Top 50 UK Christian RSS Feeds
UK Christian RSS Feeds
Here are 50 Best UK Christian RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Christian Today RSS Feed
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Christian Today is a leading independent Christian media company, established in 2004, dedicated to delivering comprehensive news, insightful commentary, and in-depth analysis on global church affairs, politics, theology, culture, and more. With a mission to foster understanding and unity within the Christian community, it features contributions from various voices, reflecting diverse perspectives. The editorial team ensures objective and fair reporting, steering clear of sensationalism...MORE Facebook Followers 7.9MTwitter Followers 48.1KInstagram Followers 238.6K Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Catholic Herald RSS Feed
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The Catholic Herald stands as a prestigious publication offering insightful commentary on faith, culture, and global Church affairs. Known for defending traditional Catholic values, it delivers in-depth analyses on theological matters, the papacy, and socio-political challenges impacting the Church and society. With a rich history dating back to 1888, it combines rigorous journalism with spiritual reflections, addressing contemporary issues from a Catholic worldview...MORE Facebook Followers 66.5KTwitter Followers 94.7K Since Feb 2003
3. Church Times RSS Feed
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The Church Times is known for informed and independent reporting of Church and world news. Each issue includes wide-ranging features and interviews, Bible commentary, lively debate on current affairs, cartoons, book reviews and more.MORE Facebook Followers 9KTwitter Followers 48.8K
4. Theos - Theos Think Tank - Understanding faith. Enriching society RSS Feed
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Theos is a Christian think tank based in the UK. Our research, reports and events stimulate and enrich the conversation about the role of faith in society. Theos stimulates the debate about the place of religion in society, challenging and changing ideas through research, commentary and events.MORE Facebook Followers 3.6KTwitter Followers 19.4K
5. The Church of England Newspaper RSS Feed
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The Church of England Newspaper is the original church newspaper and one of the oldest newspapers in the world, dating back to 1828. It provides the latest news and has established itself as the prime source for news in the Anglican world.MORE Facebook Followers 240Twitter Followers 15K
6. Thinking Anglicans RSS Feed
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Thinking Anglicans is a website for thoughtful contributions to the proclamation of the gospel message. Here writers reflect on what it means to be a Christian, particularly in Britain today.MORE Twitter Followers 3.6K Since Aug 2003
7. Step FWD UK Christian Chart RSS Feed
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A Step FWD is a dynamic platform for UK Christian music and creative arts, spotlighting emerging talent and providing a stage for diverse voices in the industry. The site features music charts, artist interviews, and cultural events while promoting unity and collaboration within the Christian creative community. It also emphasizes the global reach of Christian music, celebrating its impact across genres and borders.MORE Facebook Followers 28.6KTwitter Followers 11.4KInstagram Followers 23K
8. The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies RSS Feed
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The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies is the pan-Orthodox house for theological studies in the ancient university city of Cambridge, England functioning with the blessing of the Pan-Orthodox Episcopal Assembly for Great Britain and Ireland.MORE Facebook Followers 5.9K
9. Diocese of Oxford - Bishop Steven's Blog RSS Feed
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This blog reflects Bishop Steven's ideas on Church of England's faith.
Facebook Followers 4.4KTwitter Followers 12K Since Oct 2012
10. Premier Christianity RSS Feed
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Premier Christianity is a leading platform for insightful Christian journalism, offering a blend of news, commentary, and spiritual resources tailored to deepen believers' faith. Covering a wide spectrum of topics from theology, church life, and cultural issues to personal testimonies and interviews with prominent Christian voices, the website seeks to inform and inspire readers. It blends traditional Christian values with contemporary analysis, aiming to engage believers in thoughtful discourse while nurturing their spiritual journey in an ever-changing world.MORE Facebook Followers 18.4KTwitter Followers 30.3K
11. The Church of Scotland RSS Feed
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The vision of the Church of Scotland is to be a church which seeks to inspire the people of Scotland and beyond with the good news of Jesus Christ through enthusiastic worshipping, witnessing, nurturing and serving communities.MORE Facebook Followers 49.4KTwitter Followers 13.7KInstagram Followers 5.6K
12. SAT-7 UK - Christian TV for the Middle East and North Africa RSS Feed
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Our Mission To provide the churches and Christians of the Middle East and North Africa an opportunity to witness to Jesus Christ through inspirational, informative, and educational television services.MORE Facebook Followers 11.5KTwitter Followers 2.9K
13. Wesley Methodist Church - Church Blog RSS Feed
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Wesley Methodist Church is a member of the Southend and Leigh Methodist Circuit. For over 100 years Wesley has stood at the centre of Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, and has played a vital role in the spiritual and community life of the area.MORE Facebook Followers 310Twitter Followers 182 Since Dec 2015
14. Anglican Alliance News RSS Feed
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The Anglican Alliance brings together those in the Anglican family of churches and agencies to work together for a world free of poverty and injustice.
Facebook Followers 3.7KTwitter Followers 2.4K Since Mar 2011
15. Green Christian Blog RSS Feed
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Ordinary Christians, extraordinary times. We are responsible for our impact on God's creation as a whole. Green Christian helps members to understand and relate these responsibilities to their faith.MORE Twitter Followers 4.5K Since Jan 2011
16. Grace + Truth Blog RSS Feed
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Grace and truth are at the heart of the Christian faith. They are also practical values which are fundamental to how individuals change and society becomes fairer. I wanted a space to reflect on my work and my real-life experience. I believe that too much church culture is detached and dis-integrated from the real world. All theoretical and theological reflection is best done in light of action and practice. I believe that Christian beliefs only truly become faith when they are put into action.MORE Twitter Followers 1.7K
17. Chaplain RSS Feed
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Chaplain is a Christian environmental organisation addressing conservation, climate change and global warming issues.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 1.8K
18. Alastair's Adversaria RSS Feed
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Welcome to Alastair's Adversaria. While you may struggle to find a unifying theme here, my thoughts will frequently return to the subjects of biblical theology, the sacraments, and Christian ethics.MORE Twitter Followers 12.5K Since Oct 2005
19. Alive Publishing RSS Feed
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Alive Publishing, founded in 1996, is a Catholic publishing house known for its dedication to faith-based publications. The company produces a variety of magazines and books, including the flagship magazine, Bible Alive, which offers daily meditations rooted in the Catholic liturgical cycle. Alive Publishing also engages in outreach programs like prison ministry and faith outreach. The team, inspired by scripture and Catholic teachings, aims to bring the Bible to life for readers, promoting a deep, personal connection with God's word.MORE Facebook Followers 691Twitter Followers 426
20. PCN Britain Blog RSS Feed
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Members of the Progressive Christianity Network seek a credible and inclusive way to follow Jesus. We are unafraid to question traditional church teaching; we value contemporary thought and recent biblical understanding.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9KTwitter Followers 654 Since Sep 2011
21. Amy Boucher Pye Blog RSS Feed
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Hi, I am Amy. My spiritual journey has included some mountaintop highs and a dark night of the soul. Yet in the day-to-day moments I've experienced God break in with his surprising grace, which changes me. I enjoy writing about these nudges of grace in everyday life.MORE Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 1.9KInstagram Followers 1.9K
22. Hosea Clothing Blog RSS Feed
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Hosea Clothing is a UK Christian Clothing brand with the sole mission of spreading the light of Christ through fashion!
Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 162Instagram Followers 17K
23. Thomas Creedy RSS Feed
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An amateur theologian blundering around the Kingdom of God. I'm Tom, a 29year-old follower of Jesus. I'm married to Amy, and we recently welcomed our first daughter. I blog because I think I have something to say. I'm understanding more and more about Jesus every day - and realizing the effect my sin has on my life, and the wonderful Grace with which Jesus showered on me and all who would call on him at the Cross.MORE Facebook Followers 361Twitter Followers 2.3KInstagram Followers 486 Since Feb 2011
24. On Eagles Wings Blog RSS Feed
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Hazel Stapleton is originally from North Somerset. She was diagnosed with ME in 1991. Since then her health has deteriorated, and she is now house-bound and most of the time bed-bound. Hazel lives with her parents in County Down, Northern Ireland.MORE Twitter Followers 204 Since Dec 2009
25. Rhythms of Grace Blog RSS Feed
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'Rhythms of Grace: a Journey into Rest' provides weekly help and encouragement for people seeking relief from stress and anxiety.
Since Oct 2020
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WORK REST PRAY offers reflections on how faith relates to those important aspects of our lives and also to our wellbeing, sense of identity and self-worth.
Twitter Followers 319 Since Oct 2018
27. Moorends and Stainforth Catholic Parishes RSS Feed
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The churches of Our Lady of the Assumption and Ss Joseph and Nicholas serve the communities of Stainforth, Hatfield, Thorne, Moorends and the surrounding villages, on the north-eastern fringe of the Catholic Diocese of Hallam, South Yorkshire.MORE
28. Devotional Treasures RSS Feed
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Christian devotional reading, Bible discoveries, Gems from the Word of God for everyday life.
29. Christian Vision for Men Blog RSS Feed
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Christian Vision for men! Connecting men to Jesus and the church to men where men tell their stories. Blog encouraging men's ministry around the world by partnering with folk in different countries.MORE Facebook Followers 6KTwitter Followers 9.4KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Jul 2009
30. The Hope Table RSS Feed
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Providing daily pointers related to Hope, Encouragement, Love and Practical gumption, towards Christ for Christian women in the UK.
Instagram Followers 1.4K
31. EAR Gospel Outreach Blog RSS Feed
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EAR Gospel Outreach's blog presents articles on Evangelism, teaching, prophetic warning, etc. It is regularly updated with meaningful Gospel explanations, Bible teachings, revelations about current events, and more. Read the latest posts and stay aware of the word of God.MORE
32. Femelle Soul Blog RSS Feed
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Femelle Soul is a Christian blog and platform for women. Our vision is to encourage and inspire women to live in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
Twitter Followers 874Instagram Followers 1.7K
33. Faith Movement Blog RSS Feed
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The Faith movement is a group of priests, religious and lay Catholics drawn together by a shared vision of Jesus Christ as the fulfilment of creation. The aim of advancing the Catholic faith in the modern world by working together to attract many to discipleship of Jesus Christ.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 364 Since Dec 2014
34. CMF Blogs RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is the official blog of the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), which unites and equips Christian doctors and medical students in the UK. Founded in 1949, CMF supports approximately 4,000 doctors and 800 medical students, promoting discipleship, evangelism, and mission work. The blog covers topics such as bioethics, medical practice, and global health from a Christian perspective...MORE Facebook Followers 6.9KTwitter Followers 3.8K Since Oct 2009
35. Scottish Bible Society From the Blog RSS Feed
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The Scottish Bible Society seeks, under God, to put the Bible into people's hands and hearts. Our vision is to see communities and cultures transformed as people encounter God in the Bible.
Facebook Followers 4.1KTwitter Followers 1.4K Since Dec 2012
36. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is owned and run by Salesian Link, the Office of Social Media and Communications for the Salesians of Don Bosco in Great Britain. This Site provides Work & Youth Ministry resources, ideas, jobs & support for catechising, evangelising & helping young people to grow in their faith!MORE Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 19.8K Since Jun 2011
37. Modern Church Blog RSS Feed
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Modern Church promotes an open-minded and thoughtful approach to Christian faith. An international society promoting liberal Christian theology. Founded in 1898 to defend liberalism in the Church of England, we now work ecumenically to encourage open, enquiring, non-dogmatic approaches to Christianity.MORE Facebook Followers 329Twitter Followers 10 Since Oct 2013
38. New Life Publishing RSS Feed
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New Life Publishing is the UK's leading provider of Christian magazines. It was established in 1983 and we're committed to taking the gospel to every home in Britain through high quality, faith-filled Christian magazines and newspapers.MORE Facebook Followers 301Twitter Followers 47
39. St Peter and St Paul, Seal RSS Feed
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A blog about St Peter and St Paul Parish Church (Church of England), Seal Village in Kent. News, information and comment from the parish priest. An inclusive and welcoming village church. We are affliliated to Inclusive Church and welcome everyone whatever their background, gender, ability, sexuality or lifestory.MORE Facebook Followers 216Twitter Followers 263 Since Nov 2006
40. Reformed Brit RSS Feed
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A blog exploring and interacting with Reformed Theology via book review, biblical study, and systematic theology.
Twitter Followers 458 Since Sep 2016
41. Made Perfect In Weakness RSS Feed
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Fresh scriptural insights to encourage a higher walk with God.
Twitter Followers 6
42. Daughter of Covenant RSS Feed
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Christian Blog posts about things faced by young Christians and how we can deal with the good, bad and the ugly, God's way!
Instagram Followers 241
43. 'Don't Fear, Only Believe' RSS Feed
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This Christian Blog is based on what God can bring to your life, how he can develop you into his disciple and how that is being shown in my own life.
44. SNCChurch RSS Feed
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Moving with the Holy Spirit, SNCChurch, a Pentecostal church in South Normanton, Alfreton is a thriving independent church working closely with the community.
Facebook Followers 516
45. Verwood Family Church Church Blog RSS Feed
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Verwood Family Church is a bible believing, Christian Church and belongs to the Newfrontiers family of churches.
Since Jul 2016
46. Journey UK - Created for Relationship RSS Feed
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Journey UK is a pastoral ministry, seeking to help Christians in a life-long journey of growth in our relationship with God, ourselves and others.
Facebook Followers 193Twitter Followers 889Instagram Followers 112
47. Diocese of Westminster Youth Ministry RSS Feed
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News, events, resources and much more for young Catholics in London and Hertfordshire. We are the youth service of the Diocese of Westminster. Helping young people pursue the true, the good and the beautiful, because each of us is made for greatness.MORE Facebook Followers 2.5KTwitter Followers 2.5KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Oct 2013