Top 20 Quadriplegic RSS Feeds
Quadriplegic RSS Feeds
Here are 20 Best Quadriplegic RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Quad Life RSS Feed
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I have been a quadriplegic most of my life, through all its twists and turns. I've learned to expect the unexpected, and to rely on God's care and plan at all times.
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2. Diary of a Quadriplegic RSS Feed
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When I woke up from my fall, I tried to move and immediately knew that I was paralyzed. This blog is about my journey as a quadriplegic.
3. Determined2Heal RSS Feed
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The Determined2heal Foundation provides strategic information on Spinal cord injury, treatment, cure, research, exercise, equipment, rehabilitation, and types of spinal cord injuries. The Founder of Determined2Heal, Josh Basile, a C4-5 quadriplegic has been a champion for the spinal cord injury community since his 2004 injury.MORE Twitter Followers 506
4. The Life Quadriplegic RSS Feed
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The exciting adventures of a quadriplegic powerchair user.
Facebook Followers 306Twitter Followers 633
5. Nika Maples RSS Feed
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When I was 20 years old, my plans for my life, career, family, and future fell apart. One day I was an active sophomore in college, the next I was quadriplegic in the Intensive Care Unit. No matter what you are going through, you need encouragement. You will find plenty of it here.MORE Facebook Followers 4.3KTwitter Followers 579 Since Jul 2009
6. Happy On Wheels Blog RSS Feed
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Hi. I'm Sheri Denkensohn-Trott, and am an aspiring public speaker who is a long-time quadriplegic and a breast cancer survivor. - Happy on Wheels is a business in Arlington, Virginia aimed at helping people, with and without disabilities, to identify tools to live happier lives.MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 446 Since May 2017
7. Quirky Quad Diaries RSS Feed
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I intend to share all aspects of life as a quadriplegic with you as well as the crazy exploits of my life before I broke my neck considering I lived on the edge for 27 years before my accident. I tend to approach life with a dark sense of humor and make the most out of every situation whether that be intensely terrifying or insanely comical.MORE Twitter Followers 6 Since Aug 2017
8. Struggling with Serendipity Blog RSS Feed
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A mom with a story to share about injuries that never heal and fortunate accidents. About guilt, disability, perspectives, and unexpected adventure
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 20.3K Since Mar 2016
9. New Dawn ~ New Day ~ New Life RSS Feed
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On July 27, 2013, our lives changed forever. My husband, Jeff, sustained a spinal cord injury and became a ventilator-dependent quadriplegic. This blog is about how Jeff, our daughter Evie, and I have dealt with life during and since his injuryMORE Since May 2014
10. Tracy Todd Brave Lotus Flower RSS Feed
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Living life, paralysed from the neck down, out loud.
Twitter Followers 1.5K Since Jan 2010
11. typical guy, atypical situation RSS Feed
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Quadriplegic. Widower. Seeker. Survivor. Trying to do life the way my wife taught me; one day, one breath and, at times, one heartbeat at a time
Twitter Followers 305 Since Jun 2005
12. All the Beautiful Things RSS Feed
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Beautiful people, places, ideas, and dreams that catch my eye from all walks of life. Destiel shipper. Fanfiction writer. Indie author. Supporter of all other ships. Represent your fandom with dignity and grace.MORE Facebook Followers 1.2K
13. Shane Clifton RSS Feed
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Shane had an accident on a pushbike that left him a quadriplegic (C5 incomplete). He is a crip theologian, an ally of feminism, and an open-minded Christian.
Twitter Followers 358 Since Jun 2010
14. Spinal Cord Injury Research and Science RSS Feed
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Spinal Cord Injury Research and Science Report. The place for serious news & education about spinal cord injury. Opinions my own.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 896
15. Noah's Miracle RSS Feed
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Today, Noah has the diagnosis of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy resulting in spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy with athetoid movements. Noah's miracle has brought our story to all of you.
Facebook Followers 25.5K Since Jun 2009
16. Mum Making Lemonade RSS Feed
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Mum Making Lemonade is a heartfelt blog by Beth, a mother navigating the complexities of parenting a child with special needs. Through candid reflections, practical advice, and inspiring stories, Beth shares her journey and the lessons learned along the way. The blog aims to provide support and encouragement to other parents in similar situations, fostering a sense of community and understanding.MORE Twitter Followers 286 Since Dec 2009
17. The Daily Life of a Quadriplegic RSS Feed
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A blog about a paralyzed quadriplegic in her daily life.
Since Jul 2015
18. Diary Of A Gimpy Kid RSS Feed
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A fanspastical account of life as a quadriplegic, 12 years down the line...
Since Apr 2015
19. The Witch in a Wheelchair RSS Feed
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Chronicling the learning process and development of a solitary witch who happens to also be a quadriplegic.
Since Jul 2014