007
49. Claimed, gathered and sent RSS Feed
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I'm Ivy, a Lutheran seminary student. 'Marked with the cross of Christ forever, we are claimed, gathered, and sent for the sake of the world.'
Twitter Followers 26 Since Jan 2007
50. A Defrosted Calvinist RSS Feed
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Seeking a Passionate Warm Hearted Reformed Theology.
Since Jul 2007
51. Hacking Christianity Blog RSS Feed
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Hacking Christianity is a blog founded by Rev. Jeremy Smith, a United Methodist pastor based in Seattle, Washington. The blog explores faith, technology, and geek culture through the lens of a 'hacking hermeneutic,' which views Christianity as a system needing updates and debugged interpretations. Since 2008, it has provided progressive commentary on the United Methodist Church and other topics. The blog features contributions from various guest authors who share insights on contemporary Christian issues, aiming to promote a more just and holistic faith practiceMORE Facebook Followers 8.9KTwitter Followers 7.5K Since Mar 2008
52. Kiwianglo's Blog RSS Feed
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Being a retired (though active) priest in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and an advocate of justice toward the LBGT community in the Church and the world at large, my interest in entering the WWW. landscape at this juncture is to do what I can to further the cause of inclusivity for a class of persons who have hitherto been either vilified or kept in the background of the Church - despite the fact of their differences in sexuality being intrinsic and God-given.MORE Since Oct 2010
53. Pacific Northwest UMC News Blog RSS Feed
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The Pacific Northwest Conference of The United Methodist Church is called to be a community, diverse and united in God's saving love, sent out in vital life-giving ministry for and with Jesus Christ. Find Coverage & Conversation about United Methodists News in the PNW!MORE Facebook Followers 4.6KTwitter Followers 1.6KInstagram Followers 1.1K Since Jan 2012
54. David F. Watson RSS Feed
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A United Methodist Blog by David Watson.
Twitter Followers 6K Since Jan 2010
55. A Lutheran Layman RSS Feed
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I am Jeffrey. An Ex-Evangelical-Non-Denom-Christian Turned Confessional Lutheran. A Lutheran Layman is a Confessional Lutheran Christian Blog without all the NONSENSE so common to Christianity today.MORE Twitter Followers 1K Since Mar 2013
56. Vision Baptist Church Blog RSS Feed
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Vision Baptist Church is an independent Baptist church pastored by Austin Gardner. We are located in Alpharetta, GA, in the southern end of Forsyth County. We are a missions-minded church with a goal of fully honoring God and helping families draw closer to Him.MORE Facebook Followers 2.7KTwitter Followers 658 Since Jul 2006
57. Reformed Baptist Blog RSS Feed
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Get Pastoral Insights from a Reformed Baptist Perspective. The Reformed Baptist Blog seeks to maintain a pastoral focus, with a balance of teaching the Church. Reformed Baptist focuses on the Biblical basis for and the distinctiveness of Reformed Baptist Federalism. The blog also seeks to inform, especially within the Reformed Baptist community about matters of interest to them.MORE Twitter Followers 13 Since Nov 2006
58. Grace Lutheran Church RSS Feed
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A lutheran blog.
Since May 2011
59. Central Texas Conference - The United Methodist Church Blog RSS Feed
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The mission of the Central Texas Conference (CTC) is to energize and equip local churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This is a blog by Bishop Mike Lowry of the United Methodist Church.MORE Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 296Instagram Followers 638 Since Jan 2010
60. Anglicanorum Coetibus Society RSS Feed
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Anglicanorum Coetibus Society promotes the Anglican tradition and common identity within the Catholic Church in order to share the Gospel, educate men and women in the beauty of the Catholic faith, and form disciples of Jesus Christ for the glory of God.MORE Since Mar 2017
61. St. Andrew's Lutheran Church Blog RSS Feed
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Our mission is to lift up Jesus in Worship, Education and Service.
Facebook Followers 439Twitter Followers 70 Since Oct 2010
62. Lutheran Confessions RSS Feed
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Welcome to Lutheran Confessions. Reverend Doctor Clint Schnekloth, pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Twitter Followers 2.8K Since Dec 2002
63. Andrew K. Gabriel RSS Feed
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Hi, I'm Dr. Andrew, a Pentecostal Theologian. I write to invite Christians to think well so that they can affirm and live out their faith with biblical and spiritual integrity. Sometimes my posts will inspire you. Sometimes they will challenge your thinking.MORE Facebook Followers 7.7KTwitter Followers 506 Since Apr 2016
64. The Contemporary Calvinist RSS Feed
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The purpose of this blog is to defend and promote not just the principles of Calvinism but the gospel of Christ. We are followers of Christ. We believe in the teachings of Jesus and the Apostles. 'Calvinism is nothing more than a label to show what view one holds upon the Scriptures, not upon a certain man.' The Contemporary Calvinist seeks to defend and promote the gospel of Christ, all for the glory of God.MORE Twitter Followers 96 Since Mar 2005
65. Park Road Baptist Church - Still Christian for a Reason Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to the Park Road Baptist church blog - where we share thoughts and commentary on topics ranging from faith, to current events, to life. This is a progressive Baptist church that emphasizes independent thought, community service, social justice, and interfaith understanding.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3KTwitter Followers 230 Since Sep 2014
66. Thinking Faith RSS Feed
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I am Bill Trench, the Pastor of the East Greenwich United Methodist Church. At East Greenwich Methodist Church, we really believe in the United Methodist slogan of 'Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors.MORE Facebook Followers 566 Since Jan 2009
67. Pentecostal Life Church Blog RSS Feed
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Pentecostal Life Church first met in a small meeting room on Highway 78 that soon filled up. Then God opened the door to a bigger facility. Pastor Slayter's motto is, 'We are not a small church but a great church in infancy.' If you are looking for a church that you will feel loved, needed, and wanted, then Pentecostal Life Church is the right place for you.MORE Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 151 Since Jun 2014
68. Extreme Center Blog RSS Feed
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Scott Jameson Jones currently serves as the resident bishop of the Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church with offices in Houston.
Facebook Followers 1.4KTwitter Followers 3.1K
69. Brighton First Updates RSS Feed
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Sherry is the senior pastor at First United Methodist Church of Brighton, Michigan. She is currently leading the church through a revitalization process that involves aligning the church's purpose and vision with its worship experiences, faith formation programs, community outreach and mission.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2KTwitter Followers 55 Since Aug 2012
70. Liturgy, Hymnody, and Pulpit Quarterly Book Review RSS Feed
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Critical reviews by Lutheran pastors and church musicians of books and other resources for Christian worship, preaching, and church music from a perspective rooted in Holy Scripture, the Lutheran Confessions and good common sense.MORE Facebook Followers 34Twitter Followers 402 Since Nov 2004
71. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church » Church Blog RSS Feed
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Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is a member parish of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, a 2.5 million-member church body committed to the historic Christian faith. A family of faith, nurturing families in faith.MORE Facebook Followers 275Instagram Followers 109 Since Jun 2015
72. The Scrupe Blog RSS Feed
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A Confessional Lutheran blog on the distinction between the Law and the Gospel, and scrupulosity- also known as religious OCD.
Since Oct 2009
73. Faith Lutheran Church - Blog RSS Feed
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Faith Lutheran Church is a congregation in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). Pastor Seth has been serving as the pastor of Faith Lutheran Church since July, 2014. Faith Lutheran Church is dedicated to showing the love of Jesus to theworld through the sharing of God's gracious gifts with our community and the world.MORE Facebook Followers 373 Since Aug 2014
74. Liberal Adventist Pastor RSS Feed
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Commentary on the life and work of Adventist pastors by an old, White, liberal Adventist pastor. Most of these posts are sermon manuscripts.
Since Dec 2008
75. Bishop's Blog RSS Feed
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Bishop Johnson believes in the inclusion of persons with disabilities, 'not just to receive, but to be co-ministers with us in the priesthood of all believers!
Since Dec 2008
76. Strand Baptist Church Blog RSS Feed
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Our church is part of a story—an ancient story of God, who loves the world so much that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. We are witnesses to this amazing news in the community of Strand.MORE Since Jan 2013