Top 45 Zoology RSS Feeds
Zoology RSS Feeds
Here are 45 Best Zoology RSS Feeds you should follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Journal of Zoology RSS Feed
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The Journal of Zoology publishes high-quality papers of an original nature in areas of zoology that are novel and in particular are interdisciplinary.
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2. ShukerNature RSS Feed
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Karl Shuker's ShukerNature Blog offers a fascinating exploration into the world of cryptozoology, zoology, and the mysterious creatures that inhabit our world—both real and legendary. Combining scientific inquiry with mythological intrigue, the blog delves into obscure animal sightings, folklore, and biological wonders. Shuker's expertise in cryptids, rare species, and curious natural phenomena makes his blog a captivating read for those fascinated by the unexplained and the oddities of the natural world...MORE Facebook Followers 1KTwitter Followers 2.7K Since Jan 2009
3. CryptoZooNews RSS Feed
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Loren Coleman is a Cryptozoologist, museum director, author, television personality, retired professor, filmmaker, and social scientist. This blog is all about cryptozoology.
Twitter Followers 15.1K Since Jan 2009
4. Zoology Jottings RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Malcolm Peaker. Zoology Jottings is my blog that meanders through the animal kingdom, from aardvarks and anoles, through mouse and man, to zorillas and zebras.
Since Jun 2012
5. The Invertebrate Collections RSS Feed
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The Invertebrate Collections is one of the University Museum's large collections of scientific zoological material. We use this blog to inform those interested in our activities, which include student projects, fieldwork, research projects and scientific publications.MORE Facebook Followers 9.7KTwitter Followers 1.1K Since Feb 2013
6. University of Cambridge RSS Feed
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The Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, is located on the New Museums Site in central Cambridge. Find News and events from the Department of Zoology.
Twitter Followers 5.6K
7. Zooniverse RSS Feed
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Zooniverse is the world's largest and most successful citizen science organisation. Their project include Galaxy Zoo, Old Weather, Planet Hunters, Snapshot Serengeti & more.
Twitter Followers 23.5K Since Aug 2009
8. 10,000 Birds RSS Feed
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Welcome to 10,000 Birds, just the place for people who love birds, pictures of birds, and people who write about birds, birding, conservation, and much more.
Facebook Followers 19.6KTwitter Followers 2.7K
9. Notes From Kenya: MSU Hyena Research RSS Feed
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Michigan State University students in the Holekamp Lab blog about their experiences in Kenya, research on spotted hyenas and adventures in the field.
Since Jun 2008
10. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is dedicated this site to highlighting, discussing and critiquing the science of bio-wealth conservation. We stimulate scientists and any interested in maintaining their future to find real-world solutions to limit and reverse the degradation of ecosystem services supporting life on Earth.MORE Twitter Followers 10.7K Since Jul 2008
11. Birdchick - The birding adventures of Sharon Stiteler, beekeeper to Neil Gaiman Blog RSS Feed
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An interest in the ecology of birds will probably lead you to this site, which features full-color images and information about birds. Sharon Stiteler, the Birdchick, talks about the latest in birding news.MORE Facebook Followers 8.7KTwitter Followers 11.9KInstagram Followers 4.4K
12. Zoology by Vadim Sidorovich Blog RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Vadim Sidorovich. I have been in zoological studies since 1982, Doctor of Biology since 1989, Professor since 2007. I blog about my former zoological way and to tell about the questions that I have investigated recently.MORE Since Jun 2017
13. Anole Annals RSS Feed
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Anole Annals is written and edited by scientists who study Anolis lizards. Find source for the latest on Anolis lizards. Find new scientific research, natural history anecdotes, evolution and a wide range of other anole-related information.MORE Twitter Followers 1.7K Since Nov 2009
14. Zygoma RSS Feed
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My name is Paolo Viscardi. I'm the Zoology curator. I blog about my thoughts on a variety of scientific, sceptical and museological subjects.
Twitter Followers 9.2K Since Apr 2009
15. Tetrapod Zoology Podcast RSS Feed
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Tetrapod Zoology is the podcast of the famous blog by Darren Naish, with John Conway as the straight-man. Discussion of all things tetrapod and vertebrate palaeontology, and many things not.
Twitter Followers 47.2K Since Feb 2013
16. Malcolm's Musings : Cryptozoology RSS Feed
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Cryptozoology is the investigation of animals not yet recognized by science, but whose existence is hinted at by eye witness accounts, photos, or traces. I provided a major review of Australian cryptozoology in my book. This blog aims to continue reporting on that research.MORE Since Oct 2011
17. the Amateur Zoologist RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Evan Boucher. I am a CG artist. I like cartoons and am kind of unreasonably obsessed with animals. I blog about cryptozoology and posts animal cartoons and much more.
Since May 2010
18. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is a blog run by a group of volunteers interested in the research, preservation, and conservation of primates. We post current research, news, book reviews, videos, and other forms of media that are related to primates. We blog on topics that we will cover are ecology, psychology, biology, anthropology, medicine, as well as others.MORE Facebook Followers 1.9K Since Jun 2006
19. Camera Trap Codger RSS Feed
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Adventures in camera trapping and zoology, with frequent flashbacks and blarney of questionable relevance.
20. Living Zoology | Youtube RSS Feed
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Hi we are zoologists and wildlife documentarists Matej and Zuzana Dolinay. Together we present Living Zoology, a project which informs about life of wild animals, especially reptiles and amphibians.MORE Facebook Followers 7.1K Since May 2014
21. CFZtv | Youtube RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Jon Downes. I am a Author, musician, filmmaker, manic-depressive, singer, grandad, editor, husband, stepdad, poet, cripple, cryptozoologist. The CFZ (Centre for Fortean Zoology) hunts for mystery animals.MORE Twitter Followers 1.2K Since Oct 2006
22. Zoological Society of London | Youtube RSS Feed
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The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is a charity devoted to the worldwide conservation of animals and their habitats. Find videos on conservation of animals of the world.
Facebook Followers 231.6KTwitter Followers 73.5K Since Sep 2007
23. Cryptomundo RSS Feed
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Cryptomundo is a number one website for cryptozoology news and opinions worldwide. It is a place to enjoy the adventures, treks, theories, and wisdom of some of the most respected leaders in the field of Cryptozoology. It is a place for all ages to share, read, see, and learn about the finds and evidence of the most elusive and rare animals (cryptids) on this planet Earth.MORE Facebook Followers 12.4KTwitter Followers 7.2KInstagram Followers 1.1K Since Sep 2005
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Zoomology explores our planet from top to bottom, getting up close and personal with wildlife from across the world.
Facebook Followers 715Twitter Followers 178Instagram Followers 488 Since Nov 2006
25. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley | Youtube RSS Feed
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The Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (MVZ) at the University of California, Berkeley, is a center for research and education in the biology of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. We provide videos on international research on evolutionary biology from the perspectives of systematic, ecology, behavior, functional and developmental morphology, population biology, and evolutionary genomics.MORE Facebook Followers 1.3K Since May 2011
26. No Bones | Department of Invertebrate Zoology News RSS Feed
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This blog contains postings from the broad diversity of individuals who make up the Invertebrate Zoology community. It is meant to be a spot for reporting bothhappenings and topics of interest to IZ community membersto an audience ranging from others interested in invertebrate zoology.MORE Facebook Followers 5KTwitter Followers 7.4K Since Apr 2016
27. CRYPTOZOOLOGY ONLINE: Still on the Track RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Jon Downes. I am an author, musician, filmmaker, manic-depressive, singer, grandad, editor, husband, stepdad, poet, cripple, cryptozoologist & Director, Centre for Fortean Zoology. I blog about cryptozoology.MORE Twitter Followers 1.2K Since Sep 2005
28. Cryptozoology Online: Daily News RSS Feed
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Find posts and updates on cryptozoology.
Twitter Followers 3.5K Since Feb 2009
29. Carl Safina Blog RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Carl Safina and I'm the founding president of The Safina Center. I blog about nature, science, living animals and their experiences.
Facebook Followers 11.8KTwitter Followers 21.5K Since May 2007
30. Amazing Zoology RSS Feed
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Amazing Zoology is a website dedicated to providing new findings related to animals science from animal diversity to molecular biology. Find posts and updates on latest findings and activities in zoology with articles, videos, lessons and text book series.MORE Facebook Followers 8.6KTwitter Followers 303Instagram Followers 52
31. EcoEvo@TCD RSS Feed
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The Ecology & Evolution blog of the School of Natural Sciences, Trinity College Dublin. Find posts and updates on plant-pollinator networks, food-webs, ecosystem stability, animal social interaction networks, parasitology, plant systematics, marine biology, morphological evolution, palaeontology, behavioural ecology, biodiversity research and developmental biology.MORE Facebook Followers 187Twitter Followers 1K Since Sep 2012
32. Zoology for Kids Blog RSS Feed
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Zoology for Kids is a science book that connects wildlife enthusiasts to the wonderful world of zoology. It covers science news, highlight conservation issues and success stories, and interview zoologists.MORE Facebook Followers 3.5KTwitter Followers 648 Since Jul 2016
33. Conjour RSS Feed
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Conjour is a conservation magazine focused on animal conservation education and celebration, zoological reviews and wildlife photography features.
Facebook Followers 1.3KTwitter Followers 330Instagram Followers 3.9K Since Sep 2016
34. Speculative Evolution RSS Feed
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Speculative biology is simultaneously a science and form of art in which one speculates on the possibilities of life and evolution.
Facebook Followers 1.6KTwitter Followers 82 Since Feb 2014
35. whogivesamonkeys RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Asha Tanna. I am Brit journo w a Masters in Primate Biology/Behaviour & Conservation. I qualified with a Masters in Primate Biology, Behaviour and Conservation in 2012.
Twitter Followers 1.9K Since Nov 2010
36. Zoology At MHS RSS Feed
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Zoology At MHS is a page is designed to help Middletown High School students stay connected with the world of zoology outside of the classroom.
Twitter Followers 206 Since Aug 2010
37. Zoology note RSS Feed
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Hi I'm Matthew. I'm currently studying Zoology with Herpetology at Bangor University and have had a passion for wildlife my entire life. Zoology notes is, a collection of my jottings as a zoologist. It will be containing records of creatures that I find, information on animals that I am particularly interested in, news from the world of zoology and a few tips and tricks that I pick up.MORE Since Aug 2015
38. Zoology Guru RSS Feed
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Follow to get updates on zoology from Zoology Guru.
Since Apr 2020
39. Dr. Jungles Pets and Animal Speak RSS Feed
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Dr. Jungles Pets and Animal Speak is a encyclopedia of animals, Educational resource for animals and pets, pet care and animal pictures for dogs, cats, fish, birds, saltwater fish, exotic pets, coral reef, small animals, reptiles, amphibians, and horses.MORE
40. Biome Media RSS Feed
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Sharing interesting information about topics in ecology, zoology, anatomy, and the natural world. Join us on this journey of discovery, where we learn about the natural world around us with a focus on zoology and ecology. We explore through the lens of functional anatomy to find out how animals move, survive, and reproduce.MORE
41. The A to Z of Amazing Zoology RSS Feed
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I find the entire animal kingdom fascinating. I blog about animal kingdom.
42. RSS Feed
RSS Feed Follow RSS Website is a website for the students and researchers in Zoology and Entomology. I blog about zoology and entomology.
43. Real Monstrosities RSS Feed
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Real Monstrosities is a journey amongst the weird, the wonderful and the downright ugly of the natural world. Find posts on various monstrous wildlife.
Facebook Followers 2.3KTwitter Followers 650 Since Jun 2013
44. Let's do Some Zoology RSS Feed
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Hi, I'm Andrew and I'm just a simple zoology student and crustacean researcher from Ohio. This blog centers around animal IDs. I also occasionally post random zoology/animal factoid things.
Since Jun 2012
45. Zoology Learning Point RSS Feed
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Zoology Learning Point is a website is specially meant for students of B.Sc. (Biology group), M.Sc. (Zoology). A separate section in the name of Primary Education is specially meant to fulfil the needs of primary education. This website is created to fulfill the needs of students of Life sciences specially Zoology.MORE