Top 70 Ruby On Rails RSS Feeds
Ruby On Rails RSS Feeds
Here are 70 Best Ruby On Rails RSS Feeds you should follow in 2024
1. Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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Rail is a full-stack framework. It ships with all the tools needed to build amazing web apps on both the front and back end. Rendering HTML templates, updating databases, sending and receiving emails, maintaining live pages via WebSockets, enqueuing jobs for asynchronous work, storing uploads in the cloud, and providing solid security protections for common attacks. Rails do it all and so much more.
Frequency 2 posts / week Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Ruby Flow RSS Feed
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The Ruby and Rails community linklog.
Twitter Followers 13K Frequency 1 post / day
3. Everyday Rails RSS Feed
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A blog about using the Ruby on Rails web application framework to get stuff done as a web developer. New content every few weeks.
Facebook Followers 945Twitter Followers 1.5K Frequency 1 post / month
4. Drifting Ruby RSS Feed
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Drifing Ruby Screencasts, DRS, is a collection of tutorial videos and documentation for accomplishing functional concepts. While these videos are not designed for beginners to learn Ruby or one of the accompanying frameworks, it does provide use cases that are commonly found when architecting and developing your application. The main topics covered with these screencasts will be Ruby, Ruby on Rail
Twitter Followers 3.2K Frequency 1 post / month
5. Railsware RSS Feed
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Railsware Blog is related to favorite framework Ruby On Rails.
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 2.2KInstagram Followers 1.9K Frequency 1 post / week
6. Avdi Codes RSS Feed
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Avdi Grimm equips software developers to work more effectively. Author of 'Exceptional Ruby' and 'Confident Ruby'. Head chef at RubyTapas.
Facebook Followers 93Twitter Followers 20.9K Frequency 1 post / month
7. Ruby LibHunt RSS Feed
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A weekly overview of the most popular Ruby news, articles and gems.
Twitter Followers 1.7K Frequency 1 post / week
8. Ruby Weekly RSS Feed
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A free, once-weekly e-mail round-up of Ruby and Rails news, tutorials, demos and articles.
Twitter Followers 425 Frequency 1 post / week
9. Rubyland RSS Feed
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A Rubyland Blog news, opinion, tutorials, about ruby, aggregated.
Twitter Followers 1.6K Frequency 10 posts / day
10. Karol Galanciak RSS Feed
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Karol Galanciak - Ruby on Rails and Ember.js consultant, building ambitious and high performant web applications.
Twitter Followers 430 Frequency 2 posts / quarter
11. Pragmatic Pineapple RSS Feed
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Hi. I am Nikola and I run the Pragmatic Pineapple tech blog you are currently reading. My goal is to educate, teach and question the status quo of JavaScript & Ruby. I break down complicated and overlooked JS & Ruby problems into actionable take-aways for beginners and advanced coders. That includes multiple perspectives which encourage my readers to reflect, evaluate and choose a solution that fits.
Twitter Followers 737 Frequency 3 posts / year
12. RailsNotes RSS Feed
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Hi, Harrison here. I run RailsNotes. RailsNotes is a passion project of mine. I started writing here on RailsNotes to help teach people like you about Ruby on Rails, and its different parts.
Twitter Followers 149 Frequency 5 posts / year
13. Arkency Blog RSS Feed
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Arkency Blog is all about ruby on rails.
Facebook Followers 671Twitter Followers 2.2K Frequency 1 post / quarter
14. RailsCarma Ruby on Rails Development Company specializing in Offshore Development RSS Feed
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RailsCarma is a Ruby on Rails Development Company in Bangalore. We specialize in Offshore Ruby on Rails Development based out in USA and India. Hire experienced Ruby on Rails developers for the ultimate Web Experience.
Facebook Followers 287Twitter Followers 356 Frequency 1 post / week
15. Ruby | A programmer's Best Friend RSS Feed
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Ruby is a language of careful balance. Its creator, Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto, blended parts of his favorite languages (Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp) to form a new language that balanced functional programming with imperative programming.
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 3.5K Frequency 2 posts / month
16. JetBrains - RubyMine Blog RSS Feed
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The World's Leading Vendor of Professional Development Tools. Creators of IntelliJ, ReSharper, RubyMine, TeamCity and much more.
Facebook Followers 109.1KTwitter Followers 200.4K Frequency 1 post / month
17. Abhimanyu Singh RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from Abhimanyu Singh.
Frequency 2 posts / month
18. Bacancy » Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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Our Blog will provide you in-depth knowledge about the Ruby on Rails framework. Bacancy is a new-age IT services company focused on empowering organizations to 'Agility Solution' through state-of-the-art technology solutions.
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 1.1KInstagram Followers 2.5K Frequency 1 post / month
19. BigBinary Blog RSS Feed
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BigBinary is a Ruby on Rails Web and Mobile development and consulting Company based in San Francisco, Miami and Florida. They build Applications using Ruby on Rails, React and React Native.
Facebook Followers 222Twitter Followers 1.7KInstagram Followers 94 Frequency 1 post / week
20. GoRails RSS Feed
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Chris Oliver is the author of GoRails. He has been programming since 7th grade, getting involved with the Linux, Python, Ruby, and Rails communities. GoRails was started as a way to learn web development and the problem-solving strategies behind it. It provides a fresh approach to learning by showing our learning, problem-solving, design, and development processes.
Facebook Followers 803Twitter Followers 7.4K Frequency 1 post / quarter
21. Nopio Blog RSS Feed
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Experienced Ruby on Rails developers providing Web Development and Consulting Services, ready to take on any challenge you throw our way! Learn Ruby on Rails, Angular and other Web Development technologies with our tutorials and articles for beginners written by Nopio developers.
Facebook Followers 994Twitter Followers 182Instagram Followers 78 Frequency 4 posts / year
22. Railwaymen RSS Feed
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Railwaymen is the best software development company to hire when it comes to Ruby on Rails technology. Learn more about where you will have the opportunity to meet the Railwaymen's Team, grab a cup of coffee and chat about the latest technology.
Facebook Followers 614Twitter Followers 361 Frequency 1 post / week
23. RSS Feed
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Blog about Ruby, Ruby on Rails, tutorials for beginners, several off-topic subjects, software development, project management, Agile techniques, and technology in general. By Fabio - a software engineer, consultant, and small business owner in São Paulo, Brazil.
Facebook Followers 5.9KTwitter Followers 54KInstagram Followers 64.9K Frequency 1 post / week
24. Boring Rails RSS Feed
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Learn about the boring tools and practices used by Basecamp, GitHub, and Shopify to keep you as happy and productive as the day you typed 'rails new'. Tips about Ruby on Rails, StimulusJS, Tailwind, Hotwire, and building products.
Twitter Followers 7.8K Frequency 1 post / quarter
25. SupeRails blog RSS Feed
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Hi there! I'm Yarosla, a Ruby and Rails developer building product MVPs and tutorials. Read more about Ruby on Rails TLDR articles, courses, tutorials, tips & tricks. Also my adventures in hackathons, startups, teaching online.
Twitter Followers 1.7K Frequency 10 posts / month
26. Rubyroid Labs Blog RSS Feed
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We regularly update our Ruby on Rails blog. Check out RoR news and new posts about tech tips and freebies, outsourcing, business and project management. Rubyroid Labs is a great outsourcing team with profound Ruby on Rails development skills and many years of experience.
Facebook Followers 520Twitter Followers 542 Frequency 1 post / week
27. Tosbourn RSS Feed
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We're a team of experienced engineers who have built and supported web apps for startups and enterprises. A full list of our writings on topics such as Ruby, Web Development, and more.
Twitter Followers 27 Frequency 3 posts / month
28. Maciej Mensfeld - Running with Ruby RSS Feed
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A blog Mostly on Ruby and Rails - but not only! Also a bit of Karafka, Sinatra, Python and Linux admin stuff.
Twitter Followers 1.8K Frequency 1 post / quarter
29. Mike Perham RSS Feed
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I'm Mike. I'm an independent open source software developer based in Portland, OR. I've been writing software since 1993 and open source since 1995. Today I'm the founder and CEO of Contributed Systems, my own company dedicated to building and supporting open-source-based application infrastructure. I hope to share my web development experience on this blog, and hope it can help future readers.
Twitter Followers 5.7K Frequency 1 post / quarter
30. Tim Riley RSS Feed
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Tim is a director of engineering at Culture Amp, a co-founder of dry-rb, and a core team member of Hanami and rom-rb. He's excited by small libraries, first-class functions, and pushing forward web app development with Ruby.
Twitter Followers 2.4K Frequency 1 post / quarter
31. On Rails RSS Feed
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The blog is dedicated to sharing everything about Rails.
Frequency 11 posts / year
32. David Heinemeier Hansson RSS Feed
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I am the creator of Ruby on Rails, cofounder of Basecamp & HEY, best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning racing driver, antitrust advocate, an investor in Danish startups, frequent podcast guest, and family man.
Frequency 1 post / day
33. Schneems RSS Feed
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Hi, I'm Richard Schneeman. I write about Programming and Open Source. I run CodeTriage, the best way to get involved with OSS.
Twitter Followers 9.6K Frequency 1 post / year
34. Stackify Blog RSS Feed
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Get the latest software and programming news, best practices, and use cases to help you and your team build better applications. Stackify develops Application Performance Management (APM) solutions to show how, and why, applications underperform.
Facebook Followers 7.1KTwitter Followers 17.2K Frequency 1 post / week
35. Martin Fowler RSS Feed
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I am Martin Fowler: an author, speaker, essentially a loud-mouthed pundit on the topic of software development, primarily for Enterprise Applications. I've become a big fan of agile approaches and the resulting focus on evolutionary software architecture.
Twitter Followers 349.2K Frequency 1 post / week
36. Bibliographic Wilderness RSS Feed
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Bibliographic Wilderness is a blog by Jonathan Rochkind about library matters of digital systems and services, metadata, cataloging, and our collective effort to help people navigate the 'information wilderness' we find ourselves spending increasing time in.
Twitter Followers 14.1K Frequency 2 posts / quarter
37. Andy Croll RSS Feed
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Andy Croll is a CTO at CoverageBook & AnswerThePublic, Rubyist, Conference Organizer of Brighton Ruby, Author, Speaker, Bootstrapper & Twin Dad.
Frequency 7 posts / year
38. JetRuby - Ruby on Rails and Mobile Development Company RSS Feed
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JetRuby is a Ruby on Rails and Mobile Development Company with seven-year experience in the business and satisfied clients from all over the world.
Facebook Followers 49Twitter Followers 6K Frequency 7 posts / month
39. GoRails RSS Feed
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GoRails screencasts are here to fill in the gaps, explain the confusing pieces, and give you an understanding you can't find elsewhere. There is a lot of 'magic' that happens in Ruby on Rails and it's hard to wrap your head around so many different gems and concepts.
Twitter Followers 7.4K Frequency 2 posts / week Since Apr 2015
40. RubyGarage Blog RSS Feed
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RubyGarage is a top-of-the-line software development and consulting company that builds custom web and mobile products. Follow our Ruby blog to keep up with the latest industry news and learn everything you need about Ruby and the development process in general.
Facebook Followers 793Twitter Followers 1.9K
41. ChicagoRuby RSS Feed
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ChicagoRuby is a group of developers & designers who use Ruby, Rails, and related tech. This group holds multiple events each month in the Chicago area.
Facebook Followers 145Twitter Followers 1.7K Since Feb 2008
42. - RR Episodes RSS Feed
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The Ruby Rogues podcast is a panel discussion about topics relating to programming, careers, community, and Ruby. We release a conversation with notable programmers and Rubyists each week to help programmers advance in their careers and skills.
Facebook Followers 509Twitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 90 Frequency 7 posts / year
43. Monocubed » Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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The Ruby on Rails section of this blog lets your ideas turn into extendable & scalable RoR web solutions by understanding the latest information mentioned in these articles. Monocubed is a web app development company that designs & develops web applications for various industries.
Facebook Followers 72Twitter Followers 27
44. AWS Developer Blog » Ruby RSS Feed
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Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services.
Facebook Followers 837.6KTwitter Followers 9.4K Frequency 1 post / year
45. Steve Polito » Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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This section of the blog features articles that have to do exclusively with Ruby on Rails. Steve Polito is a Boston-based Full Stack Web Developer who specializes in WordPress and Ruby on Rails.
Twitter Followers 1.9K
46. Planet Argon Blog RSS Feed
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Official blog of Planet Argon. Our thoughts on web design, development, and business.
Facebook Followers 509Twitter Followers 2.2KInstagram Followers 306
47. Applover » Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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Ruby on Rails is one of the technologies we use often to develop digital products for our clients. Learn more about it on our blog. Applover is a Full-Stack Digital Agency from the city of a hundred bridges. Our DNA is working on technologies for the most dynamic and recognizable start-ups on domestic and global markets.
Facebook Followers 980Instagram Followers 689
48. Moncef Belyamani RSS Feed
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I'm Moncef. I'm passionate about solving problems, learning by doing, and giving back to the community. My tutorial for setting up a Ruby on Rails development environment on a Mac has helped thousands of people since 2012. I have extensive experience across both government and private sectors, and helped shape best practices on various engineering teams. I write guides to help you become a more confident coder.
Twitter Followers 1.1K
49. Benito Serna Blog RSS Feed
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Tips and articles for Ruby on Rails developers
Twitter Followers 493 Frequency 1 post / year
50. BootRails RSS Feed
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Blog posts contain all of the information you need to get started with Ruby-on-Rails. Authored by David Boureau, a web developer based in Paris, France.
Twitter Followers 313 Frequency 5 posts / year
51. Rails Agency RSS Feed
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Rails Agency is a niche, software development agency providing coding and consulting for anyone using the Ruby on Rails framework! It is a blog about technology, Ruby on Rails, and growing digital products! Read, Learn, and Join the Conversation.
52. RubyGuides RSS Feed
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Become an expert Ruby developer one guide at a time! Ruby tutorials, guides, and videos for the serious Ruby developer. Start improving your Ruby skills today.
Twitter Followers 2.5K Frequency 2 posts / year
53. Ruby Yagi RSS Feed
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Howdy! My name is Axel Kee. I am a software developer based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I used to work on iOS using Objective-C and Swift, now my day job is as a developer (mainly Ruby/Rails, frontend and Ansible) for an enterprise. I hope to share my web development experience on this blog, and hope it can help future readers.
Twitter Followers 1.1K
54. Engine Yard Blog » Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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Engine Yard Kontainers (EYK) is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) for deploying and managing applications in containers. The blog covers topics related to Ruby on Rails, Platform as a Service, AWS, and more.
Facebook Followers 6KTwitter Followers 19K
55. The Evolving Ultrasaurus RSS Feed
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Sarah Allen is a technical leader and open source contributor. She founded Blazing Cloud, a mobile development firm, and Bridge Foundry, diversity and inclusion nonprofit. She previously served as Presidential Innovation Fellow in the Obama Administration at the Smithsonian Institution and was an early engineer on After Effects, Shockwave, and Flash video.
56. Tender Lovemaking RSS Feed
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I want Ruby and Rails to be a great choice for people to use in production. I want others to experience the same joy I felt writing Ruby, and I want to make sure there are businesses that will employ those people. I love to teach people things I know. I also love learning new things. As I hack on language and framework internals, I try to take that knowledge and disseminate it to as many people as I can.
Frequency 1 post / year
57. Pat Shaughnessy RSS Feed
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Pat Shaughnessy is a Blogger, Rubyist, and aspiring author who shares his in-depth knowledge on topics concerning Ruby.
Twitter Followers 4K
58. reinteractive's Ruby on Rails developers blog posts RSS Feed
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Posts by the reinteractive team about web apps & Ruby on Rails development, Rails Ops, User Experience & Design.
Facebook Followers 203Twitter Followers 3.7K
59. Official Ruby on Rails Blog RSS Feed
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The official blog of Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model view controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages.
Twitter Followers 138.3K
60. APIdock - Notes posted to Ruby on Rails RSS Feed
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APIdock is a web app that provides a rich and usable interface for searching, perusing and improving the documentation of selected Ruby projects.
Twitter Followers 137
61. RubyTapas Blog RSS Feed
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RubyTapas is for the busy Ruby or Rails developer who is ready to reach the next level of code mastery. Short, focused screencasts twice a week will introduce you to a wide variety of intermediate to advanced Ruby concepts and techniques, Object-Oriented design principles, testing practices, refactoring skills, and much more.
Facebook Followers 112Twitter Followers 2.3K
62. A Fresh Cup RSS Feed
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A Fresh Cup is Mike Gunderloy's software development weblog, covering Ruby on Rails and whatever else I find interesting in the universe of software. He is a full-time software developer: most of my time in recent years has been spent writing Rails, though I've dabbled in many other things and like most people who have been writing code for decades can learn new stuff as needed.
Twitter Followers 13
63. RailsBridge Blog RSS Feed
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RailsBridge is working to make tech more diverse and welcoming by teaching programming, connecting human beings, and listening to people's needs. They organize and teach free workshops on Rails, Ruby, and HTML & CSS in cities all over the world, targeted at groups of people that are underrepresented in tech.
Facebook Followers 1.1KTwitter Followers 5.8K
64. Makandra Blog RSS Feed
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The blog of makandra, a Ruby on Rails development team.
Facebook Followers 127Twitter Followers 284