Top 80 Witchcraft RSS Feeds
Witchcraft RSS Feeds
Here are 80 Best Witchcraft RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Black Witch Coven Blog RSS Feed
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Black witch coven blog page. Learn about magick, hexes, curses, occult issues and more. Witchcraft is a not only a skill, but a lifestyle. Learning to understand both the natural and spiritual environments in which we exist, so we can gently re-purpose the energy for our own benefit.MORE Twitter Followers 1.3K Since Jan 2014 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. The Hoodwitch RSS Feed
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The Hoodwitch - Everyday magic for the modern mystic. The Hoodwitch offers everyday magic for the modern mystic. Those who know that we posses the ability to shape the world in which we live in. With intention, love, and respect for our planet we are capable of all things.MORE Facebook Followers 32.7KTwitter Followers 34.6KInstagram Followers 480.7K Since Aug 2014
3. Black Magic Witch RSS Feed
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Black Witch Coven (BWC) is an online training school for Witchcraft, Magick, Spells, and the Occult. We teach witchcraft, not religion. Wicca witches spells and potions, take a tour and learn about the latest trends for the modern witch. Learn about white and black witchcraft and how it can help you in the 21st century.MORE Facebook Followers 2.8K Since Dec 2014
4. New World Witchery RSS Feed
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New World Witchery is a blog and podcast focused on exploring folk magic and belief in the New World, particularly North America.
Facebook Followers 5.4KTwitter Followers 5.4KInstagram Followers 9.1K Since Jan 2010
5. A bad witch's blog RSS Feed
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I am Lucya, I'm a witch. A blog about paganism, witchcraft and the day-to-day experiences of a witch living in the UK.
Facebook Followers 808Twitter Followers 2K Since Nov 2007
6. Witches Of The Craft® RSS Feed
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'Witchcraft for the 21st Century' . Welcome To Witches Of The Craft® � � We are honored that you have found your way to our door. Please come on in have a cup of freshly brewed tea and sit with us for a spell. We welcome you our new friend to our online home.MORE Since Oct 2010
7. Grandma's Grimoire RSS Feed
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Trail down a collection of family wisdom interwoven with a touch of magick. In Grandma's Grimoire, you'll find a trove of enlightening articles and practices given to guide readers toward spiritual balance. If you're curious about witchcraft and eager to learn how to become a witch, this is the place.MORE
8. DarkMoonHuntress RSS Feed
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Dark Moon Huntress is a website dedicated to the Queen of Hell, Hekate, as I have personally experienced her love and green essence, she has helped me in time of need, and for that, this altar of online presence is my dedication. However, I will cover the main topics of past ritual experiences, tarot, books, and podcasts of books I've read and spiritual encounters.MORE
9. Otherworldly Oracle RSS Feed
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A welcoming place for those seeking answers or asking questions about the paranormal, pagan, and mystical worlds. The Otherworldly Oracle takes an in-depth look at topics such as ghosts, vampires, witches, witchcraft, new age, magic, fairies, and more. A spot for new pagans and Wiccans, too.MORE Twitter Followers 244 Since May 2018
10. Flying the Hedge RSS Feed
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I'm Willow, a non-theistic, solitary hedgewitch. My blog details my practice, focusing on hedge craft, the Wheel of the Year, divination, and magical theory. My goal is to document my journey in hedgewitchery while providing you with tips, tricks, spells, and more.MORE Facebook Followers 4.7KTwitter Followers 271Instagram Followers 4.6K Since Jul 2014
11. The Witch of Lupine Hollow RSS Feed
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Hi there! I'm the Witch of Lupine Hollow. My blog and shop are all about making your magickal and spiritual path unique to your needs, resources, beliefs and interests.
Facebook Followers 4.3KInstagram Followers 10.2K Since May 2016
12. Worts Cunning Apothecary | Live Your Magick RSS Feed
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I'm an intersectional herbalist, magickal mentor, and weaver of remedies. My life began as a young witchling in the wilds of Los Angeles with part of my childhood spent in Tokyo. This blog is a guide to herbal medicine and magickal arts including free recipes, tutorials, and guides. Find my latest offerings, special deals, and insider's access to the life of a working herbalist and witch.MORE Facebook Followers 3.3KTwitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 4K Since Jul 2010
13. The Gypsy Thread RSS Feed
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The Gypsy Thread is a website dedicated to all things uncommon including magick, witchcraft, the unknown, strange objects, strange places, plus pagan rites and rituals.
Facebook Followers 111.7KTwitter Followers 864
14. Grasswood Witch RSS Feed
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Grasswood Witch is a solitary practitioner offering clear to read, understand, and follow posts on the practice of witchcraft.
15. Down the Forest Path RSS Feed
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Joanna van der Hoeven here! I am a Druid and a Witch. I honor the land upon which I live, and live in accordance with the land, honoring the seasons, the ancestors, the spirits of the hearth, and home. Down the Forest Path is a Journey Through Nature, it's Magic and Mystery.MORE Facebook Followers 2.8KTwitter Followers 1.2K Since Jan 2012
16. The Witches Box RSS Feed
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How to make a book of shadows from the experts at The Witches Box. Learn tarot magic and moon magic in our witch blog. Our Wicca blog is a great resource for witches of any experience level! The Witches Box subscription is a witch monthly box that includes a live digital coven gathering curated by our expert witchy founder, Elena.MORE Facebook Followers 35.4KTwitter Followers 402
17. Magickal Connections RSS Feed
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I Amythyst Raine, am an eclectic witch. I enjoy practicing with abandon old-fashioned, performed rituals and quaint kitchen witchery. I offer several services regarding witchcraft. My blog helps promote the books I've written, my podcasts & my YouTube channel.MORE Since Jul 2008
18. The Nephilim Rising RSS Feed
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Jaclyn Cherie has her roots in Upstate New York. She is an Author, Word Alchemist, Hedge Witch, Feminist, and Luciferian. The goal of this blog is to promote free thinking in a society that tells us who and what we are supposed to be, how we are to love, live and believe.MORE Facebook Followers 67.1K Since Jan 2015
19. The Hidden Children of the Goddess RSS Feed
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Moonwater SilverClaw is a Witch, Wiccan High Priestess and member of the Covenant of the Goddess and the New Wiccan Church. The Hidden Children of the Goddess is a place where Wiccans and Pagans can share lessons and experiences in the comfort of their peers and community. At, Moonwater has been listed as 'Most Viewed Writer' in the category 'Witchcraft'.MORE Facebook Followers 882Twitter Followers 50 Since Sep 2012
20. The Magickal Cottage RSS Feed
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As you wind your way up the path through Angels Grove to the door of my Magickal Cottage, lift the handle of the dragonfly knocker and let me know you are there. I'll be happy to let you in. The kettle has just started to boil and tea will be brewing in just a moment. As we sit and chat I'll share ancient knowledge that will help you create your own magickal life!MORE Facebook Followers 80.8K Since Jan 2012
21. Thorn the Witch RSS Feed
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My name is Thorn Mooney and I'm a a witch. I enjoyed the exceedingly rare privilege of being raised in a secular household and began studying and practicing various forms of witchcraft as a young teenager. I'm the high priestess of Foxfire Coven, which is a traditional Gardnerian inner and outer court operating in the University area of Charlotte.MORE Twitter Followers 7.3KInstagram Followers 19.8K Since Jan 2009
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Hello I'm Alex. I've been studying witchcraft for 10 years and I'm an agnostic secular witch. Most of my witchcraft involves protection, charms, wards, sigils, and using the Collective Tarot.MORE Twitter Followers 1.4KInstagram Followers 2K Since Aug 2011
23. Pretty Core RSS Feed
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A peculiar person with an interest in tarot, witchcraft and the occult, make-up obsessed but has that resting bitch face we all hate to love. Giving insight into tarot with an in-depth learning course along with tips and advice about witchcraft.MORE Facebook Followers 229Instagram Followers 49
24. California Witchcraft RSS Feed
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A witchy lifestyle blog with love from California.
Instagram Followers 741 Since Feb 2018
25. The Wholesome Witch Blog RSS Feed
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Krystle, the founder of The Wholesome Witch, is a resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, lover of nature, and much much more. She offers a 4-week program, on how to create a magical kitchen and more. Her holistic, witchy, natural living lifestyle blog consists of the most ravishing Vegan recipes.MORE Facebook Followers 3.4KTwitter Followers 4.9KInstagram Followers 51.2K Since Feb 2017
26. Book of Mirrors RSS Feed
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Hearth Foxlyn is a psychic medium, oracle, and spiritual mentor. By using divination tools, evocation, and invocation, she can help guide you through spiritual growth so you can take healing into your own hands. She writes about her spiritual experiences. Key topics covered are meditation, healing, Hellenic Polytheism, and divination.MORE Twitter Followers 117 Since Jul 2011
27. The Keeper's Path RSS Feed
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A source of information and inspiration, to provoke thought and a deeper understanding of the Mysteries of the Craft. Lady Serpent hopes to bring something new to the table for seasoned practitioners as much as to help newcomers find a solid footing as they begin to walk this path.MORE
28. Magenta School of Magick RSS Feed
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School of Witchcraft and Magick. We are a school for people who want to learn witchcraft and magick School of Witchcraft and Magick.
29. Mumbles & Things Podcast RSS Feed
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Mumbles & Things is your go to resource for a variety of witchy topics including astrology, crystals, energy manipulation, meditation and channeling your innate magick.
Facebook Followers 5.4KInstagram Followers 7.8K
30. Good Witches Homestead RSS Feed
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Our Mission is to provide the finest quality home gardening tips, growing information, trivia and garden resources, from seed starting to growing, harvesting, storing and eating the flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables of our gardening labor.MORE Facebook Followers 1 Since Apr 2015
31. Mystery Cult with Amanda Yates Garcia RSS Feed
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Witchcraft, tarot, mythology, ecology, embodiment, belonging, animism, and enchantment for art witches with ADHD.
32. swimming in the soup RSS Feed
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a little bit of this, a little bit of that. all things magical & mundane.
33. The Preppy Witch Handbook RSS Feed
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'Look, Ashley, witchcraft for us.'A Guide to New England Folk Magic
34. Hedge Spells RSS Feed
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Letters from the hedge; musings on witchcraft from the betwixt & between by an intuitive witch.
35. A Witch Abroad RSS Feed
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An oasis for bewitched, befuddled, or simply magically curious. This is the place, where we can gather, learn and be peaceful.
36. Witch's Mark RSS Feed
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A new essay each week inspired by a Tarot card, written by a skeptical atheist witch.
37. Salt for the Eclipse RSS Feed
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Meditations on witchcraft, kink, ecstatic mystery, old lifeways, fertile arts, and trauma healing in an apocalyptic era.
38. Luna Luna Magazine RSS Feed
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Magical living, identity, art, and literature.
Facebook Followers 8.2KTwitter Followers 10.2KInstagram Followers 8.4K
39. Magnolia Soul RSS Feed
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Keep up with videos from Magnolia Soul.
Since Jan 2016
40. Mookychick RSS Feed
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Mookychick features Inclusive feminism, alternative culture, witchcraft and magical living.
41. Magickal Spot RSS Feed
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Magickal Spot is a witchcraft blog dedicated to offering magical education, and we do this thorough explanation of the craft and its many nuances.
Facebook Followers 1.5KTwitter Followers 67
42. The Traveling Witch RSS Feed
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My name is Avery and I'm here to help you reclaim your power. Witchcraft is about getting real results and seeing a tangible change in your life. If that sounds like the kind of magic you're looking for, then follow this blog feed.MORE
43. Witchcrafted Life RSS Feed
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I'm Autumn Zenith, a solitary witch with a serious passion for paper crafting, Paganism, and witchcraft. Think, Martha Stewart meets Morticia Addams. I am a firm believer that witchcraft and spirituality are inherently creative processes. I love to help others explore, expand their knowledge of, and delight in, their own spiritual paths, artistic abilities, and levels of personal well-being.MORE Twitter Followers 1.9K Since Jan 2020
44. Modern Tips For The Modern Witch RSS Feed
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Your One Stop Shop for Everything Witchy
Twitter Followers 10 Since Apr 2015
45. Witch With Me RSS Feed
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Covers ook reviews, shop features, how-to's, spells, astrology, recipes, herbalism - and much, much more! Witch With Me is a community witchcraft blog, uplifting voices from all around the globe.MORE Facebook Followers 28.6K
46. The Magickal Path RSS Feed
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Covers educational and inspirational essays about all things relating to Eclectic Witchcraft. Fiona Duncan--Witch, Teacher and Creatrix of The Magickal Path loves billowing cauldrons, deep-forest walks and my ridiculously huge collection of magickal botanicals.MORE Facebook Followers 953
47. Speaking of Witch Wands & Magickal Things RSS Feed
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Three English witches bound to traditional practice, offering pre-made & bespoke wands.
Facebook Followers 2.1KTwitter Followers 5.1K
48. Amie Ravenson RSS Feed
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Amie Ravenson lives in a suburb of Atlanta. She is the Author of the Altars series, and producer of Bewitching Your Day podcast.
Twitter Followers 106 Since Dec 2010
49. Wayfinder Tarot RSS Feed
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Discover the best resource for information, entertainment, and learning for tarot readers, witches, and lovers of all things magical and mystical.
Facebook Followers 77Twitter Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 388
50. The Fat Feminist Witch | Blog RSS Feed
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The Fat Feminist Witch is where we do a little Ranting, Raving, and Wand-Waving! Feminism and Witchcraft are both just tools that i can use to manifest a better future for myself.
Facebook Followers 9.9KTwitter Followers 5.2KInstagram Followers 18.4K Since Nov 2015
51. KiCKASS WiTCH : Putting The RSS Feed
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I am a KICKASS WITCH. I get things done. That's my go-to mantra. It's a real fear-buster and, when it comes to kicking ass & creating the magickal life of your dreams, fear must be confronted.MORE Twitter Followers 3.8K
52. Black Witch RSS Feed
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Black Witch is a blog to discuss life from a Black Pagan's point of view. This blog will cover a variety of topics from music to race to religion to social politics and what it is like to be a minority within a minority.MORE Facebook Followers 5.1KTwitter Followers 739Instagram Followers 213 Since Jun 2010
53. Modern Witches Daily RSS Feed
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A little series of comics about a group of modern witches by Vicky-Pandora.
Facebook Followers 1.3KInstagram Followers 9.1K Since Dec 2015
54. The Witch, The Weird, and The Wonderful RSS Feed
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Historian and author Willow Winsham brings readers regular tales of witches and witchcraft at her blog, The Witch, the Weird and the Wonderful.
Facebook Followers 258Twitter Followers 11.3K Since Jun 2014
55. A Witch's Sacred Journey RSS Feed
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Robin's writings have been featured on The Witches' Voice online community, Circle Magazine, the Pagan Blog Project, and internationally throughout the United Kingdom. She has multiple blogs covering a diverse selection of topics and a monthly column in PaganPages e-zine. She has authored several books incorporating her unique style of writing making use of poetry, prose and pathworking.MORE
56. Stone Spiral RSS Feed
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Cin is an experienced practitioner of the Craft with over 18 years of study in both group and solitary rituals. She loves to read, take photographs, and do crafts. Her blog is a mixture of spiritual, crafts, and the every day moments.MORE Twitter Followers 116 Since Aug 2012
57. Ora North RSS Feed
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Hi i am Ora. On this blog I share my views on witch, witchcraft and more.
Instagram Followers 2.7K Since Mar 2016
58. Caffeine-Fueled Magick RSS Feed
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My name is Joe and I am a Witch. My brand of magick combines personal develop, with American Witchcraft, British Traditional Witchcraft, Chaos Magick, African Diaspora, and anything that I can get my little witchy fingers on. My magickal mottos are 'I'll try anything once' and 'If it works, use it.'MORE Since Jan 2014
59. Journey of a Wondering Witch RSS Feed
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I'm a queer, wandering witch sharing my journey through life and the world.
Twitter Followers 2Instagram Followers 180
60. The Forest Witch RSS Feed
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Melissa is a Canadian, polytheistic/animistic witch, interested in shamanism and pre-christian spiritual practices, journeying to other worlds, sacred crafting, fairy tales, mythology, spell-songs and music writing, working with her Gods and Ancestors, gardening and interacting with the local wights, weaving magick and enchantment into the 'mundane'.MORE Facebook Followers 695Instagram Followers 1.5K Since May 2010
61. Witchcraft Magick RSS Feed
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There are very few Tarot spreads that use the entire deck in a single unified pattern. What follows is a description of such a spread.
Facebook Followers 1.7KTwitter Followers 112Instagram Followers 195
62. EZ Spells RSS Feed
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Wiccan magic spells for love, protection, money, health & more. Easy, free & real witch spells that work instantly. Cast a spell with witchcraft.
63. Laetitia Latham Jones RSS Feed
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Keep up with articles from Laetitia Latham Jones.
Twitter Followers 235
64. Psychic janzi RSS Feed
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Psyhic Janzi is the person to contact for powerful love spells caster that will change your life. Witchcraft spells for love money good luck protection.
Facebook Followers 995Twitter Followers 148
65. The Witch Exchange RSS Feed
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A place for tumblr witches to exchange objects of their craft, or just everyday things!
Since Apr 2014
66. Spell Casts | Witchcraft Articles RSS Feed
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Spell Casts' most recent witchcraft articles on current witchcraft events, witchcraft newspaper articles, modern witchcraft articles, and more.
Twitter Followers 662 Since Oct 2018
67. Kitchen Witch Blog RSS Feed
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Tansy Firedragon & Sunchylde DryadMoon are both High Priestesses with a combined figure of over 30 years of experience as witches. They all provide support, friendship and encouragement to fellow Kitchen Witch students along with writing branch lessons and articles for this blog.MORE Facebook Followers 31.7KTwitter Followers 2.1K Since Jun 2010
68. Primitive Witchery RSS Feed
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Deep in the heart of the magical forest the witch's home stands. What wonderful things await you inside? Magical, enchanting, and primitive items are decorating this mystical cottage. It is my goal to bring unique and beautiful things to your home to make it the magical place that your soul needs.MORE Facebook Followers 47.8KInstagram Followers 2.9K Since Oct 2017
69. Cottage Witch Apothecary RSS Feed
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Village Witch Diary. Handmade candles and accessories. Herbalism, counseling, therapy, yoga.Traditional witchcraft and magic. Alternative and holistic care, aromatherapy. A place for inspiration, spirituality and connection with nature.MORE Facebook Followers 18.9K Since Jun 2016
70. Ride The White Horse RSS Feed
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My name is Oka and I'm a fortmumble year old witch living in the UK. It's about my connection to the land and - indirectly - that magical creature - the horse. I also have an interest in Traditional (non wicca) witchcraft, the instinctual workings from the land, our best teacher.MORE Facebook Followers 210 Since Feb 2012
71. Jess Carlson Blog RSS Feed
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I'm an intuitive reader, Witch, blogger, and spiritual teacher who loves helping those looking for knowledge on the magickal and mystical. Helping people learn to harness their inner badass witch goddess {or god} so they can become confident and empowered to take inspired action toward their dreams is what I'm here to do.MORE Twitter Followers 7.7KInstagram Followers 31.3K
72. The Celestial Diary RSS Feed
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Welcome to The Celestial Diary! A Coven for Witches of all backgrounds and practices. This blog educates about the spiritual aspects and the Wiccan way of life. Magic, spells, rituals, herbs, crystals, manifestation, Divine energy and much more!MORE Facebook Followers 22Twitter Followers 4Instagram Followers 600
73. Broke Witches RSS Feed
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Broke Witches is a blog about witchcraft, paganism, wellbeing and spirituality, based in the UK. We're here to help show you how to practice witchcraft and support your spiritual journey on a budget. At Broke Witches, we offer our thoughts on all things witchy: from magic spells and rituals, to saving money on witchcraft supplies.MORE
74. Witches Be Like RSS Feed
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Covers articles about witchcraft, magic, beginner spells, tarot, witchy things from a modern witch mom. Francesca has been a practicing witch for over 18 years and loves to share knowledge with newbie and baby witches.MORE Twitter Followers 16Instagram Followers 132
75. The Life and Times of a Contemporary New England Witch RSS Feed
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I've been a practicing witch for over 30 years and in the Contemporary New England Witch blog I share my experiences and the discoveries of my witches life with you. I teach an introductory year of witchcraft studies at my school.MORE Twitter Followers 74 Since Aug 2010