Top 70 Religious RSS Feeds
Religious RSS Feeds
Here are 70 Best Religious RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Religion News Service RSS Feed
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Religion News Service is a leading source of global religion reporting, offering in-depth analysis and coverage of faith-related events, trends, and debates. Covering various religious traditions, the platform provides a balanced, journalistic approach to complex issues such as theology, politics, social justice, and ethics. Through comprehensive reports and expert commentary, it fosters dialogue and understanding across religious and secular communities, making it a key resource for those looking to explore the intersection of faith and public life.MORE Facebook Followers 34.7KTwitter Followers 89.9K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. World Religion News RSS Feed
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World Religion News is here to talk about the world of religion in ways that will surprise, challenge, enlighten, entertain & engage you within a framework wired for a connected world. We cover all world religions from Agnosticism to Wicca & all religions in between. So dive in and tell us what you think, feel, loathe, love, hate, want to see more or less of, and always, choose the highest truth.MORE Facebook Followers 58.5KTwitter Followers 2.2K
3. The Revealer RSS Feed
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The Revealer is an online magazine that explores religion and its many roles in society and people's lives. The Revealer takes seriously how religion shapes, and is shaped by, race, sexuality, gender, politics, history, and culture. We aim to help the public better understand topics covered elsewhere by pointing a wider lens, providing greater context, and offering more nuanced perspectives. The Revealer features articles from scholars, journalists, and freelance writers. For scholars, writing for the Revealer offers an opportunity to share their expertise with a broad public audience.MORE Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 6.5KInstagram Followers 486
4. Studying Religion in Culture RSS Feed
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The Department of Religious Studies promotes descriptive and comparative studies of religion by describing and analyzing cross-cultural beliefs, practices, and institutions, both past and present. The Department is one of the principal arenas in the University where students learn of the history, diversity, and ingenuity of human systems of thought and practice.MORE Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 1.9K
5. Feminism and Religion RSS Feed
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Feminism and Religion is a global project dedicated to exploring the F-word in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community in the 21st century. This project was co-founded by Xochitl Alvizo, Cynthia Garrity-Bond, Caroline Kline, and Gina Messina.MORE Facebook Followers 7.5KTwitter Followers 3.6K
6. RealClearReligion RSS Feed
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RealClearReligion is a catch-all source for religion stories, opinion and controversy. Everyday the RealClearReligion team scours the Web to find the best religious news and analysis to help readers of all faiths better understand one another. We cover religion in itself and religion as it touches our lives through music, books, business, history and politics.MORE Facebook Followers 2.9KTwitter Followers 5.6K
7. Scientology Religious Freedom Blog RSS Feed
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Scientology Religious Freedom Blog is a blog created by the Church of Scientology in 2018. Their mission is to promote religious freedom and to highlight the importance of protecting it around the world. Their blog features articles and news related to religious freedom. Get the latest news articles, videos and blog on freedom of religion.MORE Facebook Followers 613.3KTwitter Followers 95.7K
8. Catholic Exchange RSS Feed
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Catholic Exchange is a comprehensive blog that serves as a rich resource for those seeking to deepen their Catholic faith and integrate it into their daily lives. The blog offers a diverse range of articles, including reflections on scripture, teachings of the Church, and insights on living a life grounded in Catholic values. It addresses both spiritual and practical aspects of faith, providing guidance on prayer, sacraments, and the challenges of modern life...MORE Facebook Followers 366.8KTwitter Followers 26.7K
9. A Journey through NYC religions RSS Feed
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To explore, document and explain the great religious changes that are taking place in New York City.
Twitter Followers 3.1K
10. Religion and Belief RSS Feed
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News about religion and belief. Commentary and archival information about religion and belief from The New York Times.
Facebook Followers 20.2MTwitter Followers 55.2M
11. LSE Religion and Global Society RSS Feed
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A research-led interdisciplinary blog that promotes an understanding of religion and its relevance in world affairs
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 3K
12. David Rupert Red Letter Believers RSS Feed
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Thoughtful discussions for the inquisitive believer. Red Letter Believers is my weak effort to encourage the Christian world to live out their beliefs in both word and deed. I am the chief of all sinners, so I certainly don't have it all together.MORE Twitter Followers 775
13. The Christian Post RSS Feed
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Christian news on The Christian Post, the largest Christian newspaper in the world featuring world Christian news, Christian news sites, and religious news.
Facebook Followers 813KTwitter Followers 183.6K
14. ChristianHeadlines Blog RSS Feed
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The Christian Headlines blog is a dynamic source for news and commentary from a Christian perspective. Managed by the experienced team at, the site is overseen by Shawn McEvoy, Editorial Director, and Liz Auld, Managing Editor, who ensure high standards of accuracy and integrity. Contributors like Clarence L. Haynes Jr. and Meg Bucher provide diverse insights on faith and culture. Founded with the mission to inform and challenge Christians, the blog integrates biblical principles with current events, fostering a well-rounded and engaged Christian community.MORE Twitter Followers 9.1K
15. The Immanent Frame RSS Feed
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The Social Science Research Council's blog on secularism, religion, and the public sphere.
Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 7.9K
16. Sadlier We Believe Blog RSS Feed
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The Sadlier We Believe Blog is designed to put innovative and exciting digital program resources at the fingertips of Sadlier Religion program users.
Facebook Followers 5.6KTwitter Followers 1.1KInstagram Followers 463
17. Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty RSS Feed
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The Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty's mission is to defend and extend God-given religious liberty for all, furthering the Baptist heritage that champions the principle that religion must be freely exercised, neither advanced nor inhibited by government. Our mission is to defend and extend God-given religious liberty for all people.MORE Facebook Followers 6.7KTwitter Followers 5.7KInstagram Followers 3.5K
18. Divine Code RSS Feed
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Fill the earth with the light and warmth of compelling truths. Empower people. I am Shawnie, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Facebook Followers 356Twitter Followers 6.1K Since Apr 2020
19. Velveteen Rabbi RSS Feed
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Now running and playing with the real rabbis! Here you will find post on Judaism.
Twitter Followers 5.8K
20. RSS Feed
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The Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding promotes mutual respect with practical programs that bridge religious difference and combat prejudice in areas of armed conflict, schools, workplaces, and health care settings.MORE Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.8KInstagram Followers 1.3K
21. The Religion Teacher RSS Feed
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At The Religion Teacher, you will find practical resources, activities, lesson plans, and teaching strategies for religious educators, created and edited by Jared Dees.
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22. ISKCON Dwarka Blog RSS Feed
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Read Iskcon Dwarka's latest blogs on Lord Krishna, Lifetsyle Management, Spiritual Growth, Festivals, Donations, and more. ISKCON Dwarka Delhi is a beautiful place for gaining such values and for making your life even more fruitful and meaningful.MORE Twitter Followers 13.7K
23. Law & Religion UK RSS Feed
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Law & Religion UK is intended as a forum for what we hope is academically-rigorous exploration of the interactions between law and religion, together with the associated human rights issues. Issues of law and religion in the United Kingdom with occasional forays further afield.MORE Twitter Followers 1.9K
24. Listening Faithfully RSS Feed
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A periodical inspired reflection based on the words and promises of God.
25. Religion in Public RSS Feed
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Religion in Public was founded by Paul Djupe and Ryan Burge to give a platform to academics who study religion and politics. The aim is to share new findings and give notice to new ways of thinking about the public presence of religion.MORE Facebook Followers 849Twitter Followers 2.7K
26. Religion Clause RSS Feed
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Religion Clause brings daily neutral reporting on church-state and religious liberty developments, with extensive links to primary source documents.
Facebook Followers 233Twitter Followers 798
27. Religious Socialism Blog RSS Feed
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If you've wondered what religion and socialism have to do with each other, we hope this site will be useful to you. It is dedicated to people of faith and socialism. The original Religious Socialism was founded by John Cort, a long-time Christian Socialist writer, and activist as well as co-chair of the Religion and Socialism Commission of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).MORE Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 3.8K
28. Law and Religion Australia Blog RSS Feed
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Follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts related to the law and religion of Australia.
Facebook Followers 805 Since Jan 2015
29. The Religious Coalition RSS Feed
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The Religious Coalition of Frederick, Maryland is the leading provider of homeless prevention, and emergency shelter for homeless adults and families. Our mission is to make our faith real through acts of faith that manifest God's caring presence. We coordinate donations of time, talent, money, food and other resources to meet the urgent needs of people in Frederick County.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 186Instagram Followers 1K
30. Feminist Studies in Religion RSS Feed
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Feminist Studies in Religion's goal is to foster feminist studies in religion in all of its variety and diversity. We understand 'feminist studies in religion' to encompass global critical feminist work in religious studies, theology, theology, and spirituality both inside and outside the academy and at the grassroots level.MORE Facebook Followers 5.5KTwitter Followers 5K
31. Soul Intent Arts Ancient Healing, Modern Shamanism RSS Feed
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Soul Intent Arts brings ancient healing into modern lives. While she performs a range of shamanic techniques, including soul retrieval, extraction, depossession, guide retrieval, and ceremonial art. A major focus of her work is helping those in spiritual emergence incorporate animistic life through private sessions and mentorship.MORE Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 869Instagram Followers 1.3K
32. Religious Education Blog First Church Unitarian RSS Feed
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We believe in a liberal religious education. As a non-creedal faith we explore religious truth, meaning and faith. We also promote the principles of justice, love, trust, safety, tolerance and encouragement. Our religious education programming covers a broad spectrum that enriches the lives of all in our community based on our seven UU Principles and drawing from our six UU Sources.MORE Facebook Followers 542
33. Rod Dreher's Diary RSS Feed
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An eclectic portmanteau of culture, religion, politics, books, food and ideas
34. Alex O'Connor RSS Feed
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Philosophy, religion, ethics, and politics. Early access to the Within Reason Podcast.
35. Theological Letters RSS Feed
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Dr. Jacobs is an artist turned scholar (of philosophy and religion), turned filmmaker. 'Theological Letters' hosts his letters on philosophy, religion, and (occasionally) art and pop culture, written in reply to inquirers over the years.MORE
36. What Is Called Thinking? RSS Feed
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Questions To Stupefy and Inspire
37. The SWAJ Good News RSS Feed
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Religion, Politics, and Culture
38. The Underground Bunker RSS Feed
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Daily news about Scientology since 2012
39. Attempting Faith RSS Feed
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Thoughts (formal and informal) about religion, art and philosophy, with an emphasis on patristic sources.
40. Devil's Advocate RSS Feed
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Religion, philosophy and personal growth.
41. Religion Unplugged's Week in Headlines RSS Feed
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Latest news and opinion from our site
42. A Perennial Digression RSS Feed
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At the intersection of religion, classics, and theology.
43. Faith Encouraged RSS Feed
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Faith Encouraged newsletter is my spot to share how I see the cosmic connection of Orthodoxy to everyday life.
44. Oppenheimer RSS Feed
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Religion, politics, etc. Things can seem pretty broken—but there is a way back. It will definitely involve neighborhood, religion (in my case, Judaism), family, other old truths. And coffee ice cream. And the way-back seat in the station wagon.MORE
45. The Amalgamation RSS Feed
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Focusing on religion, politics, race, pop culture, and technology The Amalgamation is a collection of daily-ish musings, personal updates, audacious think pieces, and invitations to co-conspire to make the world a little more loving, just, and joyful.MORE
46. Life is a Sacred Text RSS Feed
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Life is a Sacred Text is about truth & transformation, with ancient stories serving as mirrors & lights. Collective liberation. Everybody-celebratory.
47. Religion | The Guardian RSS Feed
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Get latest news and features on Religion from, the world's leading liberal voice.
Facebook Followers 8.9MTwitter Followers 10.7M
48. GetReligion RSS Feed
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Get Religion is a national and global journalism site focusing on how the mainstream press covers religion news in politics, entertainment, business and sports. GetReligion has become one of the leading English-language blogs committed to improving the quality of religion coverage in the news.MORE Facebook Followers 2.2KTwitter Followers 13.1K
49. The Diagonal Way RSS Feed
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Theological reflections on creation's holy journey into the life of its holy Creator.
50. Mystagogy Resource Center RSS Feed
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Mystagogy Resource Center is an International Orthodox Christian Ministry headed by John Sanidopoulos. This is n not merely a christian orthodox website but a source offering a unique orthodox christian topics, faith, philosophy, literature and more.MORE Facebook Followers 12.4KTwitter Followers 6.8K Since Apr 2009
51. Episcopal Cafe RSS Feed
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The Episcopal Café seeks to be an independent voice, reporting and reflecting on the Episcopal Church and the Anglican tradition. The Café is not a platform of advocacy, but it does aim to tell the story of the church from the perspective of Progressive Christianity.MORE Facebook Followers 26.4KTwitter Followers 16.9K
52. Cornerstone - Religious Freedom Institute RSS Feed
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The Religious Freedom Institute is committed to achieving broad acceptance of religious liberty as a fundamental human right, the cornerstone of a successful society, and a source of national and international security. It will achieve this goal by convincing stakeholders in select regions that religious freedom can help them achieve their own goals political, economic, strategic, and religious.MORE Facebook Followers 3KTwitter Followers 7.4K
53. The Religious Studies Project RSS Feed
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The Religious Studies Project stands as a beacon for those delving into the intricate world of religious studies and its intersection with contemporary issues. Through a series of thought-provoking weekly audio interviews, the podcast engages with leading scholars to dissect the ever-evolving field of religion. From exploring the implications of artificial intelligence on religious practices to scrutinizing the portrayal of evangelicalism in modern media, the podcast covers a diverse spectrum of topics that challenge traditional perspectives...MORE Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 7.8K Since Jan 2012
54. Gladys Ganiel - Building a Church Without Walls RSS Feed
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Welcome to Building a Church Without Walls, a website for people who are excited about how Christianity is developing in the 21st Century. This is my interest to expand the role of religion in violence and peacebuilding, and its contributions to conflict transformation and social justice.MORE Twitter Followers 1.6K
55. paarsurrey RSS Feed
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Keep up with updates from paarsurrey.
56. Religious Liberty Monitoring RSS Feed
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Religious Liberty Monitoring exists to expose and analyse religious liberty issues that are strategically significant AND/OR ignored by mainstream media. The Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin (RLPB) exists to assist churches, small groups and individuals in prayer for the persecuted church.MORE
57. The Critical Religion Association RSS Feed
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Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion. The Critical Religion Association seeks to promote engagement with ideas around religion and other categories.
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 1.3K
58. Daughter of Almighty and Allthehighest RSS Feed
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This site was created in june 2020 and is not commercial project. The idea of this site came to me after 10 years of hard spiritual work. I studdied very hard of church dogmatics. Open-minded in my case is literal language. He supports me, he gives me power, strenghts and courage.MORE Twitter Followers 236
59. Jewish Treats RSS Feed
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Welcome to Jewish Treats Jewish Treats is our initiative to share interesting and enjoyable observations about Judaism.
Facebook Followers 12.9KTwitter Followers 66.7K
60. Religious Tourism RSS Feed
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Pilgrimage: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism. For religious and not very religious people who love traveling.
Facebook Followers 389Twitter Followers 59
61. The World Religion RSS Feed
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Exploring common ground between Abrahamic religions
Twitter Followers 52
62. Rich Kirkpatrick's Blog RSS Feed
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The aim of is to catalyze creative influencers of faith culture and religion, rather than simply push hot buttons or echo the popular path.
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63. jainism in 21st century RSS Feed
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jainism in 21st century is a strong foundation of jainism.
64. World Religions RSS Feed
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Resources for teaching about religion
Twitter Followers 1.2K
65. Abraham Inetianbor | Life - Christianity - Politics - Discrimination RSS Feed
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Wrong is wrong, regardless of who the person is, including me, myself and I. You can condemn a wrong doing without condemning and sending the person to hell.' - Abraham Inetianbor
66. Religion Today RSS Feed
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This blog features the twice-monthly newspaper column I have been writing since 1999 called Religion Today. I post a new column on Wednesday every other week. The column is contributed for the purpose of examining and promoting discussion of religious issues.MORE
67. Bulletin for the Study of Religion RSS Feed
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The Bulletin publishes articles that address religion in general, the history of the field of religious studies, method and theory in the study of religion, and pedagogical practices. Articles featured in the Bulletin cover diverse religious traditions from any time period from ancient religions to new religious movements.MORE Facebook Followers 3.4KTwitter Followers 2.4K