Top 70 UK Wildlife RSS Feeds
UK Wildlife RSS Feeds
Here are 70 Best UK Wildlife RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. The Robert E Fuller Blog RSS Feed
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Robert E. Fuller's Wildlife Diary provides a unique perspective on wildlife through the eyes of a renowned British wildlife artist and photographer. The blog features stunning photography and detailed accounts of Fuller's encounters with various species, from owls to foxes, offering insights into their behavior and habitat. Fuller often shares the stories behind his artwork, which captures the beauty and intricacy of wildlife in natural settings...MORE Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 50.9KInstagram Followers 211.8K Since Feb 2006 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Cholsey Wildlife RSS Feed
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The Cholsey Wildlife Blog is a personal nature journal that documents wildlife sightings and natural events in Cholsey, a village in Oxfordshire, UK. It primarily features birdwatching reports but also includes other wildlife observations, such as mammals, insects, and plants. The blog offers detailed species lists, seasonal updates, and personal reflections, making it a valuable resource for local wildlife enthusiasts and amateur naturalists.MORE Twitter Followers 882 Since Dec 2010
3. Chester Zoo RSS Feed
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The Chester Zoo News Blog provides updates on the zoo's conservation programs, research projects, and efforts to protect endangered species around the world. It offers insights into the zoo's work both within its grounds and in the wild, detailing initiatives to save species from extinction, such as breeding programs and habitat restoration projects. The blog also covers educational outreach programs designed to inspire a new generation of conservationists...MORE Facebook Followers 1.2MTwitter Followers 178.5KInstagram Followers 365.3K Since Feb 2012
4. Wild Online Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to Wild online , British Wildlife and Photography blog. Features include ideas on where to photograph wildlife , a few ideas on new kit for your bag , news on events and new product launches as well as a few blogs dedicated to the real stars, the wildlife of Great Britain.MORE Twitter Followers 5 Since Jun 2017
5. Amateur Photographer Wildlife photography RSS Feed
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The latest Wildlife photography articles, galleries and videos from Amateur Photographer
Facebook Followers 75.9KTwitter Followers 393.2KInstagram Followers 34.9K Since Jul 2011
6. Craig Jones Wildlife Photographer RSS Feed
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Craig Jones Wildlife Photographer, captures the beauty of the natural world with his creative and emotional attachment to nature at the very heart of each photo, creating a unique and artistic refection of his time in the field through the meduim of photography.MORE Facebook Followers 2.6KTwitter Followers 3.2KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Oct 2009
7. Darley Dale Wildlife RSS Feed
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The Darley Dale Wildlife Blog chronicles the natural history of Darley Dale in Derbyshire, UK. It features observations of local wildlife, including birds, mammals, and insects, as well as seasonal changes in the landscape. The blog serves as a personal record of the author's encounters with nature, offering detailed notes on species behavior and habitat use. It also highlights conservation issues in the area, encouraging readers to appreciate and protect the local environment through wildlife-friendly practices.MORE Twitter Followers 1.4K Since Jan 2011
8. Wildlife Detective RSS Feed
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I live on the outskirts of the village of Methven in Perthshire with my wife, Jan, Molly the dog, 22 khaki Campbell ducks and 5 hens. I have three daughters, four grand-daughters and a grandson. My main hobbies now are gardening, writing, giving talks, watching wildlife in the garden and walking in the countryside.MORE Twitter Followers 2.1K Since Oct 2012
9. Peter Moore's Wildlife Blog RSS Feed
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Welcome to Peter Moore's wildlife blog, created largely to compensate for a failing short-term memory by providing a record of my experiences watching and photographing wildlife. I have been fortunate enough to see over 450 species of bird and 61 species of butterfly in Great Britain, photographing most of these (badly) over the course of the last 15 years.MORE Twitter Followers 1.2K Since Jan 2010
10. Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust has worked for over 30 years protecting wildlife and wild places, educating, influencing and empowering people. We directly manage 18 of the best sites for wildlife in Montgomeryshire and work with other landowners on many more. Our work is helping to secure the future of many important habitats and species, which might otherwise be lost.MORE Facebook Followers 5.2KTwitter Followers 3.6KInstagram Followers 1.4K Since May 2020
11. Colyton Wildlife RSS Feed
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A blog about Wildlife & photography by Tim White in and around the Axe Valley.
Twitter Followers 2.4K Since Sep 2010
12. Lancashire and Lakeland Outback Adventure Wildlife Safaris RSS Feed
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Taking you to the best wildlife sites in Lancashire and beyond.
Twitter Followers 714 Since Jun 2008
13. Lamsdell Bird Ringing and Wildlife Blog RSS Feed
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This blog features Lamsdell bird ringing activities, birding trips and other wildlife sorties within the UK and elsewhere.
Since Aug 2010
14. Matthew Maran Blog RSS Feed
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Matthew Maran, an award winning wildlife photographer based in London. Releasing new hard back book in June 2016 entitled Hampstead Heath, London's Countryside
Facebook Followers 2KTwitter Followers 1.6K Since Jan 2012
15. Zoothera Birding Blog RSS Feed
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I'm Nick Bray, the owner of Zoothera Birding, a UK-based birding holiday company. Our emphasis is on seeing all birds and wildlife well and, like most birders, we like the endemics, rare, scarce, specialty, and skulking species a lot! On our website, you may get to see different articles on birding and bird photography of common as well as unheard species of birds.MORE Twitter Followers 2K Since Feb 2012
16. Adrian Davey Wildlife Photography Diary RSS Feed
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Hi, welcome to Adrian Davey Wildlife Photography blog. I have been photographing wildlife for many years now and have had a love for nature and especially birds since childhood. All these years of birding insights and involvement in wildlife are all photographed and shared on this particular blog page.MORE Since May 2011
17. images-naturally! RSS Feed
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Welcome to my blog which is intended to showcase my more recent and up to date wildlife images.
Since Apr 2011
18. Bloomsbury Wildlife RSS Feed
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Bloomsbury Wildlife offers a collection of books, guides, and resources for nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, and conservationists. While not a traditional blog, the site provides access to an array of expert-written wildlife literature, covering everything from field guides on birds and mammals to works on ecology and conservation. It is a hub for those seeking in-depth knowledge on wildlife and nature, providing inspiration and information for readers passionate about the natural world.MORE Facebook Followers 461Twitter Followers 5.4K Since Sep 2009
19. East Yorkshire Wildlife Blog RSS Feed
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My name is Martin Standley and I have been interested in digital photography for about 10 years. I started out with a Nikon Coolpix 3200 and my first wildlife photograph was of a wall brown butterfly. I have expanded my horizons to all aspects of wildlife. My main focus of attention is the wildlife of East Yorkshire in the UK and on the odd occasion I have been tempted further afield.MORE Twitter Followers 1K
20. Dawn Monrose Nature Photography Blog RSS Feed
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Dawn Monrose's wildlife and nature photography from Norfolk and Suffolk.
Facebook Followers 148Instagram Followers 262
21. Steve Carey Bird Photography RSS Feed
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I'm Steve Carey, I've Been Birdwatching Since 2005, My local patch for Birdwatching is Lodmoor Nature Reserve RSPB and Radipole Lake Nature Reserve RSPB in Dorset. I also Birdwatch the Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk areas. I also have day trips out to other Birding Sites. All of these experiences are shared on my website Steve Carey Bird Photography through photographs and articles.MORE Twitter Followers 1.6K Since May 2006
22. Cabinet of Curiosities RSS Feed
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The Cabinet of Curiosities - Greenfingers blog is a quirky, nature-focused blog that explores the wonders of the natural world, particularly through the lens of botany and gardening. It offers a mixture of botanical oddities, personal reflections, and tips on gardening practices that encourage biodiversity. The blog also touches on wider environmental themes, such as sustainability and conservation, providing readers with both educational insights and creative inspiration for their own gardens.MORE Since Jan 2009
23. Protect the Wild RSS Feed
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Empowering people to protect British wildlife
24. Wild and Wonderful RSS Feed
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Caroline Gill's Wildlife Record:Suffolk Horizons (and the World beyond her Window)
25. British Wildlife Centre ~ Keeper's Blog RSS Feed
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The BWC is THE best place to see and learn about Britain's own wonderful wildlife, with over 40 different species in our collection. Keep up to date with them all on our Keeper's Blog.
Facebook Followers 32.8KTwitter Followers 2.2KInstagram Followers 38.9K Since Oct 2009
26. Wildlife Kate RSS Feed
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A wildlife dairy from the Staffordshire garden and beyond!.
Twitter Followers 60.9K Since Feb 2010
27. Avon Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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The Avon Wildlife Trust Blog focuses on local conservation efforts in the Avon region, featuring stories about habitat restoration, wildlife protection, and community involvement. It provides updates on the trust's projects, events, and educational programs aimed at fostering a deeper connection between people and nature. The blog serves as a call to action for individuals and communities to engage in conservation efforts that support local biodiversity.MORE Facebook Followers 11.3KTwitter Followers 14.5K Since Sep 2014
28. Kate on Conservation RSS Feed
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Kate on Conservation is a blog dedicated to raising awareness about wildlife conservation and environmental issues. Written by conservationist Kate Stephenson, the blog covers a wide range of topics, from big cat protection to climate change, and includes interviews with conservation experts and reviews of wildlife documentaries. It also features firsthand accounts from conservation fieldwork, focusing on species such as elephants, rhinos, and tigers...MORE Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 4KInstagram Followers 6.2K Since Jul 2011
29. Off Down The Rabbit Hole RSS Feed
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Off Down The Rabbit Hole shares photos, sightings and anything interesting relating to wildlife
30. The Wildlife Trusts Blog RSS Feed
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The Wildlife Trusts manages thousands of nature reserves and run marine conservation projects around our coasts.
Facebook Followers 186.6KTwitter Followers 281.3KInstagram Followers 305.4K Since Nov 2011
31. Devon Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Devon Wildlife Trust is the only local charity dedicated to protecting wildlife and wild places across Devon - on land and at sea. We are supported by more than 30,000 members and 400 volunteers.MORE Facebook Followers 25.4KTwitter Followers 33.8KInstagram Followers 26.1K Since Mar 2016
32. birdgirl RSS Feed
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Blog by a young birder, birdwatcher, twitcher, naturalist, environmentalist & writer about birds, wildlife, nature, conservation & ringing (banding)
Twitter Followers 27.9K Since Feb 2014
33. Shirls Gardenwatch RSS Feed
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Visitors beware… this blog contains way too much chat, photos and video on garden plants, birds and wildlife. It also goes wandering on visits to gardens and nature reserves!
Twitter Followers 595 Since Nov 2006
34. Northumberland Wildlife Trust blogs RSS Feed
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We are the leading charity dedicated to wildlife conservation and environmental education in North East England. Our mission is to conserve local wildlife, promote nature conservation and provide the means by which everyone can become involved. Our Business Plan has three aims: To conserve the wildlife and natural heritage of Northumberland, Newcastle upon Tyne and North Tyneside To raise awareness, increase unMORE Facebook Followers 11.7KTwitter Followers 6.5KInstagram Followers 4.1K Since May 2015
35. Berks, Bucks & Oxon Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Protecting local wildlife, The Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust's vision is to create a region rich in wildlife valued by all.
Facebook Followers 16.7KTwitter Followers 13.6KInstagram Followers 6.4K Since Nov 2012
36. Wiltshire Wildlife Trust RSS Feed
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We are creating living landscapes across Wiltshire by restoring, reconnecting and recreating wildlife habitats across landscapes for wildlife and people.
Facebook Followers 13.1KTwitter Followers 8.8KInstagram Followers 6.2K
37. Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust blogs RSS Feed
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Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is the leading local wildlife conservation champion for the two counties. The charity is supported by its members.
Facebook Followers 17.4KTwitter Followers 12.1KInstagram Followers 10.1K Since Nov 2013
38. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Yorkshire Wildlife Trust has been working for over sixty five years to protect and restore Yorkshire's wild places and wildlife for all to enjoy. We rely on the support of our members and volunteers to enable us to carry out this important work.MORE Facebook Followers 36.2KTwitter Followers 30.4KInstagram Followers 37.7K Since Aug 2011
39. International Wildlife Bond RSS Feed
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Protecting Wildlife and Conservation.
Since Aug 2015
40. Appleton Wildlife Diary by Alex White RSS Feed
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This blog, maintained by a young naturalist, offers personal observations and reflections on wildlife in the Appleton area of the UK. It includes diary-style entries about wildlife encounters, nature walks, and conservation activities, often accompanied by photography and artwork. The blog is a celebration of local biodiversity and an inspiring example of how individuals can connect with nature and contribute to wildlife conservation through observation and community engagement.MORE Facebook Followers 528Twitter Followers 5.3K Since Oct 2015
41. Pete Cooper Wildlife RSS Feed
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Pete Cooper's blog focuses on wildlife conservation, rewilding, and natural history, offering insightful articles on various species and ecosystems, both in the UK and abroad. Cooper shares his experiences working in conservation, including habitat restoration projects and species reintroduction efforts. The blog emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with nature, highlighting fieldwork, rewilding initiatives, and the role of human involvement in conserving wildlife. It is an informative and personal take on the world of conservation and ecology.MORE Twitter Followers 9.5K
42. Elliot's Birding Diaries - An avian world through my eyes RSS Feed
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Elliot's Birding Diaries is a personal blog dedicated to birdwatching and ornithology. The blog features detailed accounts of birding trips, species identification, and bird behavior, often accompanied by photographs and field notes. Elliot shares his passion for birds and nature, with posts that are both informative and accessible for birders of all skill levels. It's an engaging resource for anyone interested in birdwatching, particularly in the UK.MORE Since Feb 2016
43. A year of my nature hunting RSS Feed
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Written by a young nature enthusiast, the Year of Nature blog documents wildlife sightings, conservation efforts, and nature experiences. The blog focuses on UK wildlife and covers topics such as birdwatching, insect identification, and habitat restoration. It encourages readers, especially young people, to explore nature and get involved in wildlife conservation. The blog is an inspiring example of how personal passion can be translated into educational and impactful storytelling.MORE Twitter Followers 4 Since Nov 2014
44. Carl Bovis Nature Photography RSS Feed
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I am an amateur nature photographer from the beautiful county of Somerset in England. My particular passion is birds, and the advent of digital photography has given me the opportunity to capture the birds I see and share them with the world!MORE Facebook Followers 67.5KTwitter Followers 185.7K Since Feb 2013
45. Diaries of a Wildlife and Outdoors lover RSS Feed
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The Cheshire Wildlife Watcher Blog is a personal journal of wildlife observations from the Cheshire region in the UK. The blog showcases local species, from birds and mammals to insects, and documents seasonal changes in the environment. It provides insights into wildlife behavior, habitat preferences, and conservation issues affecting the area. Through photos, videos, and written reflections, the author encourages readers to engage with the natural world around them, emphasizing the importance of local wildlife conservation.MORE Twitter Followers 946 Since May 2010
46. Steve Round Wildlife Photography RSS Feed
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Bird and wildlife photographs from a full time UK based photographer Steve Round.
Twitter Followers 483 Since Feb 2010
47. Wild and Green RSS Feed
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Wild & Green explores how to live a greener and wilder life for our own health, happiness, and that of our beautiful planet. There are so many ways, big and small, we can make a real difference. This blog shares thoughts, experiences, tips, and discoveries on living green, protecting wildlife, and connecting with nature.MORE Facebook Followers 205Twitter Followers 360 Since Apr 2015
48. Hethersett Birdlife RSS Feed
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Hethersett Birdlife is a site for anyone interested in the wild birds and other nature in and around the Hethersett area of Norfolk and occasionally beyond. There are various pages accessed by the menu including local walks, book guides and bird related links to other sites.MORE Since Jan 2015
49. Cumbria Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Protecting Cumbria's wildlife for the future. Cumbria Wildlife Trust is the only voluntary organisation devoted solely to the conservation of the wildlife and wild places of Cumbria. The nature conservation organisation stands up for wildlife, creates wildlife havens, and seeks to raise environmental awareness.MORE Facebook Followers 21.7KTwitter Followers 16.3KInstagram Followers 15.2K Since May 2012
50. Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire Blog RSS Feed
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People close to nature, in a land rich in wildlife. Conserving local wildlife, by caring for land ourselves and with others. Inspire others to take action for wildlife. Inform people, by offering advice and sharing knowledge.MORE Facebook Followers 11.9KTwitter Followers 10.6KInstagram Followers 5.3K Since Jun 2011
51. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Derbyshire Wildlife Trust is the only organisation working to protect all wildlife throughout Derbyshire. We manage 42 nature reserves, from bird-rich wetlands in the Trent Valley to wildflower meadows in the glorious White Peak. We work with schools to provide environmental education through school visits and advise landowners on managing their land for wildlife.MORE Facebook Followers 22KTwitter Followers 20.3KInstagram Followers 20.9K Since Sep 2006
52. Wildlife Gadget Man Blog RSS Feed
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Join Wildlife Gadget Man Jason Alexander and discover how you can use technology to get closer to nature. Wildlife Cameras, Bird Box Cameras, Trail Cameras.
Facebook Followers 4.5KTwitter Followers 21.8K
53. Brigit Strawbridge RSS Feed
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The Bees Strawbridge Blog is a charming, informative space dedicated to pollinators, wildlife gardening, and environmental education. The blog features stories about the importance of bees and other insects in maintaining biodiversity, alongside practical tips for creating wildlife-friendly gardens. It encourages readers to take small, actionable steps in their own gardens to support pollinators and improve local ecosystems, blending personal anecdotes with ecological expertise.MORE Twitter Followers 57.2K Since Jan 2011
54. Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust Blog RSS Feed
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Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust works to lead society in achieving a environment rich in wildlife for everyone
Facebook Followers 13.5KTwitter Followers 16.4KInstagram Followers 7.9K Since Dec 2010
55. Norfolk Wildlife Trust RSS Feed
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Discover Norfolk's amazing wildlife: the many species, the best places to visit and how we can all work to save wildlife.
Facebook Followers 25.8K Since Dec 2012
56. Josh's Blog RSS Feed
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25-year-old wildlife, photography, sport and electronic music enthusiast. BirdGuides news manager. Views are my own.
Twitter Followers 4.4K Since Mar 2009
57. Knee Deep In Nature Blog RSS Feed
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Knee Deep in Nature Blog takes readers on a journey through the wonders of the British countryside, offering insights into local wildlife, ecosystems, and conservation efforts. The blog features engaging stories from nature walks, wildlife observations, and environmental advocacy, creating a vivid picture of the importance of protecting natural spaces. It provides practical advice for nature enthusiasts, from identifying species to participating in conservation activities...MORE Twitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 1.7K Since Feb 2016
58. A Wild Life in Norfolk RSS Feed
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A blog about nature in my local patch, as featured as a local patch reporter on the BBC wildlife magazine website.
Twitter Followers 627 Since Dec 2014
59. Gower Wildlife RSS Feed
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This blog, run by the Gower Ornithological Society, is a platform for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts in the Gower Peninsula, South Wales. It features regular updates on bird sightings, species behavior, and birdwatching events in the region. The blog also shares insights on conservation efforts aimed at protecting local bird species and their habitats, making it a valuable resource for both amateur and experienced birdwatchers who want to engage with local birdlife.MORE Twitter Followers 589 Since Jun 2008
60. Joe Pender Wildlife Photography RSS Feed
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Joe Pender's Wildlife Photography blog.
Since Jan 2010
61. Robin Stanbridge Photography Blog RSS Feed
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Robin Stanbridge DPAGB is a Wildlife and Nature Photographer based in the South West of England. He lives within the Dartmoor National Park in Devon, England with its abundance of wildlife and rustic landscape locations and is within easy reach of Cornwall.MORE Twitter Followers 48 Since Dec 2015
62. Harlequin Pictures | Wildlife Photography RSS Feed
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Wildlife photography mainly with photographs of birds mammals, butterflies and dragonmflies etc by Robin Chittenden.
Since Jan 2010
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Welcome to my Blog My Name Is Monty,I live in a Village called Lanner, which is 3 miles east of the town Of Redruth in the County of Cornwall SW UK. My interests in Birdwatching and Bird Photography.MORE Since Dec 2008
64. JRandSue RSS Feed
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We like birding both home and abroad and also enjoy bird/wildlife photography.This blog will be used to show local bird images and also photos from our foreign birding trips. Our favourite local areas include Stithians, St.Clements and West Cornwall. We also like Dartmoor and Yarner Woods.MORE Since Jan 2009
65. Essex Wildlife Trust s Blog RSS Feed
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Essex Wildlife Trust is the county's leading conservation charity. We have 11 Visitor Centres, 87 Nature Reserves, 2 Nature Parks and manage 8,200 acres of land. We educate 44,000 children and adults every year.MORE Facebook Followers 30.6KTwitter Followers 17.7KInstagram Followers 22.2K Since Apr 2013
66. Gwent Wildlife Trust s Blog RSS Feed
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This blog, run by Gwent Wildlife Trust, focuses on wildlife conservation efforts in the Gwent region of Wales. It covers a variety of topics, including habitat restoration, species protection, and community engagement in wildlife conservation. The blog highlights ongoing projects aimed at protecting local flora and fauna, shares success stories, and offers practical advice on how individuals can contribute to wildlife conservation. It serves as both an educational platform and a call to action for those interested in preserving Gwent's natural heritage.MORE Facebook Followers 4.4KTwitter Followers 9.7KInstagram Followers 2.8K Since Nov 2012
67. How to Rewild RSS Feed
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Offers independent, clear and scientific advice on rewilding, with helpful lists of products and services. How to Rewild makes rewilding easy to understand & show you the best products & services whether you're a farmer, conservationist or just curious about rewilding. How to Rewild is designed to bring together the public and private sector, to make rewilding more profitable and more widely understood.MORE
68. London Wildlife Trust s Blog RSS Feed
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London Wildlife Trust is the only charity dedicated solely to protecting the capital's wildlife and wild spaces, engaging London's diverse communities through access to our nature reserves, campaigning, volunteering and outdoor learning.MORE Facebook Followers 13.8KTwitter Followers 24.9K Since Jul 2013