Top 15 X Wing RSS Feeds
X Wing RSS Feeds
Here are 15 Best X Wing RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Patrick's X-Wing Miniatures Blog RSS Feed
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I am Patrick, a lifelong Star Wars nerd who recently discovered X-Wing: The Miniatures Game 2nd Edition. My goal is to be a resource and an enjoyable read for players of all skill levels. I share my experiences and answer questions. Buying ships and going down in flames since 2020, is how I describe my journey.MORE Twitter Followers 702 Export RSS feeds list Get access to 250k active RSS feeds of news websites, blogs, magazines and podcasts with email contacts in 1500 niche categories. Get targeted RSS list in your niche at your fingertips. Email us the categories of RSS feeds you're interested in at . We'll share the list in an Excel spreadsheet or CSV format.Email us Export RSS List
2. Screaming into the Void RSS Feed
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Screaming into the Void is a blog to help collect thoughts, analysis, reports, sampling lists, and the game journey of X-Wing.
3. An X-Wing 2.5 Blog RSS Feed
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'Pass on what you have learned.' My name is Chris Sherwood. This is a place for me to share my experiences learning to be a better X-Wing player, through analysis of games (NOT battle reports), thoughts on strategy and list building, and the things I've learned from players much better than me. Explore my content for survival strategies, game tactics, and more.MORE
4. Space Owls X-Wing Blog RSS Feed
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I go by the name Space Owl and this is my blog for X-Wing strategy and theory. I'm not a super-awesome player, so take my advice at your own risk. This blog is also a beginner guide and explains how to make lists on X-Wing Miniatures.MORE
5. The Poor Grey Pilot RSS Feed
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I am Brian Morgan Shaw, this blog will be the place for me to record my homebrew content for X-wing Miniatures 1st Edition, and Mechanics Analysis. It has been a blast to keep ships flying and even playtest my homebrew mechanics.MORE
6. Black Six Red Seven RSS Feed
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The Chronicles of JOE BOSS' tabletop adventures in space opera science fiction and ELDRITCH horror miniatures war gaming. I am a long-time scale modeler, thus you can expect frequent articles on related hobby topics and cool science fiction and Gothic-Eldritch horror modeling projects. I also build my models and terrain.MORE
7. Confessions of a Midwest Scrub RSS Feed
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Confessions of a Midwest Scrub is a blog by 4 friends Dan Peterson, Matt Cary, Emily Rastl, and Clint Hewson who are members of the Arch Alliance X-Wing Community. They share their thoughts, discussions, and new additions to the game.MORE Facebook Followers 245
8. Friday Night X-Wing RSS Feed
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My name is Dale, my blog is dedicated to the casual side of X-Wing, miniature reviews builds for specific pilots, and different lists for standard and epic matches, from Homebrew scenarios to fun and thematic ship builds!MORE
9. X-Wing Tavern Wars RSS Feed
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Seattle-based gamer writing skirmish and mission scenarios for X-Wing within the Tavern Wars theme. Focused on the fast play, mostly using 150-point point squadron lists in Second Edition. For two players and solo.MORE Facebook Followers 473Twitter Followers 55
10. Stay On The Leader Blog RSS Feed
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David Sutcliffe is 40 year veteran of rolling dice and shuffling cards. His journey through games has taken him from the kitchen table to Magic: The Gathering's Pro Tour... and back again. In the past, David has written for Wizards of the Coast, Upper Deck, Cryptozoic, and Starcitygames among others.MORE
11. Spikey Bits » X Wing RSS Feed
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Spikey Bits is a site about the hobby of tabletop wargaming. It is our mission to bring you the latest from the miniature wargaming scene, from narrative missions, hobby how-to tutorials, battle reports, unboxings and reviews, retro flashbacks, news, rumors, and more. We mainly cover Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Warmachine, Hordes, X-Wing, Infinity, Horus Heresy, and Star Wars Armada.MORE Facebook Followers 400.8KTwitter Followers 7.5KInstagram Followers 47.1K
12. d20 Radio RSS Feed
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Welcome to the Gamer Nation! We hope you enjoy our site and all the community offerings we have here, including d20Radio, Gamer Nation Con, the backer zone, and all our board game-based content.MORE
13. Dice and Cardboard » X-Wing RSS Feed
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We are a Star Wars Minigame Blog. We are Mitch, Blaze, and Fulcrum, there in this blog, we share our collective thoughts on our favorite game: X-Wing.
14. Dylan's Blog » X-Wing RSS Feed
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I'm Dylan and this blog will be about a lot of things. It's a virtual diary or journal of thoughts about my X-Wing experiences.